
HKCTC Seminar on Software Testing Service

The Seminar on Software Testing Service was co-organized by the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC), Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS), Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) on 14 January 2013. The seminar invited experts from the Mainland and overseas to share their insights into the international trend of software testing services. I would like to summarize the seminar below for sharing.

In the beginning, Mr. Gary LAI (Assistant Government Chief Information Officer (Digital Economy Facilitation)) gave an opening remarks.

Then Mr. Sunny WK LEE (Convener, Panel for Promoting Testing and Certification Services in Information and Communications Technologies Trade, HKCTC) gave a welcoming remarks.

Group photo

Cooperation Framework Agreement on Software Testing and Certification Services between Zhuhai Southern Software and Network Evaluation and Testing Center and Hong Kong Productivity Council - Signing Ceremony

The first speaker was Dr. YU Min (Engineer, Fifth Electronic Research Institute, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (China Ceprei Laboratory)) and her presentation topic was "Testing of IT Products based on GuoBiao (GB) Standards".

Dr. Yu introduced the third party for software testing in the mainland and international testing requirement on software product and information system. She said the third party software testing body should be independent and the testing requirement based on the following GuoBiao (GB) Standards:
- GB/T 25000.51-2010 (equivalent to ISO/IEC 25051:2006)
- GB/T 16260.1-2006 (equivalent to ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001)
- GB/T 8566-2007
- GB/T 8567-2006
- GB/T 11457-2006
- GB/T 18905-2002

The software quality requirement included Functionality, Reliability, Usability, Efficiency, Maintainability, Transfer-ability, Applicability and user filing.

The Dr. Yu briefed the internal and external quality based on GB/T 16260.1 for information system.

Finally, Dr. Yu summarized that the key implementation industries in mainland included medical, financial, nuclear power and electricity, and railway information system.

The second speaker was Ms. HOU Jianhua (Senior Engineer, Zhuhai Southern Software and Network Evaluation and Testing Center) and her presentation was "Software Quality Assurance and Security Protection Technology Standards".

Ms. Hou introduced the software engineering technical requirement and quality assurance standard systems, as well as, information security protection standard system. Software development and maintenance GB standards were mentioned.

After that Ms. Hou briefed the ISO/IEC 20000 technical standard system included quality model, requirement, measurement and evaluation.

She also introduced the 5 level of information system security based on a series of GB/T standards and the case study for using GB/T 9385-2008 was shared.

The first Q&A session

After tea break, Mr. CHOE Gum-ho (Director, Ministry of Knowledge Economy; Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (KOLAS)) was the third speaker and he presented the topic "Accreditation Program of Software Testing in Korea and Other Countries".

Mr. Choe introduced the nationally recognized software program. In Korea, there were two track system of software testing that the first one was Nationally Recognized Testing & Certification and the second one was KOLAS Accredited Testing Laboratories. The following diagram showed the collection of ISO/IEC JTC 1 standards.

Results of survey on APLAC's accreditation bodies (ABs) was shared and found that many ABs had not ready for providing software testing accreditation service. Mr. Choe said they focused on product quality and security based on ISO/IEC 9126, 25000 and IEC 61508, etc. It would be extended to safety management system and healthcare information technology based on ISO 26262, technical regulations, etc.

The fourth speaker was Dr. Mark PEDERSEN (National Innovation Manager, K.J. Ross & Associates) and his presentation named "Software Testing Industry Trends and Standards in Australia".

Dr. Pedersen highlighted the 2012 Australian Software Testing Industry. The ratio of testing team structure was showed. Usually, the ratio of test manager to team was 1:11; test directors to team was 1 to 70; and testers to developers was 1:5.

Dr. Pedersen said NATA accreditation for software testing in Australia based on ISO/IEC 29119. The scope and structure of that standard was mentioned. Finally, Dr. Pedersen concluded that opportunities for off-shore software testing services were increasing in the commercial arena but the cost imperatives for compliance testing was important.

The second Q&A session

HKCTC - http://www.hkctc.gov.hk/en/about.html
HKAS - http://www.itc.gov.hk/en/quality/hkas/about.htm
OGCIO - http://www.ogcio.gov.hk/en/index.htm
HKPC - http://www.hkpc.org/

