
Hong Kong Food Science and Technology Association Annual Dinner

I was honor to be invited by Mr. Leo Yuen (Founding Chairman, HKFSTA) to attend the Annual Dinner of Hong Kong Food Science and Technology Association (HKFSTA) on 10 December 2011. In the beginning, Mr. Leo Yuen gave a welcoming speech to all participants.

Then the Honorary Advisor Mr. Kwok Ming Cheung (Hong Kong Poultry (Kamei Chicken) Development Ltd.) was invited to gave us a speech about organic farm.

After that all executive committee members of HKFSTA toasted the 14th anniversary of the association.

I represented Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) to receive a souvenir from Prof. Peter Cheung.

Prof. Hoi Shan Kwan was invited to gave a talk.

I introduced HKSQ and briefed the Asia Networking for Quality (ANQ) Congress 2012 in Hong Kong.

Group photo in our table with IVE (Shatin) students.


ANQ Congress 2012 - http://www.anq2012.org/

