
Insights for Innovation Management of HK Enterprises 2019 – Survey Announcement Day

SGS, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems at HKU and InnoEdge held a survey announcement day “Insights for Innovation Management of HK Enterprises 2019” together on 3rd Jan 2019.  This survey was conducted between August 2018 and October 2018 and findings of the survey regarding the strategic positioning, resource, management systems, technology and culture for innovation management in an enterprise.  Before the seminar, I met many friends and took a photo for memory.

Dr. Victor Lo (President, ISIHK) and I

Mr. David T.W. Chung (Senior Partner, InnoEdge Consulting Ltd.) and I

I also met Dr. YC Chau (Adjunct Professor, SEEM Dept., CityU)

Dr. Victor Lo (President, ISIHK) was the first speaker and his topic named “From ISO 9000 to CEN/TS 16555”.  He told us that many enterprise knew how Quality important is but they didn’t know how to implement it systematically in 1990s. Then Hong Kong government promoted “Make it better in Hong Kong” in early 1990s. He was one of promotors.  

Then Dr. Lo said the improvement cycle happened again and again. The earliest was Productivity, and then Quality, now Innovation.  However, same question asked by many enterprise that they knew how Innovation important is but they didn’t know how to implement it systematically now.  

However, Innovation is not a new things.  Western countries had promoted as early as ten years ago.  For instance, 3 major innovation investment in UK at 2007 were Design, Innovative Skill and Organizational Innovation. 

After that Dr. Lo briefed the three level of innovation from the top layer is Innovation Philosophy, middle layer is management systems (e.g. CEN/TS 16555, ISO 50501), and the third layer is Innovative method/tools (e.g. TRIZ, Design Thinking). Where ISO 50501 was under construction by ISO TC/279.  (Remark: I was the first observer in ISO TC/279 in Hong Kong.)  Finally, Dr. Lo quoted David Silverstein, et al., book named “Insourcing Innovation: How to Achieve Competitive Excellence Using TRIZ” that organization development from Structured Productivity to Structured Quality and then to Structured Innovation.

Ms. Miranda Kwan (Director, Certification and Business Enhancement, SGS HK Ltd.) was the second speaker and her topic entitled “A Systematic Approach to Managing Innovation”. Firstly, Miranda briefed SGS services and asked how to implement innovation management systemically.  

Then she introduced the innovation management system from CEN/TS 16555-1:2013.  The standard aims to guide organization to introduce, develop and maintain a framework for systematic innovation management practices. 

The overall model was showed as the following diagram and the Innovation Funnel was showed in the center of the model from idea to be innovation results.

Finally, she shared some cases using the diagnosis of existing enterprise situation to conduct assessment so as to understand the strength and weakness on innovation based on CEN/TS 16555-1:2013.  

Mr. David T.W. Chung (Senior Partner, InnoEdge Consulting Ltd.) was the last speaker and his presentation named “Summary of Survey Results”. Before review the survey result, Mr. David Chung reviewed the definition of Innovation from ASQ (https://asq.org/quality-resources/innovation) and PD CEN/TS 16555-1:2013 (Innovation – implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, new marketing method, or new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations).  The key different between ASQ and the standard was the word “Significantly”.

Then David mentioned the survey was performed from 21 Aug to 14 Oct 2018 with 400 valid samples.  The distribution of company sizes were ~60% SME, ~20% Startup and ~20% Listed and Large Enterprise. About 80% of those companies’ capital are from Hong Kong. The following diagram demonstrated the industries distribution.

There are five major focuses of the Findings and insights:
1.      Competitiveness of Hong Kong Enterprises (~70% responses that HK falling behind main cities of mainland China for innovation)
2.      Strategic positioning of innovation (From key concern to priorities)
3.      Major Innovation Scope and Common Indicators
4.      Critical Driving forces and Major Challenges
5.      Business Impacts of Innovation 

In the first point, three most significant criteria for the enhancement to the competitiveness for innovation identified as corporate culture, leadership and potential needs awareness. 

In the third point, three major scopes for implementation of innovation were Business Models (22.3%), Customer experience (20.8%) and Marketing (14.2%).  The three most common indicators for the success through innovation were Business growth (22.6%), Customer acquisition and retention (19.1%) and Return in innovation investment (14.4%). 

In the fourth point, three significant driving force were Cooperation and fairness upheld as the working style (32.2%), Sufficient time and encouragement for trying (27.3%) and Open communication for supporting idea exchanges (27.0%).  However, there had three most challenges from internal factors and external factors showed in following diagram.

Finally, David mentioned the last focus finding about sales volume would be affected if no innovation and technology implemented in your company, most responses said sale would fall from 5% to 20%. 

At the end, Q&A Session was performed by Dr. Victor Lo, Dr. HH Cheung (Lecturer, Depart. Of IMSE, HKU), Mr. David Chung and Ms. Miranda Kwan.

Miranda said their group business plan sharing was fail in the beginning because they were not ready.  After few years, they succeed to implement so as to allow group member to discuss, align and combine for common goal. 

Victor said one of innovation key success factors was dare to say.  He used TRIZ tool as separation of time and space such as Towngas dream zone. He added to incubate new idea usually used 3 months. 

David answered the change for innovation if old staff didn’t want to change.  He showed a success example in food chain restaurant that should be considered both internal and external customer experience on the new process. 

Lastly, all guest speakers were took a group photo.

20170804: SGS Seminar on “How Sustainability Sparks Innovation” - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/08/sgs-seminar-on-how-sustainability.html

I was the first one to provide speech on CEN/TS 16555-1: 2013 in Hong Kong since Jan 2015 and then presented the integrated quality and innovation management system, as well as, different innovation tools (e.g. TRIZ and Extenics) in different international conference worldwide.  Moreover, I was the first one Hong Kong observer to ISO/TC 279 Innovation Management for ISO 50501 and its series.
My first blog article related to Innovation on 14 Jun 2009.
20090614: Innovation / Creativity Management (BS 7000-1:2008) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2009/06/innovation-creativity-management-bs.html
20171230: 總結對可拓學推動的貢獻與成果2016-2017 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/12/2016-2017.html

My past talk about CEN/TS 16555-1: 2013:
20150124: HKSTP & HKSQ Seminar on System Approach to Innovative Management - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/01/hkstp-hksq-seminar-on-system-approach.html
My first talk about CEN/TS 16555-1:2013 on 20150124 and notes at http://www.hksq.org/HKSTP-HKSQ-InnoMS-Seminar-20150124-Lotto.pdf
20150730: Towngas CPD Seminar - Quality & Innovation Management System - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/07/towngas-cpd-seminar-quality-innovation.html
20160618: CityU EngD Society Discovery & Innovation Seminar and AGM 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/06/cityu-engd-society-discovery-innovation.html
20160722: IIE(HK) Innovation Talk on CIEDH & IISEAsia 2016 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/iiehk-innovation-talk-on-ciedh-iiseasia.html
20160728: TRIZfest 2016 – Day 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/trizfest-2016-day-1.html (In Beijing)
20161007: CUHK Guest Lecture for Innovation Management and HKSQ Membership Drive - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/10/cuhk-guest-lecture-for-innovation.html
20171130: The 6th National Quality Conference 2017 in Dammam, Saudi Arabia – Day 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-6th-national-quality-conference_30.html
20180510: ISSC Asia Quality Management Symposium 2018 cum Annual Dinner - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/05/issc-asia-quality-management-symposium.html

