
HKQAA Startup Coaching to CityU Inno-preneur “HANDS”

HKSTP and HKQAA signed MoU to expand Start-up support.  HKQAA Registration – Startup and HKSTP Quality Startup Management System scheme joined hands to assist HKSTP incubatees to enhance their management skill and increase their recognition for business.  In 2017, HKQAA invested more resource to provide free coaching to our incubatees.  CityU Inno-preneurship startup Mr. Marco So (CEO, Hands Life Science) was invited to attend the coaching.  I was assigned as CityU Inno-preneurship Mentoring by CityU  Knowledge Transfer Office last year.  HANDS was funded by CityU Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU) and moved into Science Park recently.  There are four founders (BCH graduates).  I took a photo with Mr. Adam Wong (HKQAA) and three founders for memory. 

(Left: I, Paul Chi, Ronald Tse, Marco So and Adam Wong)

Mr. Adam Wong briefed the background of HKQAA Registration – Start-ups to Marco and explained 25 questions which included Quality, Finance and Information Security.  Then I explained how HKSTP Corporate Quality Unit could assist them to upgrade their management system through knowledge transfer. 

Recently, my paper named "Implementing the Quality Startup Management System model in Hong Kong: a case study" has published in the International Journal of Quality Innovation and it can download at http://rdcu.be/ucAl .

CityU Inno-preneurship Mentoring Scheme - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/kto/index.aspx?id=PG-1600012
20170705: HKSTP TecONE Investment Series Seminar and Visit IncuBio “HANDS” - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/07/hkstp-tecone-investment-series-seminar.html
20170627: CityU Inno-preneurship Mentoring Meet-up Event - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/06/cityu-inno-preneurship-mentoring-meet.html
20170523: HKSTP & HKQAA Meeting for Quality Startups Registration Scheme 2017 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2017/05/hkstp-hkqaa-meeting-for-quality.html
20161201: CityU Inno-preneurship Mentoring Scheme Dinner - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/12/cityu-inno-preneurship-mentoring-scheme.html
20151123: CityU Innopreneurship Ecosystem Launch Ceremony 2015 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/11/cityu-innopreneurship-ecosystem-launch.html

