
Towngas CPD Seminar - Quality & Innovation Management System

Towngas Engineering Academy (TEA) organized a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Seminar on 30 July 2015. I was honor to be invited as speaker to share Quality Innovation Management experience. Firstly, Ms. Noel Lau (Project Officer, Continuing Transformation Office, Towngas Engineering Academy) gave an introduction. Then I started my talk named “Quality Innovation Management – TRIZ Implementation Model and Case Study”.

In the beginning, I briefed my company’s vision, mission and value. Then Technology Support Centre was introduced and the case study was in one of our laboratories (Reliability Laboratory). I briefed what is Quality and Innovation in simple statement. Quality is “Making things better” and Innovation is “Making better things”. So Quality & Innovation Management System is a set of elements of an organization’s management system for making better things better.

There were two standards I introduced. One is BS 7000-1:2008 and the other is PD CEN/TS 16555-1:2013. I briefed the Innovation Funnel which was the core of Innovation Management System.

The comparison of ISO 9001:2015 (DIS) and CEN/TS 16555-1:2015(E) was shown in the following table. Most of structures were found to be similar.

The integrated diagram was demonstrated below.

After that I shared our TRIZ implementation model and MATRIZ Level 1 Tools which we employed to solve engineering problem. One problem I shared was IC Tray too heavy and needed to increase sample amount for Temperature Cycling test.

Lastly, I concluded that Innovation and Quality could integrate into One System and Top Management support was the key source of TRIZ project success. I used two statement to end this talk that “Poor force to change, Change become success” (窮則變, 變則通) and “Innovation is for Survival” (變則生, 不變亡).

Mr. James WM To (Principal – Towngas Engineering Academy) presented a souvenir to me.

After the seminar, we had lunch together for future sharing.
(Mr. James WM To, Ms. Melody FW Yeung (Professional Development & Continuing Transformation Office Manager), Ms. Noel SW Lau (Senior Project Officer, Continuing Transformation Office), Mr. Chan YI Chun (Assistant Project Officer) and Ms. Heidi TW Lam (Assistant Project Officer))

Towngas Engineering Academy (TEA) - https://www.towngas.com/Eng/Corp/Careers/Training/TEA.aspx
20140425: HKSQ Technical Visit to Towngas - Quality & Innovation - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/04/hksq-technical-visit-to-towngas-quality.html
20141216: Towngas Quality Day 2014 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/12/towngas-quality-day-2014.html

