
HKSTP TecONE Seminar on Smart City – Impact and Opportunities for Hong Kong

The TecONE seminar named “Smart City – Impact and Opportunities for Hong Kong” was organized by Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) on 5th April 2016.  Smart city is the future scenario of many developed economies in the world.  Today’s seminar was BizLink activity to mingle with industry players at ease, and to get insights into the smart initiatives adopted by various smart cities in Europe, North America and Asia, with a stronger focus on those in the Mainland and Hong Kong.  I took a photo with our guest speaker Mr. Eric Yeung (Convener, Smart City Consortium) in front of the TecONE office.

Mr. Eric Yeung (Convener, Smart City Consortium) who is the founder of FlexWorkflow Limited and his presentation topic named “Developing Hong Kong as a Smart City”.  Firstly, he introduced the global market size of Smart City about US$450 Billion in 2014 and estimated to reach US$1.1 Trillion in 2019.  Then he introduced top smart cities of the world such as Barcelona, New York, London, Nice and Singapore (Juniper Research 2015).

Then he shared some application in different smart cities such as Smart Transportation in Barcelona.  He said Hong Kong needed open data, strictly speaking, we needed “Open API”.  Other examples were Smart Communications in New York, Smart Planning in South Korea and Smart Transportation in Singapore.

After that Mr. Yeung introduced Smart City in China and its state policy.  Some applications such as Smart Traffic Development and Mobile Payment were discussed.

Finally, Mr. Yeung stated Hong Kong as a Smart City based on 2015 Policy Address.  He said Hong Kong people are easily adopting new smart city technologies such as Smart Communications from OGCIO – Wi-Fi.HK (He added that not only Wifi City but Connected City), Smart Mobility by KMB.  However, ICT Industry remained stagnant because of the following factors:
-          R&D / GDP ratio is only ~0.7 in the past 5 years
-          High land price inhibited entrepreneurship
-          Local market is not big enough
-          Companies expanding to Mainland China or overseas encountered various obstacles
On the other hand, he mentioned some advantages of Hong Kong below:
-          Solid and Advanced Communication Infrastructure
-          Well established Legal System
-          Widely exposed to latest technology trends such as Big Data, IoT, Internet+ and O2O.
-          CEPA

Lastly, he briefed the market of China and stated suggestions by Central Policy Unit in Sep 2015 below:
-          People-centric approach
-          High-level coordination by ITB
-          Overall and long-term strategy
-          Participation by all sectors of society
-          Promotion of Innovation and Technology Advancement, etc.


I would like to introduce the following standards about Smart City in China and UK.

国家标准委于20151027日发布“国家标准委关于下达《智慧城市评价模型及基础评价指标体系 第1部分:总体框架》等23项国家标准制修订计划的通知”,涉及一批智慧城市相关的国家标准制订计划如下:
智慧城市 评价模型及基础评价指标体系第1部分:总体框架;
智慧城市 评价模型及基础评价指标体系第2部分:分项评价指标制定总体要求;
智慧城市 城市运营中心第1部分:指挥中心建设框架及要求;
智慧城市 跨系统交互第1部分:总体框架;
智慧城市 跨系统交互第2部分:技术要求及测试规范;
智慧城市 跨系统交互第3部分:接口协议及测试规范;
智慧城市 数据融合第3部分:数据采集规范;
智慧城市 数据融合第4部分:开放共享要求;
智慧城市 智慧医疗第2部分:移动健康;

 2)      PAS 181:2014 - Smart city framework - Guide to establishing strategies for smart cities and communities

