
ASQ InfVoices - Definition of Quality (Q = SS → DR. TREFOT)

The New year first Topic of ASQ Influential Voice was raised by Paul Borawski (CEO, ASQ) that "How Do You Define Quality". After reviewed different Quality Gurus' definition below and I tried to define that "Quality is to achieve Stakeholders Satisfaction (SS) through Do the Right Things Right the First Time, Every Time and On Time." (Q = SS → DR. TREFOT)
(The sequence of First Time and Every Time (FE) was exchanged (EF) so as to fit the word "Trefot". The other meaning could be Every First Time (EF).)
Trefot - A symbol formed from a three armed spiral used in Heathenry to represent the god Woden or the Norns. An ancient universal symbol, the Trefot is set among three spirals of continual motion, which signify the three realms of being, and is said to create opportunities. (See photo below)
Trefot (or tripod) - a three-legged support that is often used to support or hold something in working height, or to keep something quiet. (See photo below)

Stakeholders Satisfaction (SS) include customers, staffs and interested parties, meaning that quality is not only for customer satisfaction. This concept has started since ISO 14001:1996 Environmental Management System and then enhanced to CSR and Sustainability Development.

Do the Right Things is related to the leadership and direction of service and product design which fit for customer expectation.

Do the Things Right is the basic concept of quality control through reduction in variation such as 6 sigma implementation on production line.

First Time, Every Time is reduced the loss imparted to society and make sure the process and product quality consistent.

On Time is the most important that Product Life Cycle is shorter and shorter; and Time to Market is critical success factor of your product or service. Your customer cannot wait, therefore, the previous ASQ influential voice article topics are discussed about Quality Velocity and Acceleration.

Definition of Quality by Quality Gurus and its relationship to Q = SS → DR. TREFOT
W. Edwards Demining: A function of continuous improvement based on reduction in variation around the desired output. (Do the Things Right Every Time)
Philip B. Crosby: Conformance of requirements (Zero Defects & do it right the first time) (Do the Things Right the First Time)
Joseph M. Juran: Fitness for use or purpose (Do the Right Things)
Armand V. Feigenbaum: A way of running a business organization (Total Quality Control) (Do the Things Right)
Kaoru Ishikawa: Quality of product, service, management, the company itself and the human being.  (Do the Things Right)
John S. Oakland: Quality is meeting the customer's requirements. (Do the Right Things On Time)
Shigeo Shingo: Detects in a process (Do the Things Right)
Genichi Taguchi: The loss imparted to society from the time a non-quality product is shipped. (To avoid that LOSS, Do the Right Things Right the First Time, Every Time and On Time.)

Definition of Quality in ISO 9000:2005
3.1 Terms relating to quality
3.1.1 Quality - degree to which a set of inherent characteristics (3.5.1) fulfils requirements (3.1.2)
3.1.2 requirements - need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory
3.5.1 characteristics - distinguishing feature
John Beckford (2002) "Quality" (2nd edition) London and New York
J. Michael Crouch (1997) "What You Can Do to Improve Quality" at http://www.qualitydigest.com/july97/html/q4one.html
Photo of Jewelled Trefot at http://www.the-covenstead.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=28_63
The Quality Velocity and Balance - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2012/09/asq-infvoices-quality-velocity-and.html
The Quality Law of Motion - Acceleration - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2012/11/asq-infvoices-quality-law-of-motion.html

