
Visit to Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Centre (廣州大學城)

Today, I visited the Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Centre (GZ He. Mega Centre) (廣州大學城). There is a large city in the island with Ten Universities together. It is an innovation building to form education clusters in short period of time. The GZ He. Mega Centre has started the construction since 2003 and the Phase I finished after 19 months. The Map of GZ He. Mega Centre was shown below.

We visited the outer circle of the Centre by car and took some photos in front of universities.
First university I visited was Sun Yat-sen University (中山大學).

Then I visited Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (廣東外語外貿大學).

The next one was Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (廣州中醫葯大學).

In the South China University of Technology (華南理工大學), we saw the university motto "博學慎思 明辨篤行".

At that time, the Unvelling Ceremony of Sino-America Innovation College of South China University of Technology & Rutgers University was arranged.

The next university was Guangdong University of Technology (廣東工業大學). My uncle serviced in here.

I found that the Guangzhou National IC Design Industrialization Center for Modern Service Industry (廣州國家現代服務業 集成電路設計產業化基地) was established in the university (http://www.gzicc.cn/).   I remembered that HKSTP had teamed up with the seven regional IC design centres in the Mainland to form a strategic alliance, known as the "7+1" arrangement.

Guangzhou University (廣州大學) was the next station.

Then we visited South China Normal University (華南師範大學) that my uncle lived in the old campus of that university.

Xinghai Conservatory of Music (星海音樂學院) was the last visit location.

Guangzhou (GZ) Higher Education Mega Centre (Gz He. Mega Centre) 廣州大學城 - http://www.guangzhou.gov.cn/special/2006/node_969/
广州大学城规划设计视频 (Design and Planing in Mandarin) - http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTE4NTE3NzAw.html
ATV视频: 广州大学城 (Introduction in Cantonese) - http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA2OTA0MDg=.html
Gz He. Mega Centre - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guangzhou_Higher_Education_Mega_Center
廣州大學城 - http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/广州大学城

