
SGS Lunch-and-Learn Webinar - Management Shift for Industrial 4.0 Series

SGS cooperated with InfoWorks Institute to run lunch-and-learn series which aimed to share the business transformation trend of the future of work.  Dr. David Mui was the speaker and shared the topic “New World New Way”.

Firstly, he used six drivers to describe business situation including Globalization, Global Political Tension, Environmental Crisis, Hyper-competition, Digital Transformation and Customer Needs Shift.

Then Dr. Mui focused on Business / Enterprise 4.0 and Digital Transformation.  He quoted Salesforce that “Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new – or modify existing – business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. This reimagining of business in the digital age is digital transformation.”  And then he mentioned 4Ds of Digital Transformation including Digitize, Disrupt, Demonetize and Democratize.

After that Dr. Mui briefed from Agile Project to Business Agility.  Agile Methods included Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), DevOps, etc.

He quoted Bruce Lee philosophy “Be Water”.

Finally, Dr. David Mui introduced Agile Enterprises whose had good performance and agility was a source of competitive advantage.  Business Agility involved “People-Centric and Team based”, “Customer Collaboration”, “Fast Responding to Change”, “Empowered Project and Teams”, “Flexible Organizational Structure”, “Technology-reliance”, “Iteration (Short Cycles)” and “Lean & Thin”.  

Lastly, Dr. Mui discussed the management shift from Traditional to Agile through 7 dimensions and they were Process, Organization, Leadership, Human view, Motivation, Feedback and HR’s role.

Q&A session was at the end.

SGS Lunch & Learn - https://learning.sgs.com/lmt/clmsCatalogDetails.prMain?site=sgsssc&in_region=hk&in_offeringId=55236726&in_language_identifier=en&in_filter=%26in_rows%3D50%26in_orderBy%3DDA%26in_region%3Dhk%26in_start%3D

