
CityU EngD Society Annual Dinner

The Annual Dinner for the Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Society in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (SEEM), City University of Hong Kong (CityU) was held on 30th Jan 2013.

Dr. Rocky Lam (Immediate Past Chairman, CityU EngD Society) introduced the EngD Society and its mission as below.

The CityU EngD Society has been established over 7 years since 2005 under City University of Hong Kong (CityU) - System Engineering & Engineering Management Department, Engineering Doctorate Program.

The mission of the society is to gather and connect all the graduates and students of CityU Engineering Doctorate Program. We organize activities, forum and conferences regularly to get our members connected. The society also host forum of documentation and discussion so that our members can share and contribute to the community.

Then Dr. Lam briefed the agenda, past activities and the most important was the election of NEW BOARD MEMBERS. They are:

President - Ms. Amie Lai (2004)
Vice-President - Dr. Herbert Yeung (2004)
Secretary - Dr. Lotto Lai (2005)
Treaturer - Dr. Calvin Chiu (2005)

Board members:
Dr. Rocky Lam (2006)
Dr. PM Lai (2008)
Dr. Dave Lo (2005)
Dr. WT Chan (2004)

We took a group photo at the end of the annual dinner.

CityU Engineering Doctorate Society - http://cityu-engd.homepage.hk/
Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management) - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem-mbe/prg-engd.htm
CityU's Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management) Programme 2012 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2012/04/cityus-engineering-doctorate.html
CityU Eminence Society - www.cityues.org

