
Briefing Session on ICT Standards – Mainland and Hong Kong (Part 3)

A Briefing Session on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Standards – Mainland and Hong Kong (內地與香港信息通訊技術標準交流與合作研討會) held by Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) on 3 November 2010.

Session Three ( E-book, E-Learning, Internet and LED Technology)

The first speaker in session three was Dr. Sheung-Chang Chao (VP & Group Director – Enterprise & Consumer electronics, ASTRI) and his topic entitled “ePUB v3.0 for e-Learning” (ePUB v3.0 為電子學習帶來的契機).

Dr. Chao said e-reading is different to e-learning. ePUB v3.0 was used for primary student. It was not teaching student automatically but considered individual progress and improved their study.

ePUB features included “Multimedia samples”, “Interactivity samples” and “Annotation Samples”.

The whole e-Learning System was demonstrated below. Devices (Hardware) was only the interface. The software part was the core.

Dr. Chao said ASTRI was member of ePub3.0 standard work group and contributes included Rich media and interactivity requirements, implementation proposal for rich media format, etc. Moreover, ASTRI had partnered with Hong Kong schools and publishers to provide total solution for Hong Kong e-Learning in Hong Kong school pilot programme.
The second speaker was Mr. Wong (國家電子書標準工作組組長 – 王立建先生) and his presentation named “e-book and its standardization’’ (電子書, 電子課本標準化情況概述).

Mr. Wong introduced an electronic book (e-book) is a text- and image-based publication in digital form produced on, published by, and readable on computers or other digital devices.

The trend of e-book development was focused on i) device; ii) content and iii) internet platform. Moreover, the operation platform requirement was increasing. The folloiwng showed some standards related to e-book:
GB/T 18787-2002《電子圖書閱讀器通用規範
GB/Z 18906-2002《放式電子圖書出版物結構》

Mr. Wong discussed the Digital Textbook and mentioned the development of international standard through ISO/IEC JTC1 SC 36.

The third speaker was Mr. Pang (北京郵電大學 – 彭揚先生) and his topic named “The overview of mobile communication for e-reading standardization” (移動互聯網閱讀標準化情況交流).

Mr. Pang introduced the e-book supply chain in China.

The mobile internet reading practice changed our life.

GB/T 18787-2002《電子圖書閱讀器通用規範》was issued.

The comparison of the traditional publication and mobile internet reading industry were demonstrated.

E-book standard team was approved on 23 April 2010 and the first meeting was held on 18 Jun 2010.

The following diagram demonstrated the different capability between different brand e-books. It was included Amazon’s Kindle, Sony’s PS, Apple’s iPad, China’s MP3, etc.

The e-book format content was showed below.

GB/T 13016-2009《標準體系表編製原則和要求》was introduced.

Mr. Pang concluded that standard of e-book was the fundamental infrastructure for this industry. Moreover, Mr. Pang invited all related parties to join the development of e-book standards.

Mr. Lu Ming (Manager, LED Device Technology, ASTRI) was the forth speaker and his presentation named “The development of LED lighting and standard” (LED 照明與標準發展進程).

The 3D diagram showed the development of LED lighting.

There were many LED road light standard among Taipei, Hong Kong and China.

During the discussion, Mr. Lu Ming explained the different between static and dynamic testing on LED lighting. Moreover, some potential hazard were mentioned such as BS-EN 60825-1 Safety of laser products – equipment classification, requirements and user’s guide.

The last speaker was Ms. Chiu (中國電子技術標準化研究所高級工程師 – 趙英女士) and her topic entitled “The overview of the standardization for mainland LED and its application product” (內地LED及其應用產品標準化工作概述).

Firstly, Ms. Chiu introduced the related standardization organizations.

Then she briefed the standard system included material, devices/modules and application product.

Moreover, Ms. Chiu said the safety standard for LED screen was developing.

It was suggested to development the testing method and standards on LED module and power drive.

At the end, Mr. SS Chan (香港創新科技署認可服務組執行幹事 – 陳成城)gave a close speech for the seminar.

Mr. Chiu (國家工業和信息化部港澳台辦公室 – 趙文智副司長) also gave a close speech for the seminar.

CESI 中国电子技术标准化研究所CESI 中国电子技术标准化研究所: www.cesi.ac.cn
ITC – HKAS 香港創新科技署認可服務組: http://www.itc.gov.hk/en/quality/hkas/about.htm

