
HKTIC AGM and Annual Gathering

I attended Hong Kong Association for Testing, Inspection and Certification Limited (HKTIC) Annual General Meeting and Annual Gathering on 13 December 2011. The 30th anniversary of HKTIC was in 2011. It was honor that Mr. Andrew Lai (Acting Commissioner for Innovation and Technology) and Mr. Henry Tang (GMB, GMS, JP) were invited to be guest speakers in HKTIC Annual Gathering tonight. I summarized this activity for sharing below.

In the beginning, Ms. Christina Law (Chairlady of HKTIC) gave welcoming remarks. She said Professional Certification Scheme for Testing Personnel (PCSTP) was launched by HKTIC in 2011 and had more than 500 members. Moreover, HKTIC reflected the needs and limitation about the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) System, especially on processed product in Hong Kong.

Mr. Andrew Lai gave remarks about the Supplement VIII to the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) signed between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) governments on 13 December 2011 (just before our AGM and Annual Gathering). It expands the scope of product testing that can be undertaken by testing organizations in Hong Kong for the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) System to all existing products processed in Hong Kong that require CCC.

Mr. Henry Tang was guest speaker and his topic entitled "Vast potential of Testing, Inspection and Certification". Firstly, he told us that food problems were found frequently such as Melanine in milk, Plasticizer in drink and Malachite Green in fish. Therefore, testing and certification was very important in Hong Kong. People in mainland china trusted Hong Kong brand and reputation on domestic products and foods. (Henry Tang’s Cantonese statement: 香港是信得過企業,有金漆招牌。買豉油回去,知道是豉油;買雞蛋回去,知道是雞蛋。)

When talking about CEPA, he said it was not a gift from China but a policy for mutual benefit to Hong Kong economic improvement and China opening market strategic. (不是中央送大禮,是雙向互惠及幫國內經濟進一步開放。)

Then he added CEPA opened the door to China for Testing & Certification industry, but small door had not been opened yet. (大門已開,小門未開。) We need to open the China market gradually (一步一腳印去開放市場).

After that our chairlady presented a souvenir to Mr. Andrew Lai.

Group photo of Table 1

Group photo in Table 2

Group photo in Table 3

Group photo in Table 4

We had a chance to take a photo with Mr. Henry Tang (middle). I took this opportunity to ask Mr. Henry Tang if any technology policy and strategy for Green Technology Development. (It is because Science Park was designated as National High-tech Industrialisation Base for Green Technology.). He replied that it also aligned with one of his strategies.

Press Releases: Supplement VIII to CEPA deepens liberalisation of trade in services - http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201112/13/P201112130163.htm

