
Briefing Session on ICT Standards – Mainland and Hong Kong (Part 2)

A Briefing Session on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Standards – Mainland and Hong Kong (內地與香港信息通訊技術標準交流與合作研討會) held by Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) on 3 November 2010.

Session Two (ICT Technology, Internet, DTV, AVS & TD-SCDMA/TD-LTE)

In session two, the first speaker was Mr. K.K. Suen (香港貨品編碼協會總工程師及首席顧問 - 孫國江先生) and his presentation title was “The importance of ITC standards and direction on cross-boundary application” (探討在跨境應用層面上 信息標準的重要性和發展方向).

Then Mr. Suen introduced the ITC platforms in the international logistic. He said that the exchange of logistic information was very import such as cool chain.

RFID is the research items of standard in Guangdong

Finally, Mr. Suen suggested to enhance the awareness on the ITC standards to industry and encourage to apply the standard in different platforms.

The second speaker was Mr. Wen Ku (國家工業和信息化部科技司聞庫司長) and his topic was “The development opportunity of Ubiquitous Network / The Internet of Things” (泛在/物聯網的發展機遇).

Mr. Wen briefed the definition of Internet of Things (IOT) as “In computing, the Internet of things, also known as the Internet of objects, refers to the networked interconnection of everyday objects. It is described as a self-configuring wireless network of sensors whose purpose would be to interconnect all things. The concept is attributed to the former Auto-ID Center, founded in 1999, based at the time at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)” (From Wikipedia).

IOT was concerned by different National Leaders in the strategy of economic and technology development.

The following showed the internet segmentation model.

There were many standards in IOT included URL, Ipv4, GS1, AIM Global, RFID, etc.

Many international organizations were involved in IOT. Such as ISO, IEEE, EPCglobal, GSM, etc.

Mr. Wen concluded the key development in IOT as follows:

i) breakthrough the core technology

ii) Integrated the supply chain

iii) Established the related standard

iv) Training and developing talent pool

The third speaker was Mr. Chan (香港電訊管理局總電訊工程師 - 陳子儀先生) and his presentation entitled “Digital audio codec technology standard and terrestrial digital TV transmission standard” (數字音視頻編解碼技術標準及地面數位電視傳輸標準)

Mr. Chan introduced that GB20600-2006 national standard was decided to employ in June 2007. DTV covered about 85% population of Hong Kong and over than 53.3% family recevied DTV at the end of 2009.

Hong Kong used reception technical standard named HKTA1108.

HK Government invited parties to apply the channel from 219.584MHz to 221.120 MHz for digital audio.

Then Mr. Chan mentioned the ITC development from 1G to 4G.

LTE technology was discussed.

Mr. Chan said TD-LTE and TD-LTE Advanced was one of key technology development in China and he invited Hong Kong industry and professional for participating the development of standard.

Mr. Wong (AVS標準工作組秘書長黃鐵軍先生) was the forth speaker and he presented topic (數字音視頻編解碼技術標準AVS情況介紹與最新進展)

Firstly, Mr. Wong introduced some international standard used in AVSAudio and Video coding Standardsuch as ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29, ITU-T and JTC1 + ITU, etc.

The application license fee of MPEG was so large, because of seldom IP owned in China.

Therefore, the common patent policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC were expected to grant a free of charge license to an unrestricted number of application on a worldwide.

For example, Google announced WebM would be free to insert H.264 standard.

ITU-T IPTV was included AVS on July 2009.

The following AVS trend was showed in sequence of MPEC-1, MPEC-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-4 AVC, AVS, etc.

Mr. Cheung (中國電子技術標準化研究所主任 張素兵先生) was the fifth speaker and his presentation was “The introduction of the application of terrestrial digital TV and its transmission standard” (地面數位電視傳輸標準及應用現狀介紹).

Firstly, Mr. Cheung briefed the development of terrestrial digital TV in China especially the Olympus in Beijing 2008.

He explained the situation of terrestrial digital TV in China in 5 points.

i) The technology of core device was mature.

ii) Digital TV industry was mature.

iii) The completion of terrestrial digital TV standard in China.

iv) R&D and testing platform was established.

v) The Internationalization of DTMB standard was in progress.

The last speaker in session two was Mr. Man (國家工業和信息化部電信研究院標準所無線室主任 萬屹先生) and his topic named “The development of TD-SCDMA/TD-LTE standard system” (TD-SCDMA/TD-LTE 標準系統及其演進).

Mr. Man briefed the TD-LTE technology testing environment below.

Moreover, the testing progress and development plan was mentioned.

The different steps for the development of mobile communication were demonstrated.

There were 5 countries proposed different IMT-Advanced selection in October 2009.

At the end, the speaker concluded the development of technology to be “Use for one generation, Research for one generation, Prepare for one generation”


GS1 Hong Kong: www.gs1hk.org

MPEGLA: www.mpegla.com

