
InnoEdge Executive Webinar - Innovating Your Business in the New Normal

Executive Webinar named “Innovating Your Business in the New Normal – The way to overcome COVID-19” was organized by InnoEdge Consulting on 3rd Jun 2020.  Ms. Kristie Yeung (InnoEdge) as MC introduced two speakers Dr. Hitendra Patel (Managing Director of the IXL Centre) and Mr. David Chung (Senior Partner, InnoEdge Consulting).

Dr. Hitendra Patel (Managing Director of the IXL Centre) was the first speaker and his presentation named“Innovating Your Business in the New Normal”.  Firstly, he introduced Global Innovation Management (GIM) Institute Think Tank that they had been working on the COVID-19 pandemic.  Then he briefed social distancing is critical measures to control the Coronavirus infection. But shutdown and slowdown of governments, corporations, small business, non-profits and institutions were killing economy. 

From shutdown to get back to business caused different scenarios.  Dr. Patel showed the diagram about economic and social chaos. In US, job losses were very serious (unemployment over 23.9%).

Then Dr. Patel said we would back to normal if we have vaccines, real-time testing or move our at-risk population into isolation and enough hospital beds.  However, Six-Feet-Apart solution (2 meter distance) may not be practicable. Therefore, GIM Institute Think Tank proposed innovative solutions including Touchless, DIY, Digital, Protected, Robot and Certified Clean that are safe to decrease fear and increase trust.

Mr. David Chung (Senior Partner, InnoEdge Consulting) was the second speaker and continued the topic to share practical cases (in China, HK and the world).

Innovative solutions were discussed below. 
1.    Touchless: Don’t let me touch any surfaces that others might have touched! (Shopping, Delivery)
2.    DIY: Just let me do it, so you don’t have to get close to me. (Farming, Cooking, etc.)
3.    Digital/Virtual: Being almost there without the commute and fear of someone sneezing on me!
4.    Protective Barriers: Give me a barrier that stops the virus from getting to me!
5.    Robot: Let the robot do the unsafe work while I supervise from far! (Doctor, Room Services, etc.)
6.    Certified Clean: Willing to work with certified clean (a) things or (b) people! (Immunity passport)

Finally, Dr. Hitendra Patel used persona to map the persona’s journey with the company and employed innovative solutions to control the risk in each process.  

Lastly, he asked what can you do? If your are a leader of SMEs, Big company and Industry Association.

At the end, whole team took a group photo to celebrate the success of this Webinar.

Other related InnoEdge events:
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20181013: HKETA Symposium on Innovation & Technology 2018 (Part 1) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2018/10/hketa-symposium-on-innovation.html
20171111: HKIBI Seminar on “Development of Business Innovation Talent in Hong Kong” - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/11/hkibi-seminar-on-development-of.html
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