
IET Technical Webinar: Digitalization and Quality Management

 The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) organized a webinar named “Digitalization and Quality Management” on 28th Nov 2020. Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) was one of supporting organizations.  Dr. Albert Tsang and I were honor to be invited as guest speakers in this event. We took a group photo for memory.

(Left: Dr. Carman Lee (Asso. Professor, ISE, PolyU), Dr. Albert Tsang, Dr. Lotto Lai, Mr. John Chow (Managing Director, Fortune Industrial Products Ltd.) and Dr. Vincent Fung)

Then I took a photo with Dr. Tsang in front of the webinar screen.

Photo with friends

I also gave my new book named “Logic of Innovation: Extenics” to Dr. Carman Lee and Mr. John Chow.

Before the webinar, Dr. Carman gave souvenir to Dr. Albert Tang.

And then presented souvenir to me.

Dr. Albert Tsang (Former Principal Lecturer, ISE, PolyU) was the first speaker and his topic was “Digitalization and Quality Management”.  In the beginning, he explained the different between Digitization and Digitalization.  The former term mean without changing content but only move into digital environment. The Digitalization was digital transformation using digital technologies to change business model.

Then Dr. Tsang briefed some enabling technologies of digitalization including IoT, Connectivity, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Data Science.  And then Dr. Tsang introduced the level of digitalization and its initiative in different post on the x-axis from focus on creating internal efficiency to creating customer value and the y-axis from exploiting available digital solutions to exploring new digital solutions.  Some quality management challenges were discussed. 

After that he mentioned a new technology development such as digital twin and using aircraft engine as example.  Dr. Tsang then introduced from business problems to data mining tasks as follows: Classification and class probability estimation, Regression, Similarity matching, Clustering, Co-occurrence grouping, Profiling … etc. 

Finally, Dr. Tsang discussed big data analytics process using six sigma DMAIC.  Lastly, he mentioned quality professionals’ roles (QP) in data science projects to the business that one of major contributions of QP was to develop and implement of data-driven decision making.

I was the second speaker and my presentation topic named “Digital Quality Innovation: How to be Quality 4.0 Professional”.  My presentation included four parts and they were Introduction of Innovation & Quality, Digitalization, Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0 professional model.

Firstly, I explained the definition of innovation and identified quality innovation indicated that quality is set and innovation is subset and their common factor is improvement.  Then I introduced the development of quality and innovation tools under four industrial revolutions. 

Then I introduced the digitalization especially in digital disruption that the one who defeats you at this stage is not necessarily an opponent, but a passerby.  That’s why we needed digital transformation.

After that I employed Fraunhofer’s Smart i4.0 Navigator (i4.0 model) to explain how to implement industry 4.0 through four of enablers.  Some examples were discussed such as Smart Certification.

Finally, I quoted Dr. Jim Duarte (Academician, IAQ) about seven newer tools for Quality 4.0 (Q4.0) that most tools were AI and statistics related tools.  It is not easy for quality professional who without strong statistics training to learn.

Lastly, I proposed Certified Quality 4.0 Professional Model for discussion.  There were separated into management system level, management tools level, culture level, advanced technology, industry 4.0 and then to quality 4.0.  I concluded that Quality 4.0 is to integrate Data Science into Quality and Industry 4.0 Culture at the end.

Q&A session
One of online participants asked how to obtain the certified Q4.0 professional.  I said that HKSQ would be developed the body of knowledge (BoK) in coming year. However, we haven’t international recognized standard BoK now.  ASQ was one of leaders in the world to perform Quality 4.0 Summit in 2019 and 2020, respectively. We wished the global alignment of Q4.0 would be created in near future.


IET - https://www.theiet.org/

HKSQ - http://www.hksq.org/

Related seminar:

20190927: HKSQ AGM Seminar on Industry 4.0 in Quality Management - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2019/09/hksq-agm-seminar-on-industry-40-in.html


CAiRS webinar - How Products Reliability and Systems Safety help Local Industry

 The webinar named “How Products Reliability and Systems Safety help Local Industry to address market needs and promote business opportunities” was organized by Centre for Advan es in Reliability and Safety (CAiRS) and supported by HKSTP on 26th Nov 2020.  It aimed to share industrial and research experiences on products reliability and systems safety and how the industry needs could be addressed and business opportunities could be promoted. 

Prof. Winco Yung (Centre Director, CAiRS) was the first speaker and his topic entitled “Introduction of Reliability and Safety Research in CAiRS”.  Firstly, Prof. Yung mentioned the vision of CAiRS that aimed to be world leading and regional hub for research in reliability and safety innovation.

And then he introduced CAiRS approach in which focused on AI based methods for system health assessment so as to ensure reliability and safety. It aimed to develop a real-time and predictive solution for system safety.  

After that Prof. Yung introduced five key research programs for achieving their objectives below.

l   Identification and acquisition of useful data relating to reliability and safety.

l   Development of different AI technologies in bridging the above knowledge gaps and formation industry big data

l   Integration of Data-driven Model and Physics of Failures approaches on data set in various industry sectors

l   Development of algorithm for Predictive Failure of critical components and systems

l   Formulation of practical modelling on product’s life prediction and process quality forecast

Finally, Prof. Wu stated their testing laboratory capabilities included AI supercomputing, Temperature & Environment Testing, Failure Analysis Equipment and Life Cycle Assessment Equipment. Moreover, he also introduced their team member in different departments in PolyU with different supporting organizations such as HKEIA, HKEIC, ASM, Compass, nVidia, HAECO, CLP, GP, Defond, … etc.

Lastly, Prof. Wu emphasized several benefits to collaborate between Industry and CAiRS such as failure prevention and cost saving.  Until now, there were five application sectors in the program and they were Transportation, Public Utility, Products, Parts & Components, and Data Integrity & Software Trustworth.

Dr. Brian Li (Executive VP, Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) Limited) was the second speaker and his presentation named “Marketing Needs and Challenges of Products Reliability and Systems Safety”.  In the beginning, Dr. Li briefed the background of Gold Peak Group.

Then Dr. Li mentioned the product quality and reliability that was the livelihood of a manufacturer.  He said that the integral cost of supplying products to customers included customer service costs and warranty costs, which could be higher than the manufacturer’s Free On Board (FOB) cost in terms of brand.  Therefore, high quality and high reliability is a most important qualification to establish the brand.  After that he briefed their group’s batteries was working with CAiRS on new approaches for assessing product reliability using Big Data analysis and AI techniques.

Finally, Dr. Li briefed their GP batteries service and requirements.  He expected the best quality and reliability were achieved before new product launch through new technology and research employed from the program with CAiRS.

The last speaker was Dr. Steven Boles (Associate Professor, PolyU) and his presentation title was “Reliability and Safety Research Methodology with Industrial Applications”. Firstly, he briefed the demand trend for energy.  Electricity increasing daily was observed that Natural Gas and Renewables were growing.

Then Dr. Boles said we needed for energy storage using electrochemical energy storage device.  It was observed that Lithium-ion Battery (LIB) was growing in recently years. 

After that Dr. Boles briefed the principles of LIBs and said more energy stored, the higher risk was.  Therefore, safety and reliability of LIBs were concerned especially travelling in fight (e.g. spare lithium batteries never go in a checked bag).  

Finally, Dr. Boles briefed some cases about “Physics of Failure” in LIB such as Li-metal plating, Overcharging, Manufacturing issues, thermal runaway, etc.  Therefore, he suggested to add sensing in batteries like “canary” device so as to improve safety, reliability and health in the future.


Remember Mr. Gao Xinyang (高辛陽), committee member of CSQ & pre-WACQ

 We received a very sad news through Peter Fung (Former Chairman, HKSQ) that Mr. Gao Xinyang (高辛陽), who is committee member of Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ) and Pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) (全球華人品質聯盟()), passed away at age of 86 on Nov 14, 2020 in Taiwan.  We, Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) expressed hearty condolences to Mr. Gao Xinyang (高辛陽) family, friends and colleagues. The funeral of Mr. Gao will be held in Taipei on28th Nov 2020.

(Photo taken during the 3nd Chinese Quality Forum (CQF) in Beijing on 5th Nov 2015)

Our first recognized in the 1st Chinese Quality Forum (CQF) (華人品質論壇) on 25th May 2012 and then we always met in CQF and pre-WACQ summits.

For remember Mr. Gao Xinyang, I collected some photos we took during different events below.
The 3nd Chinese Quality Forum (CQF) in Beijing

We visited Beijing Yanjing Beer Group Corporation after the 3nd CQF.

The 1st World Summit for Chinese Quality on 8th July 2016

The 2nd World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) was organized by PreWACQ, co-organized by CSQ and Tamkang University (淡江大學) on 16 Nov 2017.

We visited to Kenmec Group (廣運集團).

The 4th Summit of pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) (全球華人品質峰會) was organized by WACQ and CAQ which held together with “The Commemorative Congress of the 40th Anniversary of China Quality Association and TQM Promotion” (全面質量管理推進暨中國質量協會成立40週年紀念大會) from 27th to 31th Aug 2019.

The post-summit culture tour to Pingyao Ancient City (平遙古城)

RIP Mr. Gao Xinyang


高辛陽人物專訪 - http://www.cdc.fcu.edu.tw/alupublication/html/92fm/92fm231.htm


TecOne Webinar - Briefing Session on the HKSTP AI Infrastructure

 TecOne arranged a webinar named “Briefing Session on the HKSTP AI Infrastructure” on 20th Nov 2020.  With AIR (AI+Robotic platform) as one of HKSTP strategic technology focuses, the launch of AI Plug@HKSTP, featuring four key programmes in the first phase of its roll-out including the AI Academy, Tech Shop, Corporate Innovation and AI Infrastructure. This webinar aimed to introduce HKSTP AI Infrastructure.

In the beginning, Dr Crystal Fok (Director of AIR Platform and Precision Engineering, HKSTP) gave opening remarks.

The first speakers were Mr Timothy Leung (Executive Director, HKAI Lab) and Mr. Martin Liu (AI Technical Lead, AIR Platform, HKSTP).

Firstly, Mr. Timothy Leung shared the background of HKAI Lab in the beginning. 

Then Mr. Leung introduced the AI-ecosystem they would like to establish in HKSP.

After that MR. Martin Liu introduced the AI Plug Server Room Equipment including UPS, Fire suppression system, Server Rack, Cooling system, etc.  It would be available on early Q1 2021.

The second speakers were Ms Rita Mok (Associate Director, Data & Analytics, HKSTP) and Mr Eric Hui (Business Development Director, Next Gen Eco-systems, Asia Pacific, Equinix) and their topic entitled “Best Practices for Hybrid AI Deployments”. 

Ms. Rita Mok briefed the collaboration of HKSTP and Equinix in Science Park for providing AI plug service.  She raised an example as bus stop live data analytics for HKSTP Smart Campus.

Then Ms. Mok briefed HKSTP requirement on Smart Campus including On-premises, Network Connection and Cloud.

After that Mr. Eric Hui introduced Equinix Hong Kong Data Centers in different locations. The Shatin data center was closest to Science Park.  

Finally, he introduced their super-highway architecture for HKSTP AI Hub and AI Processing at the edge best practice through Equinix Cloud.

The last speakers were Dr. Allen Yu (Co-Founder/CTO, Codex Genetics Limited) and Dr. Maggie Chu (Senior Manager, BioMedical Technology Cluster).

In the beginning, Dr. Allen Yu introduced Codex service in bioinformatics including professional solutions and genetic testing service in which included AI enabled disease risk modeling, Big Data exploration and analytics tools.

After that he briefed their end-to-end cloud solution for precision medicine through tertiary analysis to interpret and issue the clinical report.  They partnered with university, clinical trial, pharma and hospital. 

Finally, Dr. Maggie Chu introduced HKSTP Biomedical Informatics Platform including Data Exchange, Analytics and Collaboration.

Lastly, she brief the security of HKSTP BIP to us. (Remark: No responded during Q&A session about ISO 27001 certificated or not)


HKSTP AI & Robotics - https://www.hkstp.org/tech-x-industry-focus/our-strategic-focus/ai-robotics/

TecOne - https://www.hkstp.org/en/innovate-with-us/tecone