
Extenics Channel: How to write Master/Doctorate Thesis (English)

 Extenics Channel is a new YouTube Channel for promoting Extenics and issued on 12th Feb 2020. It separated into three video list for Cantonese, English and Mandarin.  In 2021, a new video list created for “Master/Doctorate Thesis Writing” and prepared using English in 1st Feb 2021. The video aims to sharing my experience on thesis writing to make it easy.

Chapter 1 - Introduction (Procedure and Method)

1. How to seek “Problem”?

2. Research Methodology

3. Research Result Realization

4. Others


Chapter 2 - Problem Identification

Part 1 Research Motivation (研究動機)

a) Theoretical Discussion (學理探討)

b) Technology Development (科技發展)

c) Social Needs (社會需要)

d) Personal Factor (個人因素)

Part 2 Research Purpose and Problem Formation (研究目的和問題形成)

a) Research Purpose (研究目的)

b) Problem Formation (問題的形成)


Chapter 3 - Literature Review

Part 1 Nature of Literature Review (文獻評論的本質)

a) Importance and Purpose (重要性和目的)

b) Frequency Wrong Concept (經常性錯誤概念)

c) Close relationship between Literature Review and Research Problem (文獻綜述與研究問題的密切關係)

Part 2 Method of Literature Review (文獻評論的方法)

a) Source and Search (來源和搜索)

b) Basic Steps of Literature Review (文獻評論的基本步驟)


Chapter 4 - Innovative Idea Generation

Part 1 Nature of Innovative/Original Idea (創見的本質)

a) Definition of Innovative/Original Idea (創見的定義)

b) Characteristics of Innovative/Original Idea (創見的特性)

c) Generation method of Innovative/Original Idea (創見產生的方式)

Part 2 Innovative/Original Idea form and Research Framework (創見的形式和研究架構)

a) Propose Hypothesis (假設的提出)

b) Formation of Framework (架構的形成)


Chapter 5 - Research Methodology (Fundamental)

Part 1 Basic Attitude (基本態度)

a) Read More, Think More (多讀多思考)

b) Process itself is Purpose. (過程本身就是目的。)

c) Multi-discipline Crossover is Important! (交叉學科很重要!)

d) Consider Method Seriously (重視方法)

Part 2 Research Approach and Methodology (研究途徑與研究方法)

a) Focus Factors on Thesis of Master or Doctorate Degree

b) Scientific Research and Method Problem (科學研究與方法問題)

c) Scientific Method and its Steps (科學方法及其步驟)

d) Simple Comparison between Research Approach and Research Method (研究途徑與研究方法的簡單比較)


Chapter 6 - Research Methodology (Scientific field_Social science)

Part 1 Nature and Applied Science (自然與應用科學 )

a) Selection of Research Materials (研究資料的選擇)

b) Analysis of Research Materials (研究資料的分析)

c) Verification of Research Materials (研究資料的驗證)

d) Research Case Study (案例研究)

Part 2 Social Science (社會科學)

a) Social Science Research Methodology (社會科學研究方法論)

b) Research Approach Model (研究方式途徑- 模型)


Chapter 7 - Research Result

Part 1 Composing Strategy (撰寫策略)

a) Holistic Strategy (整體策略)

b) Writing Sequence (寫作順序)

Part 2 Discourse strategy (論述策略)

a) Fundamental Method of Discourse (論述的基本方法)

b) Further Argument (進一步論證)

c) Writing for Preface/Introduction and Conclusion (撰寫緒論/引言和結論)

d) Presentation Method (呈現方式)


 Chapter 8 - Conclusion and Reference

1. Preliminaries (篇首)

2. Body (主體)

3. Conclusions and Remarks (結論與展望)

4. References (引用資料)


可拓頻道 Extenics Channel – Video Play List



朱浤源著 (1999) “撰寫博碩士論文實戰手冊正中書局股份有限公司

LAI Kim Hung (1997) “Detailed investigations on the inorganic chemical constituents of atmospheric aerosol and various deposition in Hong Kong”, Thesis of MPhil in Atmospheric Chemistry, CityU.

LAI Kim Hung (2001) “A study of the characteristic of Indoor Air Quality in the multi-purpose premises”, Dissertation of MSc in Environmental Engineering, PolyU.

LAI Kim Hung (2010) “The Development of QMS based Information Security Management (QISM) Implementation Model”, Thesis of EngD in Engineering Management, CityU.

20210108: Extenics Channel: How to write Master/Doctorate Thesis (Cantonese) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/01/extenics-channel-how-to-write.html

