
Briefing Session on ICT Standards – Mainland and Hong Kong (Part 1)

A Briefing Session on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Standards – Mainland and Hong Kong (內地與香港信息通訊技術標準交流與合作研討會) held by Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) on 3 November 2010. It aims to enhance ICT technology standard between Mainland and Hong Kong through cooperation of professionals in both areas.

Ms. Janet Wong (香港創新科技署王榮珍署長, Commissioner of ITC) gave a welcoming speech.

Mr. Chiu (國家工業和信息化部 (港澳台辦) 趙文智副主任) gave an opening speech.

Ms. Wong and Mr. Chiu presented souvenir to each other.

Then a group photo was taken for memory.

Session One – Main Speech (Standard development in Mainland and Hong Kong)

The first speaker in Session One was Ching Pak-chung (香港檢測和認證局主席程伯中教授) and his topic was “Testing, Certification and Technical Standard in Hong Kong”.

Prof. Ching introduced that the testing and certification industry was identified as one of six economic areas in Hong Kong. Therefore, Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC) was established in September 2009 based on the suggestion of Task Force on Economic Challenges.

Prof. Ching said the vision of HKCTC was “Hong Kong to develop into a testing and certification hub in the region by reinforcing the branding of Tested in Hong Kong, Certified in Hong Kong.” The major service areas were Five Mature Trades identified as Textiles, Clothing and Footwear, Toys and Games, Electrical Products, and Medical Testing; and Four Selected Trades included Chinese Medicine, Construction Materials, Food and Jewellery.

Prof. Ching mentioned many international standards (e.g. ISO, IEC) were employed in Hong Kong because of international trading. HKCTC would enhance the standards awareness and participating standard development through invite experts to join ISO technical committee.

Moreover, some local industry standards were also developed such as Fei Cui testing.

Different product testing standards and management system standards were employed in testing and certification industry in Hong Kong.

Finally, Prof. Ching suggested establishing a platform for experts in Mainland and Hong Kong to share the information and resource. Moreover, it could enhance the cooperation between experts in both areas to establish new standards and then to promote worldwide, so as to increase the international reputation.

The second speaker was Ms.代 (國家工業和信息化部科技司代曉慧副巡視員) and her topic named “Overview of Industrial and Communication Standardization”(工業和通信業標準化概況).

She briefed the background of standardization in China, work process and how Hong Kong to participate the work of standardization in Mainland.

She introduced the legal requirement of the standardization in China.

It was separated into two types. One was national level and the other was industrial level. (One more type was not mentioned in here that was location level.) The standards were also separated into mandatory and recommendation.

Then she stated the five elements of working procedure of standardization included Technology Innovation, Testing and Certification, Application and Promotion, Industrialization and Intellectual Property.

The following diagram showed the main steps of standardization.

Finally, she suggested Hong Kong could join the standardization work in China through two organizations. They were China Electronics Standardization Association (中國電子工業標準化技術協會) and China Communications Standards Association (中國通信標準化協會).

Innovation and Technology Commission:
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the PRC (國家工業和信息化部):
Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification:
China Electronics Standardization Association (中國電子工業標準化技術協會):
China Communications Standards Association (中國通信標準化協會):

