
The World Financial & Innovation Forum 2017

I was honor to be invited by Prof. Philip Chan (Founding President - IpostDocA) to attend the World Financial and Innovation Forum cum Launching Ceremony Blessing for the World Chinese Economic Prosperity which organized by World Investment and Financing Forum (North America), HK Multi-National Enterprises Union, World Headquarters of Chinese Family Research Association, China red rich wealth Group Co., Ltd. and Zhongcai Cinda (BJ) Investment Management Co., Ltd. held on 16th Dec 2017.  International Postdoctor Association was one of co-organizers.  

Then we took a group photo before the ceremony and forum for memory.
 (Left: Ms. Eva CW Chiu (Vice-Secretary, HK-Hunan Youth Exchange Promotion Association Limited), Dr. Yau Pak Man, Prof. Philip Chan, Mr. Victor Chan and I)

Mr. Chiang (張省會) (President, Zhongcai Chinda (BJ) Investment Management Co., Ltd. (中財信達(北京)投資管理有限公司)) gave welcome speech. He hoped to combine the culture and investment together through One Belt One Road strategy.  

Two statements used as ceremony for the forum.

Dr. Charlie Chan (Chairman, Asia Pacific SME Council (亞太中小企業合作協會)) gave keynote speech.  He briefed the background of OBOR strategy and expected to establish OBOR international culture and banknote exchanging centre.  

After several keynote speeches, some representatives were invited to exchange their idea.  Dr. Ziqin Zhang (張子琴) (General Manager, Investment Banking Department, China Public Finance International Fund Management (Beijing) Ltd. (中財國際基金管理(北京)有限公司)) shared her view on investment and form centre in Hong Kong.  She hoped all of us to support her company.

Then Round table discussion was performed by different experts in financial and investment. Dr. Chan helped to translate to the guest from foreign country.  

Another guest from foreign country also shared his view.  He said he felt success and then happy in the past.  But he observed Chinese people felt happy first and then success.

Ceremony for signing cooperation document

At the end, award presentation was performed.  Prof. Philip Chan was granted the Outstanding Chinese in the Contemporary World (當代世界傑出華人) award.

Awardees group photo was taken.

Ceremony Blessing for the World Chinese Economic Prosperity was launched through video.

During the lunch, I met Mr. Philip Chan (陳繼滿) who is the Honorary Consul (MSc.) of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Presidency of the D R Congo, Civil House of the Head of State (剛果民主共和國, 外交部領事辦公室).  Mr. Chan said Congo is in middle Africa.  


