
COMP 50th Anniversary Alumni Homecoming Dinner

I was honor to attend the COMP 50th Anniversary Alumni Homecoming Dinner on 31st May 2024. The dinner was held in the U.Green, 5/F Communal Building, PolyU. 

I met Dr Vincent Ma (CEO of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park (HSITP)) that I joined the opening celebration of HSITP office in HKSTP in 2018. 

I also met Dr. Louis C.K. MA (Director, SCOPE, CityU). He is the first cohort in COMP!

I took a photo with my colleagues and alumni before dinner. I recognized two alumni in my side and the first one is Mr. Frank Yao (姚鍾毓) who is studying PhD in CityU and the second one is Mr. Jacky Chang (Assistant Manager – Technology Delivery, New World Corporate Services Ltd.). 

In the beginning, Dr Miranda Lou (Executive Vice President) gave opening speech.

Then Prof. LI Qing (Dept. Head) gave welcome speech.

The first guest speaker was Dr Vincent Ma (CEO, HSITP) and his alumni talk named “A Game Changing Era”.

Firstly, Dr. Ma briefed the directions from National Development Strategy including China to be Innovative Nation and Technologically Advanced Country, establishing an international I&T center and form major platforms of cooperation in the GBA, as well as, achieving new innovative productive force.

Then Dr. Ma mentioned the strategic objectives for I&T in Hong Kong including i) build I&T ecosystem & promote new industrialization; ii) enlarge I&T talent pool; iii) promote digital economy & develop HK into a smart city; and iv) proactively contribute to the National I&T Development acting as a super-connector. And then he briefed the land resources for I&T are progressively increasing.

After that he introduced the Hetao ShenZhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Co-operation Zone that is One Zone with Two Parks. HSITP vision and missions are stated as follows:


-          Be the world’s knowledge hub and I&T centre

-          Assemble the best talent congregate


-          The Park aims to proactively accelerate cutting edge innovation and technology (I&T) in the market for the benefit of the people.

Finally, he briefed the project development from phase 1 to phase 2. In phase 1, 8 buildings to be built and the first 3 buildings expected to be completed from 2024 onwards. Totally, 1 million sqm is in phase 1. It supports 6 pillar industries included Life & Health Technology, AI & Data Science, New Energy, New Materials, Microelectronics, and Robotics. 

Lastly, Dr. Vincent Ma concluded the HSITP’s mission to become an international I&T hub.

Dr Miranda Lou gave appreciation certificate to Dr. Vincent Ma.

Launch of COMP 50th Anniversary Song by Dr. Henry Chan.

The second special dinner talk by Ms Tiffany Chan (Founder, iCare Foundation) named “香港,是一股勢不可擋的社區融合力量!” She shared her experience after the stroke that she overcome the health issue and can speaking normally. Then she established the NGO to help SEN people (SEN stand for Special Education Need) using IT.

At the end, special dinner performance by Bit


COMP - https://www.polyu.edu.hk/comp/

HSITP - https://www.hsitp.org/en

iCare - https://blessingu.icare.world/

20180314: Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Limited House Warming - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/03/hong-kong-shenzhen-innovation-and.html

