
ESG Webinar – iMBA O2O – Service Excellence

 The Executive Study Group (ESG) webinar named “iMBA O2O - Service Excellence” was held by the ESG, Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (APIFS) on 2nd Dec 2020. By definition, service excellence refers to the ability of service providers to consistently meet and occasionally even exceed customers’ expectations. Mr. Teddy Liu was the honorable speaker would explain the true meaning of excellent service is relative to the service itself and customers’ expectations of it. In the beginning, he briefed the history and goal of Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (APIFS).

Then Dr. Mark Lee introduced our honor speaker Mr. Teddy Liu.

Mr. Teddy Liu (Head, Group Audit & Management Service, New World Development Company Limited) shared his presentation entitled “Service Excellence”.  He started to introduce the service excellence from Why, What and How, and then briefed some examples for discussion.

Firstly, Mr. Liu asked us when us experienced service excellence as initial question.  Then he quoted Steve Jobs statement to define service excellence that “Get closer than ever to your customers.  So close, in fact, that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” and “You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology – not the other way around.”

He also quoted to Richard Branson for service excellence that “The key is to set realistic customer expectations, and then not to just meet them, but to exceed them – preferably in unexpected and helpful ways.”  That means consistently meet and occasionally even exceed customers’ expectation.  Mr. Liu added that almost all experience by design but some by chance.  Such “Wow” experience become differentiating factor for delivering excellent service.

And then Mr. Teddy Liu introduced “Zero Moment of Truth” which was inserted between stimulus and first moment of truth because of social media.  Social media could be enabler or destroyer to your brand.

After that Mr. Liu briefed the SERVQUAL (service quality gap model) and then discussed different methods to measure customer satisfactory such as survey, customer engagement index, net promotor score, etc.

Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) was introduced for frontline staff to achieve customer delight.  There are four dimensions such as Operational, Strategic, Cultural and Innovation. 

After briefed all key points, Mr. Liu used different famous brand companies’ service as example to explain how they perform service excellence. 

Lastly, Mr. Teddy Liu introduced the pyramid model for surprising service and concluded that our key to success is obsession of customer and frontline staff.

Q&A session: Mr. Liu mentioned three important factors for service excellence that were Culture Fit, Competence Fit and Job Fit! Dr. Mark Lee briefed the next topic in Dec was “Leadership Strategy – How to Change the Old Mindsets of Your Team” at the end.


Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy Limited (亞太策略研究所有限公司) www.apifs.org

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Q&A at Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/esg08

