
HKSQ Official Bearers Meeting and Online Exco Trial Meeting

HKSQ Official Bearers Meeting was held for future direction and completion of financial issue for 2019/2020 on 30 April 2020.  Moreover, we planned to perform Online HKSQ Exco Meeting in coming months using Zoom.  HKSQ Official Bearers included Chairman, Vice-chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer. We only four people complied HK Government restriction regulation for gathering under corona-virus spreading period.

Tonight, we used Zoom for HKSQ Exco Trial Meeting and it was successfully for 10 members attended the meeting. We would like to perform our next exco meeting online using Zoom.

20200307: HKSQ Exco Meeting during Coronavirus Spreading Period - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2020/03/hksq-exco-meeting-during-coronavirus.html      

