
HKPC AI Impulse 2019 Summit - Day 2

“AI Impulse 2019: Catalyst to Business Succes” was organized by Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) on 17th - 18th Jun 2019.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is technology that significantly enhances productivity and operation efficiency.  There are two day event in which day 1 is summit and day 2 is visit & AI workshop. I would like to summarize day 2 visit to Foxconn and TCL on 18th Jun below. In the morning, we visited Foxconn Industrial Internet Center.

The Foxconn representative introduced their industrial internet platform named “BEACON Industrial Cloud Platform”.  They employed six flow named People Flow (人員流), Cash Flow (資金流), Tech Flow (技術流), Info Flow (信息流), Process Flow (過程流) and Things Flow (物品流).

Some demonstrated robot arms from packaging were showed.

Then the “All-in-one Container Data Center” model was briefed and it was easy to move and on-demand increment.  

The control center was visited.

After that we walked outside to visit “All-in-one Container Data Center”.

Insider the Container, many service in both side and HFC-227ea Fire Suppression System (FM200) was observed at the end.  

I took a photo insider for memory.

The second location was Foxconn Agritech (http://www.foxconnagritech.com/ ).  I took a photo with the Foxconn boss poster.

Why Foxconn extended industrial technology into Agricultural field?  It is because the flood disaster in 2009 in Taiwan.  

After that we visited the farm in which had twelve layers.  

It called i3 Farming.

I also visited the demonstrated laboratory.  

The last location we visited was Intelligent Manufacturing – Lights off factory.

We firstly visited the demonstration room for their products.  We found that they used high technology to develop tools and then through CNC to develop iPhone case.  

We visited one of Lights off factory and they performed automatically without human operation.  

Finished the morning visit, we tasted Foxconn Agritech product during lunch.  I took a photo with Ir. Eric MH Wong (Senior Workshop Services Engineer, CLP) (middle) and Mr. CP Tsui (Managing Director, Enterprise Consulting Limited) (right). 

The food and vegetable was very good.

Foxconn VP gave welcome speech to us during lunch.

The second visit location was TCL and the factory named “China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.” in which TCL owned 87%. So it seemed as TCL subsidiary. 

I took a photo in front of the CSOT for memory.

I also meet Ms. Sheron Sit (Senior Manager, Advanced Manufacturing, HKSTP) and Mr. Fung Wah Cheong, Vincent (Executive Director, Kin Yat Holdings Limited). 

Firstly, the representative introduced the development history of the factory.

The glass product size was showed in the display panel. 

The center overview, major achievement and technical roadmap were briefed.  And then we visited the factory but photo taking was not allowed.  It is a very large factory with length 370m, wide 226m and the area was 83,000 m2 that was equal to 12 football field!  It operated under class 1000 clean room.

Physical vapor deposition (PVD) and Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) were employed for glass coating and each machine cost 840,000 TWD.  AI inspection was employed.  After that we visited the product demonstration room.

The largest TV in the world was showed.

The monitoring scene for manufacturing was demonstrated.

I observed the CNAS certificate.

Finally, we went to the hall and Mr. Wang presented their intelligent manufacturing practice.

CSOT invested huge resource to build several factories in China.

Then Mr. Wang told us their challenges included variety, short life cycle, high standards, customization, high efficiency and low cost.

And then he briefed four stages from automation / digitalization to IoT to Big Data and to AI. 

They employed AI for self-classification.

Other applications of AI in the factory were discussed such as label recognition, face recognition, defect identification, etc.

Finally, the whole value chain of smart manufacturing was showed and they named Intelligent Brain.

During Q&A, one of participants asked what is the most difficult for employing AI and i4.0.  Mr. Wang said we needed to find the pain point first. Most department colleagues didn’t want to say they had pain points because they afraid something wrong.  We needed to guide them for improvement not failure finding.  Those pain points should link with business.  Another difficulty was machines’ data collection.  Because the machine manufacturer didn’t disclose the data.  Sometime we needed to add sensors for data collection.

After one day visit, we learnt a lot of advanced manufacturing and AI application. We come back to Hong Kong through Shenzhen Bay Port. 


