
Chinese Massage Manipulation Classmates visit Science Park

 After the Opening Ceremony of Sanhoitong Chinese Medicine Clinic, Hong Kong Traditional CM Limited (香港中醫藥傳承學院-山海堂中醫診所) on 10th April 2021,  Chinese Massage Manipulation (推拿手法學) classmates invited Ms. Huang Hai Ping (黃海萍老師) and her daughter to visit Science Park on 6th Jun 2021.  We took a group photo in front of the Golden Egg.

(Left: I, Minda, Mr. Lam, Ms. Ms. Florence Chan, Ms. Huang’s daughter and Ms. Huang Hai Ping)

Then we had lunch in the SP Horizon (薈聚軒) restaurant in building 19W.

During the waiting table, lady team played the sportlight exercise game and won a Dim Sum!

After lunch, we took a walk around science park and took some photos for memory.

At the end, we visited the luxury apartment near science park and had a tea in Food Lab.


We learnt Chinese Massage Manipulation (推拿手法學) in 2013.  Then we arranged some activities as follows:

20140119: HKACM Classmates Visit to CUHK Herb Garden - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2014/01/hkacm-classmates-visit-to-cuhk-herb.html

20141107: HKSQ Quality of Life Series: Neck and Shoulder Pain Prevention Seminar - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2014/11/hksq-quality-of-life-series-neck-and.html

20190428: Visit to Ms. Huang new home in Futian - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/04/visit-to-ms-huang-hai-new-home-in-futian.html

20210410: The Opening Ceremony of Sanhoitong Chinese Medicine Clinic, HKTCM (香港中醫藥傳承學院-山海堂中醫診所) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-opening-ceremony-of-sanhoitong.html

