
Seminar on Support to Testing and Certification Industry

The seminar on Support to Testing and Certification Industry was organized by Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC) and co-organized by Association of Construction Materials Testing Laboratories, Hong Kong Association of Medical Laboratories, Hong Kong Association of Testing, Inspection and Certification (HKTIC) and Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) on 25 October 2010. I attended the seminar and I would like to summarize it for sharing the valuable topic to industries.

The first speaker was Prof. Ching Pak-chung (Chairman of HKCTC) and his topic entitled “Update of Work of the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification”. Prof. Ching said the vision of HKCTC was “Hong Kong to develop into a testing and certification hub in the region by reinforcing the branding of Tested in Hong Kong, Certified in Hong Kong.”

Prof. Ching mentioned that Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) recruited additional staff and a new accreditation service such as ISO 22000, reference materials producers, examination of herbs and forensic areas were developing. Moreover, career talks in several universities were organized. HKCTC had linking up universities, Vocational Training Council (VTC) and the industry to promote more internship opportunities for students. Moreover, HKCTC worked with ICAC, VTC, Gov Laboratories (GL) and HKAS to organize different technical seminars.

When Prof. Ching talked about panel on promoting Testing and Certification Services in the Chinese Medicine, he introduced Dr. Lai who was a panel convener.

Then Prof. Ching said to promote “Tested in Hong Kong, Certified in Hong Kong” in different trade fairs through HKTDC’s Platforms. The following activities will be performed:
For Location:
· HK International Building and decoration Materials and Hardware Fair (27-30 October 2010)
· World SME Expo 2010 (2-4 December 2010)
· HK Toys and Games Fair (10-13 January 2011)
· HK Fashion Week for Fall/Winter (17-20 Jan 2011)
· HK House ware Fair (April 2011)

For Overseas:
· China Hi-Tech Fair, Shenzhen (16-21 November 2010)
· International Consumer Electronic Show, Las Vegas (6-9 Jan 2011)
· Spilwarenmesse International Toy Fair, Nunbery (3-8 February 2011)

At the end, he briefed the first step for laboratories to undertake testing work for China Compulsory Certification (CCC) System through Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) – Supplement VII.

The second speaker was Mr. Tsang Kam-lam (General Manager, Env Mgt Division, HKPC) and his presentation title was “Support by Hong Kong Productivity Council to Testing and Certification Industry”.

Mr. Tsang said HKPC was established in 1967 as a statutory organization and responsible to promote productivity excellence to Hong Kong firms. Mr. Tsang said there were two major objectives recently. They were reduction of carbon and upgrade to transform the existing industry.

The first key initiative was cleaner production partnership programme.

The second key initiative was Hong Kong TURN Programme.

HKPC had strong technological capabilities included 28 Centres of Excellence and some achieved HOKLAS accreditation.

Then he introduced four key HKPC’s support to the testing and certification Industry.
i) Capacity Building (development of professional recognition scheme and involving of Hong Kong Qualification Framework)
ii) Collaboration in the Development of New Testing Methods and Certification Schemes
iii) Facility Sharing (e.g. EMC Lab, Reliability Lab, Watch & Clock Lab and Odour Lab)
iv) Market Promotion by Strengthening Connection with Manufacturers in PRD

Ms. May Fan (Deputy Programme Coordinator – Business Sector, Independent Commission Against Corruption – ICAC) and her presentation entitled “Ethics in Practice” which included “Importance of Professional Integrity”, “Prevention of Bribery Ordinance”, “Proper Handling of Ethical Challenge” and “Corruption Prevention Services of ICAC”.

Professional Integrity was the core value in the Testing and Certification Industry.

Ms. Fan said Professional Integrity, Quality Assurance and High Efficiency were three key elements to form Hong Kong Brand.

In order to ensure fair-play, protect interest of stakeholders and prevent breach of trust between agent and principal, Prevention of Bribery Ordinance established to control corruption. To prevention accepting bribe, 4As examination should be concerned.
4As – Agent, Accepts, Act and Approval

Ms. Fan said the definition of Advantage (in Section 2 of PBO) included the followings: Gift, loan, fee, reward or commission; employment or contract; payment, release or discharge or loan or liability; service or favour, as well as, exercise of any right or power. However, entertainment could be exception if food or drink for immediate consumption on any occasion.
For testing and certification, four prone areas were identified in the following diagram. Moreover, false document (false report / record) was involved in section 9(3) of PBO.

Then Ms. Fan showed an example that the typical case in China. In this case, it is still illegal because C was not notified. The following points should be noted.
· A director is an agent
· Importance of written company policy
· Principal’s permission subject to scrutiny
· Indirect acceptance of bribe
· Jurisdiction of Prevention of Bribery Ordinance
· Custom and practice not a defence

The following diagram showed the corruption prevention plan.

After that I raised one question related to management system consultant firm and certification body (CB). The industrial practice was that consultant firm got commission from CB (usually >10%) if consultant introduced their customer to CB.

Mr. Fan said consultant became an agent of the customer, so customer should be informed and agreed, even though bosses of consultant firm and CB agreed.

Mr. Francis Leung (Manager – Product Standards, HKAS) was the fourth speaker and his titled named “Services of Product Standards Information Bureau”.

In the beginning, Mr. Leung introduced Hong Kong’s Practice on Standards and different types of standards.

Then he briefed the support services of Product Standards Information Bureau (PSIB) including offer of standard documentation and copy.

Product Standards Library was open to the public.

Lastly, Mr. Leung mentioned that PSIB represented Hong Kong in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (APEC SCSC), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC).
The last speaker was Mr. Kenneth Wong (Manager – Technopreneurial Funding, ITC) and his presentation was “Small Entrepreneur Research Assistance Programme (SERAP)”.

Firstly, Mr. Kenneth introduced the Innovation and Technology Fund which was launched in 1999 with 4 funding programmes.

Then Small Entrepreneur Research Assistance Programme (SERAP) was introduced. SERAP fund could provide seed money up to HK$4 million which based on dollar-to-dollar matching. Usually, the project period should be within 24 months and it did not take equity interest or share in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Some assessment criteria were stated.

Finally, Mr. Wong mentioned the “Cash Rebate Scheme” which used to encourage local R&D investment.

Tour of Facilities in HKPC was arranged at the end.

