The 1st
World Summit for Chinese Quality was organized by Pre-World Alliance for
Chinese Quality (WACQ) (全球華人品質聯盟(籌)),
co-organized by Hong
Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) and Department of Systems Engineering and
Engineering Management (SEEM), City University of Hong Kong on 8 July 2016.
The founding members of Pre-World Alliance for Chinese included China Association for Quality
(CAQ), Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ), Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ)
and Singapore Quality Institute (SQI).
This Alliance was established after the 3rd Chinese Quality
Forum (CQF) in Beijing in 2015.
In the beginning, Ir. Dr. The Hon WK Lo (盧偉國) (Representative of the
Engineering Functional Constituency of the Legislative Council and Chairman of
HKQAA) gave an opening speech.
He reviewed
China history and found that Qin Dynasty strong because of focusing on science
and technology. In this Dynasty, the
first standardization process had been done including word and road in China. He also added the tools made by Bronze which
was a complicated process at that time and not depended on one man but a team. So Quality has long history in China Culture
and we needed to re-discover it and enhance its spirit again.
Dr. WK Lo needed to attend Legco meeting this morning, we took a group photo
with all participants first.
HKSQ chairman Mr. Peter Fung (馮光) gave a welcome speech and introduced the 30th anniversary
of HKSQ and briefed our development history.
Dr. KS
Chin (錢桂生) (Associate
Head and Associate Professor, SEEM Dept., CityU; Former Chairman of HKSQ) gave
a welcome speech and briefed the first Quality Degree course named “Bachelor of
Engineering in Total Quality Engineering (BENG TQE)” in Hong Kong.
that Prof. Tang Xiaoqing (唐曉青) (Vice-chairperson, CAQ) gave speech on behalf of Pre-World Alliance
for Chinese Quality (WACQ) and held the ceremony of the 1st World
Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ).
society representative took a photo for established WACQ.
Mr. Peter Fung (馮光) (HKSQ), Mr.
Liu Li Tsung (劉黎宗) (CSQ), Ms.
Duan Yihong (段一泓) (CAQ), Prof.
Tang Xiaoqing (唐曉青) (CAQ), Mr.
Kenneth Liang (梁偉賢) (SQI)
and Dr. Lotto Lai (黎劍虹) (HKSQ)).