
ESG Negotiation Strategy Seminar - How to Get What You Want by Effective Negotiation

The first topic in January 2013 was “Negotiation Strategy – How to Get What You Want by Effective Negotiation”. It was held on 30 Jan 2013 by the Executive Study Group (ESG), Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corp (HKSTPC). I would like to summarize the seminar for sharing below.

Before the talk, Dr. Mark Lee told us a story about Teddy Roosevelt's Presidential Campaign. During the election campaign, three million copies of leaflet for the election was printed but it was without photo copyright from Moffett Studios. The photo could cost the campaing US$1 per reproduction and the studio was financially hard up. However, George Perkins (Campaign Manager) thought in the other way to propose Moffett Studios as a sponsor to promote themselves for US$250. The due was made! George changed "the problem of focus on price only" to "the value of publicity and recognition".

Dr. Mark Lee explained "What is a Negotiation?" that it was only two ultimate options that was accepting a deal or no-deal. Then he quoted Mr. Daniele Vare (Italian Diplomat) that Negotiation is "the art of letting them have your way."

Six Common Mistakes of Negotiation were discussed.

Mistake 1 - Neglecting the Other Side's Problem
Dr. Lee quoted Dr. William Ury (Negotiation adviser and mediator, Harvard Law School) Golden Bridge Strategy. It needed to consider both side to build a bridge. Always try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and to understand in depth what the other side really wants out of the deal. Influence power come from Understanding.

Mistake 2 - Letting Price Override Other Interests
Dr. Lee introduced the Money Splitting Game and found that some situation was irrational rejection to "greedy" person. Then Felix Rohatyn (Former Managing Partner, Lazard Freres Investment Bank) statement was quoted that was "Most deals are 50% emotion and 50% economics (price)." Back to the game, people would consider "relative results", "perceived fairness", "self-image" and "reputation".

Mistake 3 - Letting Positions Drive Out Interests
Dr. Lee said the important to be able to distinguish between positions and interests.
Focused on each other's position (the what) and Not on each other's interest (the why)
The following photo pointed out three elements inside a negotiation that was "Issues", "Positions" and "Interests".

Mistake 4 - Searching too Hard for Common Ground
Dr. Lee explained the differences of interest giving the value. He quoted a case about incompatible boundary (the Sinai) between Egypt and Israel. Since they had no common ground but different interests. The Israeli cared more about security and the Egyptian cared more about sovereignty. The solution was a demilitarized zone under the Egyptian flag. It is a good example of "Differences Make up the Deal".

Mistake 5 - Neglecting No-Deal Alternatives
Dr. Lee introduced the term BATNA that was Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. It meant to consider the consequence of no deal. An interested example was quoted that employee would like to negotiate their salary with boss. A gun or a terrific job offered from a serious competitor of your company.

Mistake 6 - Failing to Correct for Skewed Vision
In order to avoid bias, role play of being buyers or sellers to think the deal was recommended.

Finally, Dr. Lee concluded "Understand and influence the other side's such that what it chooses is what you want" and he repeated Daniele Vare's statement "Negotiation is the art of letting them have your way."

Some reference books were suggested by Dr. Lee.

Before the group discussion, Dr. Lee used NLP method to give us an exercise to choose Two of the most common mistakes and One of the least common mistake.

The Centre for Logistics Technologies and Supply Chain Optimization, CUHK - http://www.logitsco.cuhk.edu.hk/
HKSTP - www.hkstp.org

CityU EngD Society Annual Dinner

The Annual Dinner for the Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Society in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (SEEM), City University of Hong Kong (CityU) was held on 30th Jan 2013.

Dr. Rocky Lam (Immediate Past Chairman, CityU EngD Society) introduced the EngD Society and its mission as below.

The CityU EngD Society has been established over 7 years since 2005 under City University of Hong Kong (CityU) - System Engineering & Engineering Management Department, Engineering Doctorate Program.

The mission of the society is to gather and connect all the graduates and students of CityU Engineering Doctorate Program. We organize activities, forum and conferences regularly to get our members connected. The society also host forum of documentation and discussion so that our members can share and contribute to the community.

Then Dr. Lam briefed the agenda, past activities and the most important was the election of NEW BOARD MEMBERS. They are:

President - Ms. Amie Lai (2004)
Vice-President - Dr. Herbert Yeung (2004)
Secretary - Dr. Lotto Lai (2005)
Treaturer - Dr. Calvin Chiu (2005)

Board members:
Dr. Rocky Lam (2006)
Dr. PM Lai (2008)
Dr. Dave Lo (2005)
Dr. WT Chan (2004)

We took a group photo at the end of the annual dinner.

CityU Engineering Doctorate Society - http://cityu-engd.homepage.hk/
Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management) - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem-mbe/prg-engd.htm
CityU's Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management) Programme 2012 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2012/04/cityus-engineering-doctorate.html
CityU Eminence Society - www.cityues.org


Food Lifecycle Management Technology Seminar - Quality Brand with Fast Track-and-Trace

The Seminar entitled "Food Lifecycle Management Technology Seminar - Quality Brand with Fast Track-and-Trace" was organized by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) on 30 January 2013. Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) was one of supporting organizations. Food Lifecycle Management (FLM) combines the good practice of supply chain management in food and beverage industry and the latest automation technology to ensure the track-and-trace of food data and quality throughout its lifecycle. The effective deployment enables better decision-making and building a tracing mechanism across the supply chain that could optimise profitability, revenue and customer satisfaction for a high-quality brand.

Dr. Albert Tsang (Former Chairman of HKSQ) represented HKSQ to receive the souvenir.

The group photo for guests, speakers and supporting organizations.

Photos are provided by Mr. Victor Chan (Member of HKSQ). We highly appreciated to Mr. Chan's voluntary took photos for our record.

HKPC - http://www.hkpc.org/
HKSQ leaflet - http://www.hksq.org/Food_Lifecycle_Management_Technology_Seminar_30Jan2013.pdf


CityU Guest Lecture - Implementation of ISO9001 in Science Park Laboratories and HKSQ Membership Drive

I (Former Chairman of HKSQ & Quality Manager, BDTS of HKSTPC) was pleasure to be invited as guest speaker by Dr. KS Chin to give a Industrial Lecture to students who attended SEEM4025 Quality Systems & Management of City University of Hong Kong on 28 Jan 2013.

My presentation is separated into two parts. The first part was "Experience sharing on the implementation of the Eight Management Principals in Science Park Laboratories" and the second part was "Develop Your Quality Profession with Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ)".

Firstly, I briefed the Eight Management Principals implemented in our Technology Support Centre and then discussed the combined application of ISO 9001, ISO 17025 (HOKLAS) and ISO 27001 (ISMS).

Then I introduced the coming new ISO 9001:2015 standard which scheduled to be issued in Sep 2015. Its key objectives were mentioned. Moreover, some topics were addressed by Future Concepts Task Group included "Risk Based Thinking", "More emphasis on the Quality Management Principles", "Product Conformity and Process Effectiveness", "Knowledge Management (KM)", "Improvement and Innovation", "Technology and Changes in IT", "Incorporation of Quality Tools", etc.

Secondly, I introduced the history of Hong Kong Society for Quality and our objective stated "To promote a greater awareness of the need for quality in Hong Kong for ensuring product and service excellence through continuous improvement of quality and customer satisfaction, and to provide continuing education to professionals involved in quality and reliability." Then different certification schemes in HKSQ were briefed. HKSQ membership and student project competition, as well as, Asia Network for Quality (ANQ) were also mentioned.

I had almost attended all ANQ Congress in the past and would attend the coming ANQ Congress 2013 in Thailand. Finally, three HKSQ accredited courses in SEEM department were introduced and they were "SEEM3053: Quality Improvement: Systems and Methodologies", "SEEM6047: Quality Improvement: Systems and Methodologies", and "SEEM3068: Quality Management for Laboratory Operations".

HKSQ - http://www.hksq.org/index.asp
HKSQ Accredited Course List - http://www.hksq.org/acourselist.htm
SEEM, CityU - http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem/


The historical visit to Sheung Wan Hong Kong Island for the past 100 years (港島上環區百年變遷考察)

The visit after the seminar "The historical development of Sheung Wan Hong Kong Island for the past 100 years" organized by Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) on 26th Jan 2013. The visit aimed that our members, whose put aside the day-to-day management work, understand our community in the view of the history and culture of Hong Kong.

Mr. CP Chow (Former Chairman of HKSQ and Vice-Chairman of Hoi Bun Heritage Docents Society) who was our guide to arrange a walk on 26th Jan 2013 (Saturday Morning). We gathered in Sheung Wan MTR station at 9:30am.

We started our walk at Western Market and took a group photo.

CP explained the building design of that market.

The diagram showed different roman style column.

Western Market employed the "Tuscan column" (塔司干柱式) and the type of brick bond named "English Bond" (英式砌合法). This bond consists of alternate course of headers & stretches.In this arrangement,vertical joints in the header courses come over each other & the vertical joints in the stretcher course are also in the same line. (In Cantonese: 丁順隔皮砌式)

Then we passed the Jervois Street. Its Chinese name was renamed from "乍畏街" to "蘇杭街". This old building kept the old Chinese street name.

After that we left up the Ladder Street (樓梯街) and passed through Upper Lascar Row. In this Row, there were many different souvenir shops.

We arrived the first station named "Man Mo Temple" (文武廟). It is a temple for the worship of the civil or literature god Man Tai (文帝) / Man Cheong (文昌) and the martial god Mo Tai (武帝) / Kwan Tai (關帝). In the past, Chinese people avoided to go to policy station, many arguments were solved in Man Mo Temple (Chinese Style).

A plaque named "神威普佑" was entitled by Guangxu (光緒皇) in Qing dynasty.

The second station was Chinese YMCA which was established by George Williams in 1844. Mr. Lu Xun (魯迅) presented in the hall and his topics named "無聲的中國" and "老調子已經唱完" in 18 Feb 1927.

The logo of YMCA stated "Spirit" (德育), "Body" (體育) and "Mind" (智育).

We passed the U Lam Terrace (儒林臺) and many celebrities lived here.

The next station was the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences.

Firstly, we saw an introductory video to understand the history of the Hong Kong plague in 1894.

The demo laboratory was showed. The technician inspected the mouse to identify the plague.

After that CP introduced the Taipingshan Medical Heritage Trail.

The sculpture named "Alexandre Yersin" who identified the plague through the mouse lymph.

The old restaurant was not in business. The boss sold soft drink in the past.

It was found very interesting old bottle opener in the road.

The next station was "People Temple" (百姓廟) which was established in 1856.

Tung Wah Hospital (東華醫院) was established in 1872. The history stated at http://www.tungwah.org.hk/?content=317 .

After the morning walk, we understood more about Hong Kong Island and then we had lunch together for sharing.

HKSQ leaflet - http://www.hksq.org/HKG_SheugWan100YearsLectureR2.pdf
Hoi Bun Heritage Docents Society (海濱文化導賞會) - http://www.hoibun.org/
海濱文化導賞會: facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Docent.lym/info


The historical development of Sheung Wan Hong Kong Island for the past 100 years (港島上環區百年變遷講座)

The Seminar named "The historical development of Sheung Wan Hong Kong Island for the past 100 years" organized by Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) on 24th Jan 2013. The seminar aimed that our members, whose put aside the day-to-day management work, understand our community in the view of the history and culture of Hong Kong through a talk and a visit.

自十九世紀英軍佔領香港島後,建立維多利亞城,把中西區發展為香港的經濟及行政重心。城市的開發及建設,吸引了不少國內華人來港謀生,有從事體力勞動的、小販買賣的,亦有商貿的,部份冒起的華人領袖以及東華醫院尤為華人社群帶來重大意義。華洋住宅的分野,形成區內獨特的景象,華麗的西式建築另一邊是密集的唐樓商住地。至今我們仍可於中、上環一帶處處看到歷史的痕跡。 本講座帶領會員認識上環區一帶的地方的歷史、人民生活、古蹟建築等,看似熟 悉而平常又容易被忽略的事物。HKSQ 希望透過此講座及考察,讓會員放下日常處理的工作,以歷史文化的角度去認識我們的香港及我們的社區。

Mr. CP Chow (Former Chairman of HKSQ and Vice-Chairman of Hoi Bun Heritage Docents Society) gave us this talk and arranged practice walk on 26th Jan 2013 (Saturday Morning).

Firstly, CP briefed the history of China which related to Hong Kong since Song dynasty (中原宋朝皇室敗逃香港) - 1277 to 1279. Then Mongolia established the Yuan Dynasty (蒙古立元朝後的繁盛香港), Hong Kong became a prosperous city for producing salt and pearl. In 1659, Zheng Chenggong (鄭成功) resisted Qing dynasty in Taiwan. Qing dynasty started coastal evacuation order that no people lived in Hong Kong until 1669.

Opium War (鴉片戰爭) was started in 1840 because Lin Zexu (林則徐) burnt all opium. Then British solider landed the Hong Kong Island on 26 Jan 1841. The land point called "Possession Point".

The Treaty of Nanking 《南京條約》 was signed on 29th Aug 1842, indicating the end of the First Opium War (1839–42) between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Qing Dynasty of China. It is the unequal treaties to make Hong Kong Island a crown colony.

After the history description, CP introduced the visit path in Sheung Wan and we would visit the historical building on coming Saturday.

Mr. Karson Chui (Chairman of HKSQ) presented a souvenir to Mr. CP Chow.

HKSQ leaflet - http://www.hksq.org/HKG_SheugWan100YearsLectureR2.pdf
Hoi Bun Heritage Docents Society (海濱文化導賞會) - http://www.hoibun.org/
海濱文化導賞會: facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Docent.lym/info


HKETA Annual Gathering

Minda (Hon. Secretary of HKSQ) and I (Former Chairman of HKSQ) were honor to be invited by Dr. Aaron Tong (Former Chairman of HKSQ and Deputy Chairman of HKETA) to attend Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association (HKETA) Annual Dinner on 17 Jan 2013. I summarized this activity for sharing below.

Photo with Dr. Aaron Tong

In the beginning, Mr. Victor Ng (Chairman of HKETA) gave a welcome speech. He said electronics technology was one of enabling technologies which matched the economic development in Hong Kong.

The keynote speech was Mr. Johann CY Wong (Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology Commission) and Mr. Wong briefed the Economic Policy of 2013 Policy Address that "Under the Eonomic Development Committee (EDC), Manufacturing Industries, Innovative Technology and Cultural and Creative Industries, and Professional Services will be set up to make concrete recommendations to the Government."

Then all HKETA committee members and VIPs toasted to all guests.

Mr. Charles Mok (Legislative Councilor (Information Technology)) was one of VIPs and he shared his view on the 2013 Policy Address. He said it addressed not enough on Information Technology.

Mr. Ronny TONG Ka-wah (Legislative Councilor (New Territories East)) was another of VIPs and he mentioned the Housing and Land Supply did not consider to review the New Territories Small House Policy (俗稱丁屋).

Ir. Dr. Hon LO Wai-kwok (Legislative Councilor (Engineering)) was the third VIP and he shared the content of 2013 Policy Address which related to Electronics Industry included "Innovation and Technology Industries" and "Testing and Certification Industry".

Then Charles and Ronny sang a song named "年少無知".

After that Dr. Lo sang a song named "輪流轉".

Mr. Kenneth So (Honorary Adviser of HKETA) gave a talk entitled "A Trilogy". He advised people think carefully before update Facebook status. Then he said that young men and women today had no Steve "Jobs", Bob "Hope" and Johnny "Cash". Lastly, he said that did not believe public opinion (e.g. News heading). He had a friend (church father) who kept donkey as a pet and it won the race twice. But the local newspaper read "PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT". Then Bishop was upset and do some preventive actions. Whatever how Bishop do, this local newspaper headline was still negative. After the story, Mr. Kenneth So concluded "Being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery. It can even shorten your life. So be yourself and enjoy life to the fullest."

Mr. Victor Choi (Chairman of Organizing Committee, HKETA) gave a closing speech.

Photo with HKSQ friend - Dr. Sammy Wan (Chairman of IIE).

Photo with Mr. E. Anthony Tan (CEO of HKSTPC) and Mr. Charles Mok.

Photo with Sammy and Dr. LO Wai-kwok
