
HKQF the 11th TIC-ITAC Meeting

The 11th meeting of Industry Training Advisory Committee for Testing, Inspection & Certification Industry (TIC-ITAC) under Hong Kong Qualification Framework (HKQF) was held on 9th Jun 2020.  I was honor to be assigned as one of members in TIC-ITAC for past ten years and would continue to contribute in TIC field.  

In the beginning, Mr. Felix Chan (Chairperson, HKTIC) and Mr. Raymond Wong (Vice Chairperson) co-chaired the meeting to review HKQF TIC-ITAC activities.
OUHK representative reported the situation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) Industry.

At the end, we took a group photo for memory. I also shared my new book named “Extenics: Logic of Innovation” to committee members.

Testing, Inspection and Certification Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) - https://www.hkqf.gov.hk/tic/en/home/index.html
Members of Testing, Inspection and Certification Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) at https://www.hkqf.gov.hk/tic/en/itac/index.html
20101007: Testing, Inspection and Certification – Industry Training Advisory Committee - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/10/testing-inspection-and-certification.html

