
HKSQ Career Talk on Testing and Certification Industry

HKSQ received an invitation by “Youth Employment Start” (Y.E.S.) to give a career talk on testing and certification industry. This talk was held in Y.E.S.(Kwai Fong) on 6 July 2013. “Youth Employment Start” (Y.E.S.) is one of Youth Employment Resource Centres established by Government and it aims to provide one-stop employment and self-employment support service to young people aged between 15 and 29. YES found HKSQ through The Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs (SUCCESS) of the Trade and Industry Department (TID). HKSQ have supported the SME Mentorship Programme launched by SUCCESS Since 2000. The career talk was summarized below.

Before the talk, speakers and organizer took a group photo.
(Left: Mr. Cliff POON, Mr. Karson CHUI, Mandy Wong (Social Worker, HKYWCA), and Dr. Lotto Lai)

Then Mandy Wong presented a souvenir to Mr. Karson CHUI.

Mr. Karson CHUI (Chairman, HKSQ) was the first speaker and he introduced the mission and service of Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ), as well as, the professional development path through HKSQ.

I (Former Chairman, HKSQ) was the second speaker and my talk aimed to share my experience, Testing, Inspection & Certification (TIC) industry characteristic, and care path in testing laboratories.

The typical Career Pathway in TIC Industry from HKQF was showed in the following diagram.

Mr. Chiff POON (Certification Manager, SGS) was the last speaker and gave a talk named “Prospect and Development for Practitioners in Certification Industry”.

Chiff explained some attributes should have to be auditors included Ethical, Open-minded, Diplomatic, Observant, Perceptive, Versatile, Tenacious, Decisive and Self-reliant. The whole certification service process was briefed in the follow diagram.

Q& A Session
Karson consolidated Quality Management, Testing and Certification to give the overview picture to participants.

HKSQ had 5 representatives to support this talk.
(Left: Chiff Poon, Karson Chui, Ben Tsang, Lotto Lai & Minda Chiang)

HKSQ - www.hksq.org
Y.E.S. - http://www.e-start.gov.hk
SUCCESS SME Mentorship Programme - http://www.success.tid.gov.hk/english/con_ser/sme_men_pro/sme_men_pro.html
SUCCESS 2011/12 SME Mentorship Programme - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2011/02/success-201112-sme-mentorship-programme.html
2008/2010 SME Mentorship Programme Celebration - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2010/08/20082010-sme-mentorship-programme.html

