
HKCIE Seminar on Extenics (可拓學)

The seminar entitled “Extenics: China original theory” which organized by Hong Kong Chinese Institute of Engineers (香港中國工程師學會), Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) –Manufacturing & Industrial Division (MIE), Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ), TQM and Shenzhen Intellectual Property Society (SZIPS) on 29 Feb 2016.  Extenics (可拓學) is original developed by Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文) through his 30 years research.  Extenics includes three steps and they are “Extension”, “Transfer” and “Evaluation”.  In the world, there are three famous innovation methodologies.  They were “Theory of Solving Problems Inventively (TRIZ - Theoria Resheneyva IsobretateIskehuh Zadach)” which was developed by Alshuller in Russia; “Nakayama Masakazu (NM) method which was develop by Nakayama Masakazu in Japan; and “Extenics” which was developed by Prof. Cai Wen in China.  Dr. Aaron Tong (Former Chairman, HKIE-MIE & HKSQ) and I took a photo with Prof. Cai Wen.

Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文) (The Director of International Academy of Extenics (HK), The National Distinguished Experts of China) was the first speaker.  He introduced the theory of Extenics and how it generated creative thinking.  Extenics Theory (可拓學) is equal to Fundamental Principles of Extenics (可拓論) plus Extenics Innovative method (可拓創新方法) and Extenics Engineering (可拓工程). 


HKSTP & TecONE Conference on Re-Industrialisation

The conference named “Re-Industrialisation – Impact and Opportunities for Hong Kong” was organized by Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) and TecONE (HKPC) on 22nd Feb 2016.  “Re-Industrialisation”, one of the outlined initiatives in the Chief Executive’s 2016 Policy Address, is a potential new direction that drives the city’s economic growth and era of smart manufacturing.  In the beginning, Mr. Andrew Young (Chief Commerical Officer, HKSTP) gave welcome remarks for Mr. Allen Ma (CEO, HKSTP).  He said Venice (威尼斯) was business centre in the past but it was not able to keep their position about environment changed (new sea travel route discovered).  Therefore, HKSTP began hosting the Smart Living@Science Park exhibition as showcasing solutions that innovated, designed and made in Hong Kong.

Then Mrs. Agnes Mak (Executive Director, HKPC) gave welcome remarks.  She said they aimed to attract high value-added industries back to Hong Kong for three areas:
i)             Brand Value-added (e.g. CEPA, IP)
ii)          Operation Model (e.g. Automation & Smart Manufacturing)
iii)        Product and Service Innovation (e.g. coop with Universities and R&D centres; Market oriented)

Group photo


ASHK Public Lecture – Meeting the Decarbonization Goals of COP21

The Academy of Science of Hong Kong (ASHK) organized a public lecture named “Meeting the Decarbonization Goals of the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris: COP21” on 17 Feb 2016. The Kadoorie Institute, HKU is co-organizer. Before the lecture, I met Mr. Terence S.S. Chan (Secretary-General, ASHK) and took a photo for memory.

The lecture background was mentioned in the leaflet. At COP21 the nations of the world agreed to limit the mean global temperature rise since the Industrial Revolution to 2 degrees Celsius, with an aspirational target of 1.5 degrees if possible. Most experts agree that when translated into carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, these goals are highly unlikely to be met without new technologies, with the more stringent target being impossible without negative carbon emission. The lecture would introduced two technologies in Prof. Shu’s research group that (1) Supertorrefaction (STR), which uses the high heat capacity of molten salts to convert renewable waste biomass at high throughput into biocarbon that is either not burned, or is used bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS); (2) Two-Fluid Molten-Salt Breeder-Reactors (2F-MSBRs) that operate on the renewable Thorium (Th) fuel cycle instead of the once-through uranium fuel cycle used by today’s light-water reactors. So it should be possible to limit the rise of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere to a maximum of 450ppm at year 2050 and then bring that level down to 350ppm before year 2100.





「暴力便是暴力、傷人便是傷人,背後理念如何崇高也改變不了事實!目前首要工作是維護法治,回復社會秩序!希望政客們正視問題所在,不要轉移公眾視線!」 (http://hd.stheadline.com/news/realtime/hk/1048388/)

(4) 標少札記


HKAS ISO 50001 Seminar for Certification Bodies

Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) organized a training entitled “HKAS ISO 50001 Seminar for Certification Bodies” on 4th Feb 2016. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) related the international standard ISO 50001 for energy management system (EnMS) as a globally accepted framework for energy management in 2011. In 2014, ISO also released the ISO 50003 on “Requirement for bodies providing audit and certification of energy management systems”.  Before the seminar, we took a group photo with speaker Ms. Deann Desai (Project Manager, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) and Dr. M.K. Kwok (Senior Accreditation Officer, HKAS).

Dr. M.K. Kwok (Senior Accreditation Officer, HKAS) gave an opening remark and introduced our guest speaker Ms. Deann Desai (Project Manager, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA). Ms. Desai currently served as the administrator and secretary and as an expert for the U.S. Technical Advisory Group for Technical Committee 242 and 257.

In the beginning, Ms. Deann Desai briefed the history of ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System which had been published on 15 June 2011.  It expected to influence up to 60% of the world’s energy use by energy planning and efficiency.  ISO 50001 is important because of reducing “environmental and societal costs” and enhancing “Energy performance”, “Green House Gas impact”, “Positive contributions toward reducing depletion of energy resources”.

Then Ms. Desai said ISO 50001 provided a framework for energy management using data-driven decision making.  This ISO standard was requested by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) which had recognized industry’s need to mount an effective response to climate change and to the proliferation of national energy management standards. Then she briefed the summary of ISO Survey 2014 and found that ISO 50001 increase 40% from 2013 to 2014.

Some definitions were reviewed below.
Scope – decisions, activities, and facilities, which are going to be included in the EnMS. (note: can include multiple boundaries)
Boundary – physical, site, or other organizational limits associated with the scope.
Energy consumption – quantity of energy applied (consumed)
Energy use – manner or kind of application of energy (note: ventilation, lighting, heating, cooling, transportation, processes, production lines, etc.)

Continual improvement – recurring process which results in enhancement of energy performance and the energy management system (note: achieve in overall energy performance, consistent with energy policy)

Energy performance – measurable results related to energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption.

Ms. Desai told me that Energy Intensity was different in different industry and some would use Energy Output / Energy Input or Energy Input / Energy Output or or Energy Use / Product.  For automotive industry, people would ask how many energy consume to build a car.

After that Ms. Desai briefed the ISO 50000 family and their relationship as following diagram.

Some barriers to industrial energy efficiency were showed in the following diagram.  The only solution was that top management need to engaged in the management of energy on an ongoing basis.  Energy efficiency should be integrated into daily management and operational practices.

The core values of Energy Management System were separated into Management System and Energy Performance in diagram below.

The following diagram showed that the great improvement was found initially but become steady afterward.  However, it could be continual improvement after energy save culture created in the organization.

Energy Planning process included “Legal and Other Requirement”, “Energy Review”, “Baseline”, “EnPI”, “Objectives, Targets, Action Plans” and “Review and Update”.

She said the measurement plan based on “What kind of data I expected to see?” Key characteristics of Energy Performance were briefed.

Finally, she briefed the draft standard of ISO 50002 for Energy Audit and ISO 50003:2014 for requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of EnMS.  Lastly, Ms. Desai introduced ISO 50001 Global Impacts Research Network (ISO 50001 GIRN) and Energy Management Working Group (EMWG) to us.


HKSQ Seminar on Quality Water Supply from Source to Home

The seminar entitled “Quality Water Supply from Source to Home” was organized by Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) and co-organized with ASQ, BCH Dept., & SEEM Dept., CityU on 1st Feb 2016.  Hong Kong had just celebrated the 50th anniversary of the supply of Dongjiang water to this Pearl of the East.  Incidentally, quality of in drinking water in the recent months had aroused attention of various stakeholders in Hong Kong.  The seminar aimed to share the background of Dongjiang water and discussed the quality issues.  In the beginning, Dr. KS Chin (Former Chairman, HKSQ; Associate Professor, SEEM Dept., CityU) took a photo with speaker Dr. Richard Cheung (Associate Professor, BCH Dept., CityU) for memory.

Dr. KS Chin introduced the guest speaker’s background. Dr. Richard Cheung is a member of Advisory Committee on the Quality of Water Supplies and Resources established by the Water Supplies Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. He is also a member of the Steering Committee for the "Quality Restaurant Environmental Management Scheme" funded by the Environmental Conservation Fund.

Firstly, Dr. Richard Cheung said that Dong Jiang Water was the major source of Hong Kong’s water supply which upto 70% to 80% of our drinking water.  

Then he showed the map to explain Dong Jiang water come from Xinfengjiang Reservoir to Taijuan Pumping Station and then through the closed aqueduct (Red color line) to Shenzhen Reservoir.  Hong Kong draw water from Muk Wu Pumping Station.

The Closed Aqueduct passed different mountains through many pumping system to supply Hong Kong.  It is a great engineering work.

After briefing the source, Dr. Cheung introduced the Water Supplies Department (WSD) website in which contained much information such as WHO guidelines for Drinking water Quality as follows:
Part A – Microbiological quality
Part B – Chemicals of health significance as described by WHO’s Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality (WHO 2011)
Part C – Radiological quality
Part D – Other parameters

Recently quality issue of drinking water was happened in Consumer part.  The following diagram showed the first part was responsible by Water Authority and the second part was responsible by Agent and the last part was responsible by consumers.  But the recently problem was by Housing Department because of public house.

Based on Centre for Health Protection advice, we had better run water for 2 to 3 minutes prior to using it form drinking and food preparation.  However, Dr. Cheung said if seldom people would use NSF 53 standard water because the water flow was too slow. 

Lastly, Dr. Cheung arose several challenges for Quality Personnel below for discussion.
a)      Hardware (various parts of the plumbing system)
b)      Personnel training and supervision of procedure during construction
c)      Testing and Certification of the finally completed plumbing system
d)     Routine testing of Water Quality

During the discussion, I said that I had measured city & rural area’s air participates (20 years ago) which contained lead in 0.158µg/m^3 and 0.114µg/m^3, respectively.
Minda had asked Doctor (specialist for children) who said most of pregnant woman would like to eat more fish than normal.  Sea fish contained much more lead. So lead could be come from food.

At end of the seminar, Dr. KS Chin (Former Chairman, HKSQ) presented a souvenir to Dr. Richard Cheung.

HKSQ - www.hksq.org

SEEM Dept., CityU – http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem/