
HKIE Enginpreneurs Hub Webinar - In Search of Excellence Through Innovation

 The HKIE Enginpreneurs Hub Webinar named “In Search of Excellence Through Innovation” was held on 5th Feb 2021. The Enginepreneurs (EP) Hub is an initiative of the Institution under the Presidential Theme of Session 2020/2021, “Believing is seeing – Innovation for transformation”, which seeks to draw from the combined talents and ample experience of all HKIE members’ innovative ideas.

The guest speaker was Ir. Dr. Victor Lo (President & Founding Director, ISIHK (Institute of Systematic Innovation, Hong Kong)). Firstly he introduced the topics of webinar including innovation background, TRIZ, Design Thinking and Innovation Management System, etc.

Then Dr. Victor Lo mentioned his understanding on Enginpreneurs meaning that some engineers start their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity and taking risks.  And then he briefed the innovation development widewide and especially reviewed in Hong Kong in 2018 & 2019.

The evolution of survival strategies from Productivity to Quality and then to Innovation was discussed. Dr. Lo raised that two directions for innovation and they were “Human Centered Innovation” (Empathy) and “Systematic Innovation” (TRIZ).

After that he introduced his PKIR (問知創行) innovation model where PProblem identification, KKnowledge acquisition, IIdeation and RRealization.  And his innovation definition as Need ()to New () plus Function () that create Value ().

Finally, he introduced management system ISO 56002.  He quoted INsourcing Innovation about organization capability trend from structured productivity to structured quality and then to structured innovation.

Then structure of ISO 56002 was briefed.

Some essential clauses were explained including cl.8 operation, cl.4 context of the organization, cl.5 leadership, cl.6 planning, cl.7 support, cl.9 performance evaluation.

Lastly, he showed different innovative cases and quoted Albert Einstein statement that “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world.” He also used to learn Chinese chess as example to learn innovation that it is not difficult but need to practice that make you to be master.

At the end, Ir. Prof. P.L. Yuen presented HKIE tie to Ir. Dr. Victor Lo.  A good new that Ir. Dr. Victor Lo donated 100 his books for HKIE members.


HKIE - https://www.hkie.org.hk/en/

President's Message for 'The Enginpreneurs Hub' (EP Hub) - https://hkie.org.hk/en/discover/aboutpresident/

Ir. Dr. Victor Lo previous related activities:

20190103: Insights for Innovation Management of HK Enterprises 2019 – Survey Announcement Day - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/01/insights-for-innovation-management-of.html?m=1

20160429: HKIE-MI AGM Seminar on Developing an Innovation Workforce - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/04/hkie-mi-agm-seminar-on-developing.html

20150716: The 6th International Conference on Systematic Innovation - ICSI 2015 (Day 2) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2015/07/the-6th-international-conference-on_16.html

20150207: HKSQ & ISI Workshop of Innovative Total Quality Improvement (iTQI) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2015/02/hksq-isi-workshop-of-innovative-total.html

