
HKSTP Seminar to gain trust from business partners by using management tools

The Seminar entitled "How to gain trust from business partners by using different management tools" was organized by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporate (HKSTP) and supported by Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) and ActiveCarePharmacy Limited (ACP) on 19 Mar 2014. The seminar aimed to assist SMEs, especially startup companies/incubatees who faced different difficulties in their operations, including limited resources, shortage of manpower, low visibility, by using management systems to transfer company’s procedures and controls into an effective system.

The first speaker was Mr. Bryan Peng (Assistant Director, HKQAA) who introduced the background of the HKQAA in the beginning. He said HKQAA is a non-profit making company and contribution to society included HKQAA-BCS Fund (Business and Community Supporting Fund) with $10 million, Advisory role to Government and setup Eco-manufacturing Resources Centre and Food Safety Resources Centre.

Bryan asked how to get customers’ trust? He identified Customers and Stakeholders needs and concerns included Price, Quality, Product Safety, etc. Then he identified the sustainable development model which combined three elements. They were Economic, Environmental and Social elements to enhance Quality of Life. The following photos showed different ISO standards around three elements. Bryan also pointed 10 good things of ISO standard for SMEs below.
1. It helps you compete on a level playing field with bigger enterprises
2. It opens up export markets for your products and services
3. It helps you discover best business practices
4. It drives efficiency in your business operations
5. It adds credibility and confidence for your customers
6. It opens new business opportunities and sales
7. It gives you the competitive edge
8. It makes you brand name internationally recognized
9. It helps your company grow
10. It enables a common “language” to be used across an industry sector

After that Bryan introduced HKQAA self-developed Wine Storage Management Systems (WSMS) Certification Schemes which feedback to the zero wine duty policy to develop Hong Kong as the Asia’s Wind Hub since February 2008.

The scheme was specific for wine industry and summarized their special wine storage requirement such as Temp, Humidity, Lights, Vibrations, Insurance, Hygience, Inventory Management, Security and Maintenance. He also interested to explore the need to develop a management practices / scheme for Start-up Company.

The second speaker was Mr. Peter Suen (Director and Pharmacist, ACP) and he shared topic named “ISO 9001 – A life Journey”. Firstly, he briefed their business to manage medications for elderly in Old Age Homes (OAH). They needed to consume several types of medicines per day but very few qualified people available in OAH to handle medications.

Since the huge demand existed, their growth was in ten times within three year. Peter said it was different to management because of turnover, new staff, etc. Therefore, they found the management system which could help. The following was ACP’s medication management system.

The medication card designed for each elder included color photo, user name, precaution need, medicine name and dose, medicine shape and color photo, bar code and QR code. The benefits for implementing ACP’s medication management system were shown as follows:
1. Patients get a safe prescription
2. Nurses focus on nursing work
3. Hospitals save valuable resources
4. OAHs achieve safe drug administration
Finally, Peter concluded “A Journey we valued & enjoyed, learned & benefited, and one we love to walk with HKQAA into the future decades to come.”

Q&A session
A participant asked Bryan about Insurance issue in Wine storage and transportation. Other participant asked Peter about implementation of ISO 9001 workload, manpower and cost.

I represent HKSTP to present a souvenir to Mr. Bryan Peng and Mr. Peter Suen

HKSTP - http://www.hkstp.org
HKQAA - http://www.hkqaa.org
ACP - http://www.activecaregroup.com/

