
Activities Summary 2012

I would like to summarize all quality related activities I participated in 2012 as follows:

Seminar x36; Training x2 , Visit x6 and Conference/Symposium x12; Arrange visit to HKSTP x3, Invited Speaking x4 and Professional Gathering x11, as well as, ASQ Influential Voice article x12

20120106: Seminar on "Time-Management Strategy - How to Make Managers More Productive and Happier" (Executive Study Group of CUHK & HKSTP)
20120214: Seminar on "Supplement VIII to CEPA for Testing and Certification Industry" (HKCTC, HKAS & TID)
20120216: HKQAA Service Gauge Seminar (「企業上下同心.共創優質服務」研討會) (Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency)
20120218: Technical Seminar on the Standard for Aerospace Quality Management System (AS 9100) (IET Hong Kong & HKPC)
20120218: Seminar on "QFD and Service Quality" (HKQFDA & AEC)
20120224: Seminar on "Safety Management and Risk Assessment in Railway Operations" (HKSQ, ASQ & SEEM Dept., CityU)
20120301: Amazon Web Services (AWS) 101 Cloud Computing Seminar (Amazon HK)
20120302: Seminar on "How to Maintain Profitability by Avoiding Profit-Shifting" (Executive Study Group of CUHK & HKSTP)
20120324: Technical Seminar on Product Testing and Certification (SEEM Dept., CityU & MIES of IET Hong Kong)
20120413: Seminar on "Low Carbon Trends in Hong Kong Construction Industry" (SGS-HK & HKSTP)
20120421: Career Prospectus in Food Related Business & Industry (HKFSTA) (Remark: Minda was invited to be one of speaker)
20120505: Technical Seminar on Caliper Checker and Flow Calibration (IEEE-PSES & EE Dept., CityU)
20120519: HKQAA Seminar on "The next version of ISO 9001 - What to expect" (HKQAA)
20120520: World Metrology Day 2012 Seminar (HKCTC, SCL, ITC & HKAS)
20120608: Seminar on "How to Reduce Supply Chain Costs and Risks to Boost Profits" (Executive Study Group of CUHK & HKSTP)
20120609: World Accreditation Day 2012 Seminar (IAF & ILAC)
20120618: Seminar on The Emerging Trend of Accreditation and Certification (HKAS & HKCTC)
20120710: Seminar on Authentication of Chinese Medicines (HKAS & HKCTC)
20120713: Seminar on "How to Build Collaborative Teams to Unleash Hidden Power" (Executive Study Group of CUHK & HKSTP)
20120724: The SME seminar on "Rules for Quality Management: How to Motivate Your Team to Pursue Excellence" (Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs (SUCCESS), TID, HKSAR)
20120810: HKQAA Seminar on "Laterest Developments in Energy Efficiency Enhancement" (HKQAA)
20120817: Seminar on "The 6 Leadership Styles to Win at Different Challenging Times" (Executive Study Group of CUHK & HKSTP)
20120831: Seminar on Power Electronic Packaging and 3D Sensing SiP (ASTRI)
20120901: Technical Seminar on Precision Manufacturing of Critical Components and Advanced Products (MIES-IET Hong Kong & MILES, PolyU)
20121221: Seminar on Chinese Medicines (DoH, HA & HKCTC)
20120924: Seminar on "Motivational Strategy – The 10 Ways to Encourage Your Teams to Pursue Your Goals" (Executive Study Group of CUHK & HKSTP)
20121016: HP and Microsoft Professional Luncheon (HP & Microsoft Hong Kong)
20121016: HKQAA Seminar on ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System (HKQAA)
20121022: Seminar on "Testing for Toy Safety: EU's Latest Requirements" (HKCTC, HKAS & HKTC)
20121103: OUHK Testing and Certification Day "Seminar on Testing and Certification as a Profession" (OUHK)
20121105: CQI Seminar on "Life after Quality" (CQI-HK)
20121109: Technical Seminar on Surface Roughness Measurement (IMC-HK)
20121109: Seminar on Quality Excellence Model - MBNQA & EFQM (HKSQ)
20121116: Seminar on Improving Customer Satisfaction with better Supply Chain Management (HKSQ, BSI & PolyU)
20121129: Hong Kong IT Security Summit 2012 (ASTRI, Velosti Technology Limited & CityU)
20121204: Seminar on Food Testing and Certification (HKCTC, HKAS & HKPC)

20120109-13: Analytical Quality Training Programme (LGC & HKAS)
20120709: ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS) Awareness Training (SGS & HKSTP)

20120225: HKSQ Company Based Student Project Competition site visit to Vital-Health Livestock Development Limited (HKSQ)
20120313: Visit to Food Safety and Technology Research Centre (FSTRC) (ABCT Dept., PolyU)
20120420: Technical Visit to Philips Consumer Lifestyle Zhuhai (HKSQ)
20120523: Visit to Chung Yuan Christian University (HKSQ)
20120524: Visit to Hsinchu Science Park (新竹科學園區) and TSMC (台積電) (HKSQ)
20121123: Technical Visit to Tung Chung Cable Car Terminal (HKSQ)

Conference & Symposium:
20120114: Hong Kong QFD Symposium 2012 (HKQFDA)
20120117: Symposium on Food Identification and Authentication (HKCTC & HKAS)
20120310: Symposium on One Year after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident (HKNS & MBE Dept., CityU)
20120525: The first meeting for the Chinese Quality Forum (華人品質論壇) (HKSQ)
20120731-0803: ANQ Congress 2012 (ANQ, CAQ, HKSQ & HKUST)
20120817: Conference on 3D-IC: Market, Technology & Applications (HKSTPC & ASTRI)
20120909: HKIE Forum for 2012 Legco IT Functional Constituency (FC) Election Candidates (HKIE-ITD)
20120901: The Angel Investment Forum (天使投資-伯樂如何尋找千里馬?) (HKSTP, HKBAN & HKEJ)
20121115: Hong Kong Venture Capital / Angel Investment Conference (HKSTP)
20121124: Multimedia Technology Forum 2012 (IVE & IET-HK)
20121201: HKQAA Symposium 2012 (HKQAA)
20121206: World Business Capability Congress & Dinner 2012 (COER, NZBEF & NZOQ)

Visit to HKSTP:
20120623: Technical Visit During PAC Plenary Meeting at HKSTP (HKAS & HKSTP)
20120813: Visit to HKSTP and Lunch with Principal & Professors from The University of The West Indies (HKSQ)
20120918: ILAC representative visit to HKSTPC Laboratories (HKAS & HKSTP)

Invited Speaking:
20120402: CityU Guest Lecture for Quality Management in Science Park Laboratory (SEEM Dept., CityU)
20120425-27: International Forum on Quality - TQM Uz-2012 (International Association of Quality Managers and Auditors (IAQMA)) (Remark: I was one of keynote speakers)
20120510: Greeting message from Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) to the 12th Croatian Conference on Quality
20121114: ITC visit to Accredited Laboratories of the HKSTP (ITC)

Professional Gathering:
20120305: Analogue Holdings Ltd. 35th Anniversary Dinner (ATAL)
20120323: Dinner with China Association for Quality Representative (HKSQ & CAQ)
20120330: CityU Eminence Society AGM and Annual Dinner (CityU Eminence Society)
20120413: HKSQ Lunch with Professors from Manchester Business School, UK & Fuzhou University, PRC (HKSQ & SEEM Dept., CityU)
20120510: ISSC Six Sigma Networking Night 2012 (International Six Sigma Council-ISSC)
20120515: HKIE Electronics Division Annual Dinner 2012 (HKIE)
20120817: The 23rd HKSQ Annual General Meeting (HKSQ)
20120914: 2012 Local Healthy Agricultural Food Dinner 本地健康農產品養生宴 (HKFSTA & Vital-Health Livestock Development Limited)
20121019: CUBIC Life Science Group Tea Gathering (BCH Dept., CityU)
20121124: CityU EngD(EM) Graduation Dinner 2012 (SEEM Dept., CityU)
20121222: Leung Ko Yuk Tak Lecture Theatre Naming Ceremony (CityU)

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