
ASQ Influential Voices 2012

I am honor to be invited by Mr. Laurel Nelson-Rowe (Managing Director of ASQ) to be one of ASQ Influential Voices bloggers at the end of Dec 2011. ASQ Influential Voices is a panel of influential and digitally active members of the quality community and aims to elevate members of quality community and raise awareness of quality around the world. In the beginning (2011), the Influential Voices program featured 18 quality professionals from different industries around the world and Influential Voices bloggers updated their own blogs with responses to a post from ASQ's CEO, Paul Borawski each month.

The objective of Influential Voices is aligned with that of my blog. My blog have started since 2007. Because many HKSQ members were too busy to attend HKSQ events, I had an idea to share those events to them through internet. Then I found that blogging is a very good sharing platform. Moreover, I would like to share my knowledge through the participation of different quality related trainings, seminars and conferences to HKSQ members and quality professionals in the world. Social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook and twitter were found to be suitable distribution channels for the purpose.

I try to interpret "Influential Voices" that means "the power to make people aware". Since we are in a quality community, Influential Voices indicates that different quality voices could be consolidated from different quality professionals in the world, which forms a power to enhance people's awareness on the Value of Quality.

It is my pleasure to join ASQ Influential Voices program in 2012. Even I will receive an honorarium from ASQ (in terms of coupons for ASQ books, recertification units and Quality Press) for my commitment, the thoughts and opinions expressed on my blog are my own.


ASQ: The Global Voice of Quality - http://asq.org/voice-of-quality/index.html

A View from the Q - http://asq.org/blog/

ASQ LinkedIn group - http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=3618260&trk=myg_ugrp_ovr

ASQ Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/ASQ

Twitter / @ASQ/ASQ Influential Voices - https://twitter.com/#!/ASQ/asq-influential-voices

