
Testing, Inspection and Certification – Industry Training Advisory Committee

I am honor to be appointed as a member of the Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) and effective on 15 August 2010. The appointment period is two years.

The first meeting was held on 6 October 2010. Almost all members were joined and shared their industrial view. The ITAC is the key conduit of advice and information between Government and the industry in implementing the Qualifications Framework (QF) in the industry. Qualifications Framework is a voluntary scheme and provides a way for industry training needs to be identified and communicated.

Three scopes were identified as follow:
i) To assist the implementation of QF in the TIC industry by developing, maintaining and updating Specification of Competency Standards (SCS), as well as formulating a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) mechanism for the TIC industry;
ii) To promote the QF within the TIC industry; and
iii) To advise on such other matters relevant to the QF as may be referred to the Committee by the Secretary for Education.

After today’s meeting, we formed two sub-committees for Selection of Editorial Person and Competence Descriptor. We all hope to contribute our knowledge and experience on TIC industry in order to enhance the quality of talents.

For more information:
Testing, Inspection & Certification Industry Training Advisory Committee: http://www.hkqf.gov.hk/guie/com_ITAClist_TIC.asp

