
HKSP 1st Occupational Safety and Health Conference

The 1st Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Conference was held in Hong Kong Science Park on 4th October 2010. The conference details were summarized as follows.

Mr. E. Anthony Tan (CEO, HKSTP) gave an opening speech. He emphasized that “Safety” was one of key values in Science Park.

The first speaker was Mr. MO Wing-hong (Division Occupational Safety Officer, Labour Department, HKSAR) and his topic included “General Office Safety”, “General Chemical Safety” and “Safety Management Regulation”.

In the beginning, Mr. MO briefed the occupational injury rate and dead rate from 2000 to 2009 in Hong Kong.

The most common accidents were slip, stumble, fall down, or moving object.
The following chart showed the distribution of accident in 2009.

Then the responsibilities of employer were mentioned such as:
i) Provision safety device and system
ii) Provision of information, instruction, training and supervision
iii) Provision safety workplace
On the other hand, the responsibilities of employee were also stated such as:
i) Take care themselves and others in the workplace
ii) Cooperation with employer to comply the related ordinances.

The following were two examples for participants to correct mistakes.

For general chemical safety, Mr. MO said there were three ways chemical to be contacted as “Breath”, “Eat” and “Skin contact”. Then he introduced the chemical safety label used in Hong Kong.

He pointed out the “Flammable” label used for the chemical which flash point was below 66oC in liquid form.
Then he briefed the definition of dangerous mixtures below:
· >1% toxic material (mass)
· >10% harmful material (mass)
· Any equal to corrosive, explosive, Flammable, Irritant and Oxidizing.

The safety chemical label format and criteria were demonstrated. The label must indicate the right information otherwise it violated the ordinance.

Mr. MO emphasized to establish chemical safety operation system.
i) Perform Risk Assessment
ii) Define Safety Policy for Chemical Operation
iii) Establish Safety Measures
iv) Establish Work Instruction and Operation Method

The last topic presented by Mr. MO was “Introduction of FIU Safety Management Regulation”. Some definitions and requirements were demonstrated.

· Safety Review Officer(安全查核員):
A person who is appointed to conduct a safety review

· Safety Auditor (安全審核員):
A person who conducts or proposes to conduct safety audits

· Register Safety Auditor (註冊安全審核員):
A person registered as a safety auditor

There were 14 elements in the safety management.
Part 1 (Schedule 4)
1) A safety policy which states the commitment of the proprietor or contractor to safety and health at work.
2) A structure to assure implementation of the commitment to safety and health at work.
3) Training to equip personnel with knowledge to work safely and without risk to health.
4) In-house safety rules to provide instruction for achieving safety management objectives.
5) A programme of inspection to identify hazardous conditions and for the rectification of any such conditions at regular intervals or as appropriate.
6) A programme to identify hazardous exposure or the risk or such exposure to the workers and to provide suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) as a last resort where engineering control methods are not feasible.
7) Investigation of accidents or incidents to find out the cause of any accident or incident and to develop prompt arrangements to prevent recurrence.
8) Emergency preparedness to develop, communicate and execute plans prescribing the effective management of emergency situations.

Part 2 (Schedule 4)
1) Evaluation, selection and control of sub-contractors to ensure that sub-contractors are fully aware of their safety obligations and are in fact meeting them.
2) Safety committees have the function of identifying, recommending and keeping under review safety improvement measures.

Part 3 (Schedule 4)
1) Evaluation of job related hazards or potential hazards and development of safety procedures.
2) Promotion, development and maintenance of safety and health awareness in a workplace.
3) A programme for accident control and elimination of hazards before exposing workers to any adverse work environment.
4) A programme to protect workers from occupational health hazards.

The second speaker was Mr. LO Ka-keung (Divisional Occupational Safety Officer, Labour Department, HKSAR) and his topic entitled “Renovation Safety”.

Mr. Lo briefed the accident statistic from 2000 to 2009 under construction and renovation industry.

Then he introduced the regulations related to construction especially working in high.

A special device was mentioned to avoid falling down when staff worked in high place.

If employer did not fulfill the requirement to provide safe workplace, it would be violate the regulation.

The following diagram showed the direct and indirect loss of accident.

The last speaker was Mr. Alvin Tang (Manager, Safety, Health and Environment, HKSTP) and his presentation was “OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification – The HKSTPC’s Experience”.

Similar ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 model employed Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.

HKSTPC obtained the OHSAS 18001 in laboratories since March 2009. Then HKSTP offices also obtained it one year later.

The following diagram described the implementation of Occupation Health and Safety Management System in HKSTPC.

Mr. Tang mentioned that the incident rate was reduced after the implementation of safety plans.

At the end, Q&A session was held for exchanging safety ideas with participants.

For more information:
Occupational Safety and Health Training Centre: http://www.labour.gov.hk/eng/osh/content5.htm

