
HKQAA Seminar on the Next Generation of Management System Standards (ISO 9001:2015)

The seminar entitled "The Next Generation Management System Standards – Preparing for ISO 9001:2015 – Due out in September!" was organized by Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) on 10 July 2015. Dr. Nigel Croft (Chair of ISO/TC176/SC2 - the ISO subcommittee responsible for ISO 9001 and ISO 9004) was invited to provide an update on the background to the key changes to both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, their implications and potential benefits and the actions organizations should be taking as the official publication date approaches. I would like to summarize Dr. Nigel Croft to share the most new information about the idea of the ISO FDIS 9001:2015 below.

HKSQ representatives were attended the seminar and took a photo with Dr. Nigel Croft. (Left: Mr. Karson Chui (Former Chairman, HKSQ), I, Dr. Nigel Croft and Ms. Angela Wong (Vice Chairman, HKSQ))

In the beginning, Dr. Nigel Croft would like us to think WHY ISO 9001 to be changed and WHAT you should do, as well as Underline Concepts. Dr. Croft presentation outline included “Background”, “ISO Directives – Annex SL”, “ISO 9001:2015”, “ISO 14001:2015” and “Transition arrangements”. He mentioned the Mission of ISO was to support sustainable and equitable economic growth, promote innovation and protect health, safety and the environment. He added ISO 9001:2015 encourage Innovation for looking opportunities to be better quality of life for future generation. Then the background of ISO Technical Committees TC 176 (QMS) and TC 207 (EMS) were briefed.

Dr. Nigel Croft was dreaming of a sustainable future which included Economic Growth, Environmental Integrity and Social Responsibility. He said simply dreaming was not enough and we should have method to achieve it. Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s philosophy was quoted.

Then Dr. Nigel Croft stated management system aimed to achieve those objectives which were Results Focused. Different results from different management system were mentioned included ISO 9001 (Consistent, Conforming Products), ISO 14001 (Prevention of Pollution), OHSAS 18001 (Safe Working Conditions), ISO 50001 (Efficient Energy Usage) and ISO 22000 (Safe Food), etc. The Management System involved the interaction among "Hardware", "Software" and "Humanware" (Ref. 1).

Results Focus was key “Output Matter”. The following “Cause and Effect” diagram demonstrated QMS and EMS key elements and their outcome with effectiveness. After that Dr. Croft discussed 3 core concepts below:
i) Process Approach: Identify the processes needed to achieve the planned results
ii) Risk-based Thinking: Continually monitor the risks and understanding “Cause and Effect”
iii) PDCA cycle
Generic Process with PDCA cycle was stated (Ref. 2). The system of processes was demonstrated on the following model.

Then Dr. Croft summarized the positioning of some ISO (and other) standards in one diagram of Sustainable Development.

The ISO Directives Part1:2012 “Annex SL” High Level Structure was recommended to align different ISO Standards (approx. 30% or more of each standard would be identical text) (Ref. 1); and the Matrix structure of Management System Standards was explained (Ref. 4).

After the break, Dr. Croft told us approximate 1.1 million certifications to ISO 9001 worldwide. He then pointed out the global Challenges for QMS in the following diagram.

Dr. Croft also showed the ISO/FDIS 9001 QMS standards which had just issued on 9 July 2015 for voting (within 60 days).

The key inputs into ISO 9001:2015 included 7 Quality Management Principles (Customer Focus, Leadership, Engagement of People, Process Approach, Improvement, Evidence-based Decision Making and Relationship Management), topics from Future Concepts Task Group (Ref. 1), some changes based on FDIS.

I would like to compare the change of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 FDIS as follows.
“Framework (Ref. 3) and clauses change”

Finally, Dr. Croft mentioned some changes from DIS to FDIS below.
- Terms and definitions were taken out of ISO 9001
- ISO 9000 become a “normative reference” again
- Simplification of Introduction (e.g. New and simpler figures)
- A lot of discussion about how to address the question of “Innovation”
(ISO 9001 must not inhibit innovation; it should encourage innovation but must not require innovation.)

At the end, Dr. Nigel Croft concluded that ISO was aligning its portfolio of management system standards and aimed to facilitate integration. ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 were both undergoing a “Major Revision” such as significant change in structure, “Process Approach + PDCA + Risk-based Thinking”. In addition, he asked us needed to prepare for the transition now.

I would like to introduce the venue named Moon Chun Multi-Function Hall in CityU Student Residence.

Outside the venue, there were some sculptures such as Albert Einstein.

Ref.1 - 20120519: HKQAA Seminar on the next version of ISO 9001:2015 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2012/05/hkqaa-seminar-on-next-version-of-iso.html
Ref. 2 – 20141201: HKQAA Seminar on ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Revisions - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2014/12/hkqaa-seminar-on-iso-9001-iso-14001.html
Ref. 3 –20150529: HKQAA Symposium 2015 (Part 1) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/05/hkqaa-symposium-2015-part-1.html
Ref. 4 –20150529: HKQAA Symposium 2015 (Part 2) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/05/hkqaa-symposium-2015-part-2.html
Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) - http://www.hkqaa.org/en_index.php
Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) - http://www.hksq.org/index.asp

