
IndustryConnect@Science Park – Industry 4.0 & Smart Living Solution

The Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation (HKSTP) and Hong Kong Electrical Appliance Industries Association (HKEAIA) coorganized the IndustryConnect@Science Park event named “Industry 4.0 & Smart Living Solution” on 9th Jan 2017.  I met my old friend Mr. Edmund Cheung (who is HKSQ member; and teach me about 6 Sigma and Kaizen in 2005 during visit his company) and then we took a photo before the event start. (Details at http://www.hksq.org/company_based_competition_2005.htm

In the beginning, all HKEAIA members took a group photo for memory. (Left 4 was Andy Lui)

Mr. Peter Mok (Acting Chief Commercial Officer, HKSTP) gave a welcome speech and he introduced HKSTP program for industry and incubation such as Technology from Science Park and Laboratories service.  

Mr. Albert Lam (President, HKEAIA) then gave an opening speech and he said HKEAIA had established since 1998.  It aimed to provide a platform for industry to create business opportunities. 

After that nine Science Park Partner Companies would present in the 5 min presentation session.
I met my CityU EngD cohort Dr. Szeto Wing Hong and we selfie for memory.

Dr. Szeto Wing Hong was one of speakers and his topic named “Industry 4.0 solution – Nicada developed Tools (PTC Creo 2.0 plug in)”.  His company focused to provide research & development of CAD automation & optimization software solutions.

He introduced two of key products which named “Automation BOM Expert” and “Knowledge Reuse SBS Expert”.  BOM expert is a tool used to automatically generate bill of material, mold plan and exploded drawing for costing; planning; purchasing; production, etc. using your 3D part design.  

Then he demonstrated the BOM table which could match your ERP system. Moreover, it could make a tool plan.  The most insight was the 2D expansion diagram based on BOM automatically!

SBS (Shape-based Search) expert is a tool used to automatically search from “knowledge-based” created from past cost data; standard parts; designed parts; production parts, etc.  You would search your drawing from different version and easy to manage & search.  

During the Business Matching session, all members of HKEAIA joined the partner companies’ counters for their product demonstration.

After the event, I hadn’t joined the visit of the Robotics Garage.  I went to visit the China Stem Cell Clinical Applications Centre Limited during laboratory and GMP facilities construction phase.
(Left: Ms. Joanne Lam (QA Director), I and Ms. Sandy Wang (QC Director))

HKEAIA - http://www.hkeaia.org/

