
CityU Rebirth after the Man-made Disaster (城大–劫後重生,力保不失。)

Today, I passed through CityU and entered my alma mater to observe any damage after the protest in last week.  I visited different place in campus especially in laboratory.  I found two centres I didn’t know before and they were The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe PPP Specialist China Centre of Excellence and CityU Research Centre on One-Belt-One-Road. So that I took a photo for memory.

Why I worry about CityU situation? Because I read a newspaper on last Sunday and found that CityU might be the next protest location.  When you saw PolyU situation, it was a nightmare!

I went to CityU through MTR but the exit was locked.

The whole Festival Walk was blocked!

The tunnel to go to CityU was also blocked.

Then I went to the Cheng Yick-Chi Building, the brand was damaged.

Two security specialists were monitored here. The President office was located in this building and was destroyed by violent person (thug).

Library was not opened. 

The ATM of Bank of China inside the campus was destroyed.

Luckily, our laboratories were not damaged but only the glass door. I walked inside and checked that no any damage.

And then I visited the laboratory office and took a photo with my old friends Benz and Mr. Chan. 



應驗了我和殭屍有個約會的金句: 人多殭屍就是怪物,殭屍多了人就是怪物。



我和殭屍有個約會主題曲 - 愛債幾時還

我和殭屍有個約會II主題曲 - 今生他生

20191125: 區選原點 (Inception) 及建制住後策略 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/11/inception.html


區選原點 (Inception) 及建制住後策略

今天用電影-Inception-來看夢境與現實,區選建制派大敗,民意清晰,建制派要無奈接受(議席分佈: 372建制47其他6) 在網上看到的四大造謠文宣: 爆眼女、八三一、新屋嶺、被自殺,再加上傳媒的200萬+1和理非在反送中、以血肉之驅抵擋暴政的警棍、催淚彈、橡膠子彈等。真像Inception中的扭曲現實的潛夢技術,將區選政治化當成是公投。

Perception is Reality!



香港自今年六月起,因《逃犯條例》修訂草案引起的一連串衝突,社會矛盾激增。香港的示威者變成暴徒,放火、非法禁固、掟磚頭、圍警局及宿舍、堵塞交通、毀壞鐵路、襲警搶槍、點火燒人、破壞不同政見人士的店鋪、議員辦事處、中大理大激戰等等。和理非不但沒譴責,還「不割席、不篤灰」,變相鼓勵了暴力行為。示威者常說黑警執法時涉嫌用過分武力(即暴力)及各種侮辱的方法去拘捕示威者,所以要還擊及表示憤怒。這犯了不相干的謬誤及不充分的謬誤(即以偏概全) 。當示威者被譴責暴力時,他們的支持者常說不理想,但可接受。用子矛子盾法,當警察涉嫌用過分武力去拘捕時,也可以說不理想,但可接受。這反映出不理想,但可接受。的說詞是荒謬。大家應該用法律機制解決分爭,還要有耐性。向監警會作出投訴,然後再調查。正如七警案一樣,因為我們要程序公義,受害人要挺身作證同時要承擔自己的法律責任。 

所以當年我建議通識只雖學思考方法 (如李天命的四不架構)及中國歷史不用考試  李天命的課非常好心通識幫年青人尋找方向思方學令年青人明辨是非



20191119, South China Morning Post播了理大的圖書館及實驗室情況慘不忍睹!

多名區議會參選人及政受到襲擊包括建制及泛民當中很多假新聞出現幸好有兩名犯人被捕。怎樣才能看清真相呢? 銀河英雄傳說同盟軍中校的說法可作參考

另外一種假新聞是地鐵站內死了人(即八‧三一太子站打死人)。為什麼我可以確定是假的? 因為沒有家屬出面討回公道。示威者辯解所有的死者是孤兒、警方毁屍滅跡及死者家人被滅聲,我有一朋友指出連中共都滅不了天安門母親的聲,香港警察比共產黨更厲害? 最諷刺是一大班抗爭支持者為了沒死的人在太子站外獻花悼念,反而破壞悼念被暴徒掟磚中頭死亡的70歲外判清潔工的獻花!

最近在立場看到文章"從杜汶澤 Vs. 叻哥 看心理學上的確認偏誤與鏡象感知",忍不住留言。分享如下。
用子矛子盾法: 同樣地我們不應將所謂的「露西法效應」合理化示威者的暴力,在大是大非前,真理永遠只有一個。

1. 首先,示威者在有意或不經意之情形下跨越自己的道德底線。(開始衝擊、掟磚及汽油彈)
2. 將警察去人性化。(黑警)
3. 將自己去識別化。(透過匿名、變裝等方式、如:蒙面黑衣)
4. 分散與推諉個人之責任。(如:全是黑警/政府的錯)
5. 盲目服從於權威。(連登)
6. 不經批判地盲目服從團體規範。(光復香港、時代革命、五大訴求、缺一不可)
7. 藉由不作為與冷漠,被動地容忍惡存在。(泛民)

C觀點: 施永青 - 為甚麼我還是選擇做建制派 (2019-07-16)

"思想上的天下大勢 - 多元" (批評知識論的極端相對主義) (自我萎縮)
"思想上的天下大勢 - 人權抬頭" (批評濫人權主義) (自我膨脹)
"思想上的天下大勢 - 科技興盛,引致偽專形式主義" (批評偽專形式主義用專門術語掩飾) (自我萎縮)
"思想上的天下大勢 - 宗教霸權" (自我膨脹) (提出緣宗觀念,分成宗教上帝,宇宙上帝 - 宇宙根源)
"宇宙公民 - 概不自我膨脹,又不自我萎縮,「恰如其份」。"

20190803: 暴動 (Riot) @ 二次創作 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/riot.html
20190806: 用可拓學對示威者訴求分析及建議 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/08/blog-post.html
天下大勢, 宇宙公民 (2001) (李天命)


Meeting with ASQ Fellow and HKQAA Shanghai representative

Mr. Debashis Sarkar (Founder & Managing Partner, Proliferator Advisory & Consulting) is ASQ Fellow and Phil Crosby Medalist.  He would stay in Shanghai in next few months and invited me to make some connection with location quality leaders.  Fortunately, I was free on 17th Nov (Sunday Morning) after CityU Eminence Society Shanghai Hangzhou Exchange Tour and connected HKQAA Shanghai representative.

(Left: Mr. Debashis Sarkar, Mr. Rick Xu (Director, China Mainland Operations, HKQAA Certification (Shanghai) Ltd.) and I)

Then we had a coffee and sharing our experience.  Mr. Debashis Sarkar gave consultancy service about customer process & experience improvement to BRICS New Development Bank (NDB).  Mr. Xu introduced HKQAA and one of their service named Green Finance.  We had happy morning and would connect each other for future cooperation.  

After meeting, Mr. Rick Xu and I had a quick lunch and then I needed to return to my hotel and back to Hong Kong.

The following information about our profession to be ASQ Fellow:

Debashis Sarkar — For sustained leadership in service performance improvement and pioneering the application of lean principles to service organization in Asia, for the development of a model approach to service lean transformation and creation of numerous tools for service transformation through publications and leadership in quality efforts.

Kim Hung Lotto Lai — For outstanding leadership in quality activities in ASQ World Partner® program; and for professional competence in quality management in the testing and certification industry as well as in quality education activities for local universities.

20130108: 25 Leaders of the Quality Movement Named ASQ Fellows - https://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/1/prweb10302286.htm
20160324: ASQ Names 24 Fellows for Contributions to Quality - http://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/03/prweb13288731.htm


CityU Eminence Society Shanghai Hangzhou Exchange Tour – Day 3

The CityU Eminence Society (CES) arranged a Shanghai Hangzhou Exchange Tour from 14th to 17th Nov 2019.  The schedule arrangement showed that we would visit Alibaba Group (阿里巴巴) and then to enjoy the show named “Enduring Memories of HangZhou (最憶是杭州)” (old named was “Impression West Lake (印象西湖)” in the first day.  On 15th Nov, we would visit Geely (吉利汽車) and Zhejiang University (浙江大學).  On 16th Nov, we would visit Wuzhen (烏鎮) and join the Alumni Dinner (co-organized with CityU Shanghai Alumni Association). Lastly day morning is free time and then we went to Hong Kong in afternoon. On 16th Nov, we visited Wuzhen in the morning.

We took a group photo in this beautiful landscape.

It is the best location for photo!

Our guide told us that didn’t buy and touch the things in those shops.  

People still left in this old town.  One of famous food was fried lamb.

Then I visited the local wine shop.

Traditional wine making method was observed.  I also brought the local wine named “三白酒” for our lunch. 

And then we visited the cloth dye house.  Mr. Peter Jung, Dr. Gary Cheng, Mr. Ray Chan and I took a photo in front of the house.

We saw many dyed cloth.

Congratulation to Crosby Management Institute (China) 20th Anniversary and China Quality International Summit

On behalf of Hong Kong Society for Quality, I would like to offer our heartiest congratulations to Crosby Management Institute (China) on its 20th Anniversary.  I was honor to be invited by Mr. Freeman Young (楊鋼) (Founder & CEO, Crosby Management Institute (China)) to record a video for congratulating Crosby Management Institute (China) 20th Anniversary cum International Summit for Chinese Quality held on 16th Nov 2019.

The leaflet of summit in WeChat was shown below.

HKSQ Exco and I recorded such video during our strategy meeting on 9 Nov 2019. Firstly, I briefed our cooperation since 2013.

Then we attended the 7th Zero Defect Management International Summit in 2014.

We also visited Crosby Management Institute (China), Beijing in 2014

After that we invited Mr. Freeman Young (楊鋼) gave a guest speech in HKSQ AGM seminar in 2015.

We recorded a congratulation video during HKSQ Strategy Meeting on 9 Nov 2019.

Video 1 is my congratulation speech.

Video 2 is HKSQ exco team congratulation message.

We hope everything success in Crosby Management Institute (China) in future.

HKSQ - www.hksq.org
20150718: HKSQ AGM 2015 and Zero Defect Strategy Seminar - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2015/07/hksq-agm-2015-and-zero-defect-strategy.html
20140524: The 7th Zero Defect Management International Summit (中國品質的創新峰會—第七屆零缺陷國際峰會) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/05/the-innovation-of-china-quality.html
20140523: Visit to Crosby Management Institute (China), Beijing - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/05/visit-to-crosby-management-institute.html
20130524: HKSQ Lunch with Mr. Freeman Young (Father of Zero Defect in China) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2013/05/hksq-lunch-with-mr-freeman-young-father.html


CityU Eminence Society Shanghai Hangzhou Exchange Tour – Day 2

The CityU Eminence Society (CES) arranged a Shanghai Hangzhou Exchange Tour from 14th to 17th Nov 2019.  The schedule arrangement showed that we would visit Alibaba Group (阿里巴巴) and then to enjoy the show named “Enduring Memories of HangZhou (最憶是杭州)” (old named was “Impression West Lake (印象西湖)” in the first day.  On 15th Nov, we would visit Geely (吉利汽車) and Zhejiang University (浙江大學).  On 16th Nov, we would visit Wuzhen (烏鎮) and join the Alumni Dinner (co-organized with CityU Shanghai Alumni Association). Lastly day morning is free time and then we went to Hong Kong in afternoon. On 15th Nov, we visited Geely Auto Experience Centre.  Dr. Gary Cheng, Dr. Venus Tang, Dr. Rocky Lam and I took a photo in front of the Centre.

I took a photo with red race car.

I seems very economic and only sale for RMB 123,800!

Then I took a photo with Mr. Peter Jung in front of England Taxi.

We tried to go inside the Taxi and there were six seats.  We could have meeting here.

The Geely representative introduced different products to us including mix fuel car, electrical car and automobile, etc. 

Then we had meeting in the Geely University.

CES members were ready for the exchanging meeting.  I seat near Ms. Agnes Wu. 

Another side of CES members.

In the beginning, Mr. Junping Shi (VP, Zhejiang Automotive Engineering Institute, Geely) introduced Geely representatives and gave welcome speech.  

Then Mr. Weekly Wong (Chairman, CES) introduced the background of CityU Eminence Society.