
HKIMI seminar on Developing Innovation Competence through Life-long Learning cum Kick-off Ceremony

Hong Kong Innovation Management Institute (香港創新管理學院) (HKIMI) and Global Innovation Management Institute (GIMI) co-organized a seminar named “Developing Innovation Competence through Life-long Learning” cum “Kick-off Ceremony & Innovative Leader Development Forum”.  I (Chairman, HKSQ) was honor to be invited by Mr. David T.W. Chung (President, HKIMI) to join this seminar and ceremony.

 I met many friends and took a photo for memory.  Dr. Victor Lo (President, ISIHK) and I took a photo.

I took a photo with Mr. Daniel KF Choi (Programme Development Manager, SCOPE, CityU).

I also met Mr. Edmond Fung (GM, Training Service and Market Research, HKQAA), Ms. Miranda Kwan (Director, Certification and Business Enhancement, SGS HK Ltd.) and representative of GIMI. 

I met the speaker Dr. Hitendra Patel (Director, GIMI) and took a photo for memory.

In the beginning, Mr. David T.W. Chung (President, HKIMI) gave welcome speech and introduced the innovation management professional to promote innovation in Hong Kong.

Then they took a group photos.

The first speaker was Dr. Hitendra Patel (Director, GIMI) and this topic included “Why Innovate?”, “Generating Big Ideas”, “Making it Real” and “Monday Morning”.  

Dr. Patel said change was inevitable and became faster and faster. He raised some examples such as Apple iPhone killed Nokia and Motorola mobile.  Forces of the future were summarized as Greenovate, Connectivate, Healthovate and Robovate.


OUHK Seminar on “Challenges in Implementation of Laboratory Management according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017”

The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) organized the seminar named "Challenges in Implementation of Laboratory Management according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 " on 25th July 2019.  Dr. Eric Tung-Po Sze was the speaker and he introduced the different between ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO/IEC 17025:2005 version.  The main changes stated in the new version were risk-based thinking, greater flexibility and definition of laboratory.  Firstly, Dr. Eric Sze mentioned the use of information technology (e.g. LIMS) and new definition of Laboratory that laboratory activities included testing, calibration and “sampling, associate with subsequent testing or calibration”.

Then Dr. Sze stated the verbal forms used in the new version from strong level to weak level term and they were “Shall” > “Should” > “May” > “Can”.

And then he introduced the new version standard structure. The old one mainly separated into clause 4 – Management requirements and clause 5- Technical requirements.  The new one separated into clause 4 – General requirements, clause 5 – Structural requirements, clause 6 – Resource requirements, clause 7 – Process requirements and clause 8 – Management requirements.  

Dr. Sze use a common flow to explain the processes of laboratory.  However, some participants discussed the sequence of review of request and sampling.  “It is depended on what type of testing you performed.” Dr. Sze replied.  

After that he mentioned the alignment with ISO 9001 in management requirement and introduced the Option A (defined in ISO/IEC 17025) and Option B (in accordance with ISO 9001). 

In according to ISO 9001, your system followed the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle and defined the policy and objectives.  They should address Competence, Impartiality and Consistent Operation (e.g. intra-lab test).  


The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 3)

I am a Committee Member of Extenics Society, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中國人工智能學會可拓學專業委員會委員) and attended the 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) organized by Primary and Secondary School Working Committee, CAAI (中國人工智能學會中小學工作委員會) and School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (中國科學院人工智能學院) from 19th to 21st July 2019 in The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China (RDFZ) (中國人民大學附屬中學) in Beijing.  I met Mr. Yuan Zhongguo (中國人民大學附屬中學信息技術教研組長袁中果) and took a photo for memory.

Today was Sunday and it was also examination day for the junior student who promoted from primary school and many parents were waiting their child outside.

Day 3 (20190721): Workshop
In the beginning, Dr. Wu di (武迪, 中國人民大學附屬中學高級教師) briefed the rule of workshop and introduced each team leader teacher.  Firstly, leader briefed for 15 min.  Then group review and summarized the past two days study.  And then brainstorming about AI education.  After that we discussed some proposed course design ideas.  

We separated into six teams for discussion. 

The first team presented their summary. Mr. Bingo Wong (華南師範大學附屬中學黃秉剛) said future education was very important because of our retirement fund. He said science needed to be integrated and fusion.  Mathematics is key subject but started from data. 

Then he explained AI education based on A) Data, B) Model, C) Algorithm and D) Coding.  B&C was core.  The future AI teacher should think the combination of ABCD and we needed to enhance IT education.

The second team was my team and our representative Ms. Li Qing (李青, 北京第十二中學信息技術).  We summarized AI into Theory and Practice. Sometimes, they were linked together and we had try to separate hardware and software but it always combined in the course.  Therefore, we used AI+X.


The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 2)

I am a Committee Member of Extenics Society, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中國人工智能學會可拓學專業委員會委員) and attended the 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) organized by Primary and Secondary School Working Committee, CAAI (中國人工智能學會中小學工作委員會) and School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (中國科學院人工智能學院) from 19th to 21st July 2019 in The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China (RDFZ) (中國人民大學附屬中學) in Beijing.  I met a teacher from Macao Mr. Lau Tin Leong, Simon (劉天亮, 澳門培正中學).

We also took a photo with speaker Dr. Wu di (武迪, 中國人民大學附屬中學高級教師).

I took a photo with classmates for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.
(Left: Mr. Bingo Wong (黃秉剛, Guangdong), Macau representatives x2, Mr. Lau Tin Leong, Simon (劉天亮), I and Mr. Yan Lichao (嚴立超, CUHK))

Day 2 (20190720): Practical Part
Dr. Wu di (武迪, 中國人民大學附屬中學高級教師) was the first speaker and she would share three topics in her AI courses and the first one was “Computing thinking of the ranking problem in website” and the second case was “Algorithm principles of Back Hole image”, as well as, the last case was “Remove haze from the photo”.  

Dr. Wu introduced the searching engineer of the first case such as QS World University Rankings, High level examination rankings, web page rankings, etc.  She also introduced how to analyze the problem from specific to abstract using Picasso drawing as example to explain how to extract the characteristic.

The second case was Back Hole which issued in April 2019 but the image was in 2017.  They used 2 years to calculate and integrate the image. It needed to transfer the radiation to visual range for human eyes.  Some difficulties were pointed out such as lack of integrity data and noise.  


The 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) (Day 1)

I am a Committee Member of Extenics Society, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中國人工智能學會可拓學專業委員會委員) and attended the 1st National Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Course for Artificial Intelligence (首期全國中小學人工智能師資培訓課程) organized by Primary and Secondary School Working Committee, CAAI (中國人工智能學會中小學工作委員會) and School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (中國科學院人工智能學院) from 19th to 21st July 2019 in The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China (RDFZ) (中國人民大學附屬中學) in Beijing.  Group photo was took after the officer speech finished.

Day 1 (20190719):
I arrived the The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China and took a photo for memory. 

I met a classmate Mr. Bingo Wong (華南師範大學附屬中學黃秉剛) who is from Guangzhou.

So many participants attended the training.  Then Mr. Yuan Zhongguo (中國人民大學附屬中學信息技術教研組長袁中果) chaired the opening and Ms. Wang Weining (中國人工智能學會秘書長,北京郵電大學王衛寧研究員) gave welcome speech. 

In the beginning, Mr. Ren Changshan (教育部科技司信息化處任昌山副處長) was the first speaker who explained the “Education Policy of AI”.  He briefed the missions included optimization of AI innovation system in higher education, talent training system and AI commercialization and demonstration.

Then Mr. Ren briefed the 10 strategies in education and focused on enhancing Information era education revolution.  

Finally, he mentioned the perspective on China education development on intelligence era. And quoted the Beijing Consensus (北京共識) in the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (國際人工智能與教育大會) as conclusion. 

The second speaker was Prof. Tao Jianhua (中國科學院自動化研究所所長助理兼任中國科學院大學人工智能學院院長助理、模式識別國家重點實驗室副主任陶建華研究員) and his presentation entitled “Artificial Intelligence State and Challenge”.  Firstly, Prof. Tao briefed what is AI that is to study and develop the theory, methodology and technology as well as application in simulating and extending of human intelligence.  


HKPC Seminar on Smart Innovation for new business models in i4.0 and e4.0

Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and INC Invention Centre coorganized Seminar named “Smart Innovation for new business models in Industry 4.0 and Enterprise 4.0” on 16th July 2019.  The seminar aimed to introduce the know-how and methods of how successful start-ups in Silicon Valley and elsewhere have transformed their business , with implementing agile project management, design thinking and customer-centric innovation as well as how to leverage the power of Industry 4.0 (i4.0) and Enterprise 4.0 (e4.0) to apply digital business models.  I took a photo with Mr. Partick Kabasici in front of the INC Invention Centre.

Mr. Patrick Kabasci (Technology Management, Fraunhofer IPT, KEX Knowledge Exchange AG) was the speaker and his topic named “Innovation for new business models”.  Firstly, he discussed some companies did not change using sailboat as example.  Eventhough we added more sail in the boat, it did not faster than steam one.

He then quoted Clayton M. Christensen (his theory of "disruptive innovation") that most executive compared the cash flows from innovation against the default scenario of doing nothing.  But the assumption was wrong because of discounted cash flow without innovation investment.  

And then he briefed the Business Model Generation (Osterwalder, 2013) in which had 9 building blocks of a company.  It could be associated with the four fundamental clusters Customer, Product, Abilities and Finances. 

After that Patrick briefed three measures to be a world-class innovation and they were “Innovate with Customer”, “Focus Core Competence” and “Network with Partner”.  He also mentioned companies faced with increasing Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA).  



最近香港社會充滿暴力及針對警察以「示威」為名的攻擊一眾泛民議員及支持者包庇姑息使用暴力的示威者他們的理由是政府警察過份使用武力官逼民反等等曾幾何時左中右一起反暴力就是在2014年由記協主辦的【新聞界 企硬 反暴力 默站行動】及由幫港出聲主辦的【「和平香港,全民支持」起動】可惜在2016年開始,很多泛民政客的言論為暴徒淡化和卸去責任。當年幸有湯家驊對何俊仁的說法「擔心有人『醜化』運動」作出批評及說出道理來。


19. 暴動
19. Riot
(1) When any person taking part in an assembly which is an unlawful assembly by virtue of section 18(1) commits a breach of the peace, the assembly is a riot and the persons assembled are riotously assembled.
控罪元素也很簡單: 非法集結和破壞社會安寧。這兩元素都有終審法院的案例。


正如古今中外所說的道德化了暴力行為加上社交媒體分享的人數越多,人們便會傾向以暴力行為對付敵對理念的示威者。他說:泛民要求取消612日的暴力示威的暴動定性,和釋放被拘捕人士,這是鼓勵了暴力示威,直接導致71日的暴力衝擊立法會。而且,暴力衝擊立法會之後,以「飲汽水有付錢」、「沒有破壞圖書館」、「拯救不願離去的四位義士」等來美化和道德化暴力衝擊,是對暴力示威行為的獎賞,只會造成暴力示威浪潮變本加厲。標少札記中提出的比喻: 那位仁兄/仁姐, 還充滿驕傲的講, 很文明地喝了立法會裏的汽水也有付錢的。破壞了這麼多東西, 為甚麼沒有放下一千幾百萬修理費? 豈不是像打劫了路人的全身財物然後撿張廿元給他坐巴士回家一樣? 笑話一則的道理。

標少札記提出「和平示威者要與暴徒切割, 否則就是幫兇。」他在政治和法治一文中籲遊行人士守法若抱着和平的心去就要與行使暴力的人切割(dissociate) 切割就是立場的表徵表明行為及意識形態上的不相同沒有common intent使用暴力不是joint enterprise也不是accomplice。切割的重要性是遊行性質的一種定性有些人會抱和平的心去受臨場環境氣氛感染及影響而理智失控而致使用暴力有人卻是刻意找機會滋事的, 找不到機會就和平, 找到機會就乘機摶亂。


不一致 (The fallacy of inconsistency) - 思考或言論有矛盾衝突、自我推翻、不一致等性質。
不當預設 (The fallacy of inappropriate presumption) - 把不妥當的假設視為妥當。
不相干 (The fallacy of irrelevance) - 嘗試建立某論點時提出一些沒有邏輯關係的論據。
不充分 (The fallacy of insufficient evidence) - 嘗試建立某論點時所提出的論據雖然與結論有關連,但卻不足以支持結論。

這就是洗腦的後果,把人們當成惡魔看待; 警察當成黑警看待; 示威者當成暴徒看待國人當成蝗蟲看待。其實大家都是市民是人民都是人類

20190709: 李國能提供的下台階 - https://billsiu.blogspot.com/2019/07/blog-post_9.html
20170910: 思辨練習之李天命《思考三式VS三大盲潮》(一) - https://magicianyang.blogspot.com/2019/07/vs.html
20170911: 思辨練習之李天命《思考三式VS三大盲潮》(二) - https://magicianyang.blogspot.com/2019/07/vs_11.html



Lunch meeting for the Extenics (可拓學) book publication in Hong Kong

I am honor to have lunch with Mr. Victor Chiu and Ms. Hemans Leung (Stakeholder, Baby First) to discuss about publication of Extenics Book for promoting the Extenics in Hong Kong.

I wrote a booklet for introducing Extenics and Extension Innovation Method in the simplified way. Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) supported to publish this book as part of the Extension Innovation Method Level 1 workshop promotion plan. 

Thanks Mr. Victor Chiu’s help to arrange publication affair and hopefully it could promote Extenics successfully. 

Guangdong University of Technology (廣東工業大學) - http://www.gdut.edu.cn/
Research Institute of Extenics and Innovation Methods, GDUT (廣東工業大學可拓學與創新方法研究所) - http://extenics.gdut.edu.cn/info/1041/1302.htm
Baby First (智慧寶貝教育集團) - http://www.babyfirst.com.hk/babyfirstweb/
20161205: Dinner with Prof. Cai Wen during the first in-house training of the Extenics (可拓學) in Hong Kong - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2016/12/dinner-with-prof-cai-wen-during-first.html
20170105: The 1st Meeting of the Extenics Internationalization 2017 (第一屆可拓學國際化會議) - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-1st-meeting-of-extenics.html
20170117: The Preparation Meeting of the Extenics (HK) and HKETA Annual Dinner - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-preparation-meeting-of-extenics-hk.html