
Seminar on Low Carbon Trends in Hong Kong Construction Industry

The Seminar entitled “Low Carbon Trends in Hong Kong Construction Industry”, which organized by SGS Hong Kong Limited and supported by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP) on 13 April 2012. The seminar aims to form a technical exchange forum bringing together speakers from academia and industry to share with the audience the potential business and technology opportunities for low-carbon and energy-efficient trends in construction materials production as well as construction and building facilities management.

In the beginning, Mr. Charles Ly Wa Hoi (Global Sustainability Services Vice President) gave an opening and welcome note. He said Sustainability was the global trend and SGS provided different support for industry on this aspects.

Then organizers took a group photo with guest speakers.

The first speaker was Mr. S.K. WU (Risk Manager, Alliance Construction Materials Limited) and his topic was "The Concrete Carbon Footprint Mark - a sustainable solution to construction materials industry in Hong Kong".

Mr. WU introduced us the Concrete Product Carbon Footprint Mark that Greenhous Gas (GHG) emission of Ready-mixed Concrete was calculated to be 350kg CO2e per single cubic meter unit.

Then Mr. WU briefed the pathway of the Carbon Footprint implemented in his company. Carbon Footprint Project for operation began in 2008 and 15% carbon reduction achieved as compared with base year 2007.

Mr. WU used the cradle to gate approach for calculation. The diagram showed different parts used primary data and secondary data. The GHG emission sources and percentage for a single cubic meter of ready-mixed concrete in raw materials (Components, packing materials for product and anciliary materials) was found to be 336.6469 kg CO2e and 97.36%, respectively. (Cement had 90.48% GHG emission in the components.)

At the end, Mr. WU shared their achievement that they were the 1st Carbon Footprint Mark of Concrete Product in Hong Kong market. He would like to promote carbon reduction through the supply chain and reduce the embodied Carbon through innovative concrete mix design or applications.

The second speaker was Mr. Nelson HO (Senior Manager of Facility Management, HKSTP) and his presentation named "ISO 50001 Energy Management System - Experience Sharing by Hong Kong Science Park".

Firstly, Mr. HO introduced the sustainable master plan on the Phase 3 of Science Park. He also mentioned the mission of HKSP facili management (FM) included delivering FM best practice, sharing FM best knowledge, and contributing for the betterment of the society.

Living Laboratory - Green 18 was introduced which was designed with the latest sustainability, environmental and energy efficient features as model building for HKSP Phase 3 development.

Then Mr. HO introduced the ISO 50001 implementation on the Bio-informatics Centre.

During the implementation of energy management system and measured the energy consumption from Apr 2010 to Mar 2011, the major percentage of energy consumption was electricity (98.63%). In electricity consumption, HVAC and Lighting had 59% and 26% respectively.

For energy saving, HKSTPC adopted LED lamps to replace existing halogen lamps and installed electromagnetic water conditioner in condensing water system of chiller plant room. Finally, Mr. HO concluded the energy saving results as follows: Building services saving 10%, HVAC saving 15% and Lighting saving 1.5%.

The third speaker was Dr. Thomas S.T. NG (Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong) and his presentation entitled "Future Direction of Emission Reduction in the Construction Industry".

Dr. NG presentation included Global Warming Issues, Emissions from the Construction Industry and Future Direction of Emission Reduction in Construction. For Global Warming, he briefed Hong Kong's Carbon Footprint from 1962 to 2007.

Global CO2 emissions were found No.1 - Building and Construction, No.2 - Transportation and No.3 - Industry.

Dr. NG proposed reducing embodied Carbon method such as Carbon labelling for construction materials.

Moreover, Dr. NG mentioned to reduce operation Carbon through energy efficiency or emission reduction technology

Finally, Dr. Ng concluded that construction industry had a pivotal role to play in developing innovative products and services to mitigate the global warming.

Q&A Session


