
CityU College of Science - Mentorship Programme Kick-off Ceremony

I was honor to be invited as mentor in the College of Science Mentorship Programme since 2019.  Unfortunately,  dinner gathering in Nov 2019 was forced to cancel due to social unrest and that the pandemic situation in 2020 has put off face-to-face meetings and social activities.  Thus online Zoom sessions was adopted in consideration of the latest pandemic development for resuming Mentorship Programme.

In the beginning, Prof. CS Lee gave opening speech and he reported that there were 26 mentors and 38 students joined this program. 

Then Prof. Raymond Chan gave a welcome remark and he said even though we cannot face to face, we still make this connect to share experience to students.

And then we took a group photo for memory.

After that we separated into different groups.  My group students were in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.  My friend Mr. John Chow is also one of mentors.  My teacher Prof. KS Chan was also in this group.

Hopefully, our experience can inspire students for their career development.


CityU College of Science GREAT - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/csci/academic-programmes/undergraduate-programmes/global-research-enrichment-and-technopreneurship-great

20190910: Lunch with Prof. Raymond Chan and Prof. CS Lee in CityU for College of Science’s Mentorship Programme - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/09/lunch-with-prof-raymond-chan-and-prof.html

