
ASQ LMC Hong Kong Seminar “From Process Change to Human Change”

ASQ Local Member Communities (LMCs) Hong Kong organized a seminar named “From Process Change to Human Change” on 14 July 2017 in CityU.  Mr. Simon Tong, Mr. Karson Chui, Ms. Minda Chiang and I were both HKSQ member and ASQ member attended the seminar.  In the beginning, I took a photo with guest speaker (Mr. Jeffrey Yip) and Mr. Simon Tong for memory. (Details about ASQ organization outside USA/Canada stated in reference.)

In the beginning, Mr. Simon (Chairman, ASQ LMC HK) introduced the guest speaker and the coming events of ASQ LMC Hong Kong.

Mr. Jeffrey Yip was our guest speaker and his topic named “The Law of Change”.  His presentation included “three areas about change”, “how language is important to facilitate change”, “where the motivation factor is and how to dig it out”, and “why mindset is hard to change for some people”, etc.  

Firstly, Mr. Yip introduced three areas about change and they were “Mindset” (心態), “State/Emotion” (狀態) and “Behavior” (行為).  He said the easiest change was behavior and the most difficult to be changed was Mindset.  He told us why people didn’t want to change because they were in their conform zone.  Mindset related to “Believe”.  If people believe negative things, it could easily form Vicious Circle (惡性循環).  

Then he introduced the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to explain why language was so important.  He used NLP to classify people sensitivity characteristics as follow types or combined types.
i)                    Visual (視覺) – Visual Management, demonstrated results/cases (e.g. 5S)
ii)                  Auditory (聽覺) – Comments & feedback and focused on wordings
iii)                Kinesthetic (觸覺) – touch / action and relationship
iv)                Olfactory (嗅覺)
v)                  Gustatory (味覺)
And Linguistic related
vi)                Verbal (Listening is important)
vii)              Non verbal

In addition, Mr. Jeffrey Yip introduced 19 questions to get the well outcome (KPI).
He said Q1 to Q6 questions related to motivation that project managers were weak.
Q1 What do you want to achieve?
Q2 What would it look, hear, feel like?
Q3 Why is that important?
Q4 When?
Q5 Where?
Q6 With whom?
Project managers were strong from Q7 to Q15.
Q7 What do you have to do in order to achieve your goal?
Q8 Is it in your power?
Q9 Do you have the capacity?
Q10 Have you done it before?
Q11 How many steps and stages need to do?
Q12 Do you have a plan or strategy?
Q13 Do you have the internal / external resources?
Q14 How will you monitor, what feedback do you need?
Q15 Does anything stop you or interference?

The last four questions were commitment.
Q16 Is it ecological, realistic?
Q17 Is it compelling to you?
Q18 Are you going to do it, made a decision?
Q19 How will you know you have achieved it?

For motivation, he asked to questions that were “Why it is so important to you?” and “What is meaning to you?”  Then he discussed the behavior changed included “Rapport Building” (Relationship), “Persuasive Language”, “Questioning Skills”, “Body Language”, “Presentation Skill”, “Level of communication”, “Coaching Skills”, etc.  In questioning skills, he suggested those questions from abstract to solid. After that he introduced the most difficult one was “Mindset Change”. 

Mr. Jeffrey Yip briefed the tools for “Mindset Change”.  He said people would like to delete, distort and generalize things in their mind. It was based on their “Meta Programs”, “Values”, “Beliefs”, “Decisions” and “Memories”.  If people want to change, they must see themselves first.  

Then he explained that mindset had four elements and they were “Intention”, “Identity”, “Value” and “Belief”.  

Lastly, he discussed “State” that was the secret of our brain.  He told us why people’s emotion would frustrate because of the gap between the expectation and the fact.  Therefore, we needed expectation management.  He also mentioned that movie mind affected our mindset (people would talk to themselves 30k per day like a movie).  If we would like to motivate somebody, we needed to find either their fear or their desire.  Sometime, human being motivated by their feeling.  

During the Q&A session, he discussed how to change the team behaviors. He suggested to find the opinion leader first.

ASQ World Partners Program - https://asq.org/global/world-partner-program

I would like to introduce HKSQ relation with ASQ below.  Our former chairman Dr KS Chin (previous) and Dr. Albert Tsang (current) were ASQ Country Counselors.  Country counselors are member leaders found in more than 40 countries. They serve as an ASQ point of contact for members in their country, facilitating networking opportunities, acting as a liaison to ASQ, and supporting the formation of local member communities (LMCs) in their countries.

ASQ Local Member Communities (LMCs) are member communities found outside of the US/Canada. Being part of a member community near you will connect you with other quality professionals in your geographic area. LMC members make new contacts, network, and build knowledge through participation in local activities and events. Participation in these activities and in LMC leadership provides recertification units.

HKSQ is ASQ World Partner. ASQ World Partners Program - ASQ wants to provide you with information to meet your needs in your region. We partner with 20 organizations around the world — groups with visions and goals that are in line with those of ASQ. This allows us to support the needs of the global quality community and sustain a worldwide environment for quality.

