
ASQ InfVoices - The Quality Velocity and Balance

The September Topic of ASQ Influential Voice was raised by Paul Borawski (CEO, ASQ) that "Quality should or should not change despite the rapidly changing world". I would like to use the term "Quality Velocity" to explain the trend of faster change on product and service.

For software development, the velocity is calculated by counting the number of units of work completed in a certain interval, and determined at the start of the project. The key point behind velocity is to help teams estimate how much work they can complete in a given time interval based on how quickly similar work was previously completed. Quality Velocity is committed to delivering the highest quality products or services, on time, each time and every time you buy to meet the requirement of shorter and shorter product/service life cycle.
However, it has a trade-off between Quality and Speed. For instance, the shorter time to launch a product would sacrifice its reliability. It demonstrated the contradiction between quality and speed.

On the other hand, some fashion product, like mobile phone, need more new models launching in the shorter period of time but the reliability requirement may be reduced. The old mobile phone (before smart phone) could use for five years as an example. Now the new smart phone's reliability design may be for two years because people would like to change the new fashion smart phone frequently.

In here, I would like to suggest to employ TRIZ (TheoriaResheneyvaIsobretatelskehuhZadach) (Theory of Solving Problems Inventively) to solve this problem. There were included 39 Engineering Parameters and 40 Innovation Principles in which formed a famous table called "Contradiction Matrix". The matrix demonstrated which of the 40 principles have been used most frequently to solve a problem that involves a particular contradiction.

Innovation is the way to achieve the balance between Quality and Speed.

Photo: Too fast would cause a negative consequence!

Genrich Altshuller (translated by Lev Shulyak) (1996) And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared – TRIZ, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, Technical Innovation Center, Inc.


Motivational Strategy - The 10 Ways to Encourage Your Teams to Pursue Your Goals

The Executive Study Group seminar in September 2012 entitled “Motivational Strategy – The 10 Ways to Encourage Your Teams to Pursue Your Goals”, which organized by An Executive Study Group under the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corp (HKSTPC), was held on 24 Sep 2012.

Dr. Mark Lee's talk had three parts included “View of Human Natures”, “Hygiene Factors and Motivation Factors”, and “10 Motivational Practice”. “Group Discussion” would be performed at the end.

In the beginning, Dr. Lee explained the goal of motivation aims to managing employee performance. In the past, control was more important than motivation because people were simply considered as parts of machine for producing goods and service. The Father of Scientific Management – Frederick Taylor defined work in terms of coordinated, highly specified tasks designed for optimal efficiency. He viewed human nature that employees could be motivated only by pay and the fear of dismissal and unemployment.

Then Dr. Lee introduced Prof. Douglas McGregor, an American social psychologist, who proposed his famous X-Y theory in his 1960 book 'The Human Side of Enterprise'.

Prof. Elton Mayo performed an experiment about working conditions between 1924 and 1932. He was surprised finding that productivity improved appeared to be independent of working conditions and developed the theory called “Hawthorne Effect”. He discovered that work output was not simply a function of a job’s scientific design, as Taylor would have it. But paying attention to employee could increase productivity.

After that Dr. Lee introduced the Hygiene Factors (employee dissatisfactions) and Motivation Factors (employee satisfactions). Job Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfaction are not opposites. It should be:
- The opposite of Satisfaction is No Satisfaction
- The opposite of Dissatisfaction is No Dissatisfaction

Hygiene Factors included “Pay and Benefits”, “Company Policy and Administration”, “Relationships with co-workers” and “Supervision”.

Motivator Factors included “Achievement”, “Recognition”, “Work Itself”, “Responsibility”, “Promotion” and “Growth”.

The following diagram showed the relationship among Theory X, Theory Y, Hygiene Factors and Motivation Factors.

And then Dr. Lee described 10 Motivational Practices one by one.

1. Demonstrate Trust
Dr. Lee used Ritz-Carlton Hotel as example that they assigned $2000 per employee per customer to solve customer complaint in the manner the employee felt was appropriate. He quoted Prof. Linda Hill that managers could begin by explaining to subordinates why something must be done.

2. Make Jobs More Complete 
If you want to motivate people who seem ready for a new challenge, give them a more complete unit of work. Team-based approaches were used to provide a meaningful task.

3. Introduce Challenge 
Dr. Lee used Apple as an example that Steve Job said to engineers “We want to make a product like the first telephone. We want to make mass-market appliances.”

4. Encourage Some People to Become Experts 
Leader aimed to encourage certain individuals to become experts in subjects that interest them and that provide real value to the organization. Dr. Lee quoted the Super-Star Store Manager System of UNIQLO as an example.

5. Drive Out Fear 
The father of quality management – Edwards Deming was introduced the culture for continuous improvement. One of his 14 points was “Drive out fear”. It is because Fear reduces collaboration, creativity, and prudent risk-taking, etc.

6. Preserve Your Subordinates’ Dignity 
Dr. Lee said the mission statement of Four Seasons Hotel showed this practice that “Our greatest asset, and the key to our success, is our people.”

7. Sack the Slackers 
Slackers did not want to contribute more and usually said “That’s not my job.” So Dr. Lee quoted Jack Welch statement “Strong managers who make tough decisions to cut jobs provide the only true job security in today’s world.”

8. Empower, Don’t Micromanage 
People are generally more motivated when they feel they own what they do. It is a sense of ownership.

9. Hire Self-Motivated People 
Self-motivated people are generally optimistic, confident, goal-oriented, and ambitious.

10. Be a Good Boss 
Good manager should have the following characteristic:
- Not only achieves unit goals
- But also earns the respect and trust of his or her subordinates
- Providing objective feedback
- Rewarding genuine performance
- Taking an interest in the personal goals of subordinates

After that talk, we had an exercise to cross two of the most difficult motivational practices and pick one of the easiest motivational practices for discussion.

The Centre for Logistics Technologies and Supply Chain Optimization, CUHK: http://www.logitsco.cuhk.edu.hk/
HKSTP - www.hkstp.org



-侵犯是確實、嚴重、長期 (有什麼根據侵犯/洗腦是確實? 証據是什麼?)
-已用盡其他方法 (都未嘗試加入胡紅玉的委員會內表達意見)
-不引起更惡劣的紛亂 (支持及反對國民教育兩極很大可能引起更惡劣的紛亂)
-有希望會成功 (現在看不到有足夠証據訴諸武力,革命會否成功只是主觀意
-已看不出有更好的解決方法 (再想清楚以上種種)

Justice可譯作正義或公義。邁可。桑德爾(1)提出:古典正義論是源於美德,現代正義論則從自由出發。 但這一刀切是有誤導之虞的。一個社會正不正義,就要問它如何分配人民所珍視之物如:所得,財富,權力,機會,職位,榮譽。通往正義之路界定了三個出發點:福祉,自由及美德。近代西方社會用司法程序來尋求公義時,必須要審慎與客觀,決不可訴之於激情與衝動。公義即係大眾認同的正確法則,這亦是英國所謂「普通法─Common Law」的來源─鄉例及習俗。

1.呼籲教協:撤回有關行動 回歸理性討論
2.激情過後 回歸理性討論 對「國民教育家長關注組」的提問及意見 (2)





(1)邁可。桑德爾(2011)‘正義: 一場思辨之旅’
(English: Michael J. Sandel (2011) “Justice: What’s the right thing to do?”)


ILAC representative visit to HKSTPC Laboratories

I was honor that Mr. KW Chen (Senior Accreditation Officer, HKAS) accompany with Mr. Peter S. Unger (Chair of ILAC, President/CEO of A2LA) to visit Laboratories of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) on 18th September 2012.

Mr. Peter S. Unger is the Chair of ILAC since 2010. He is a renowned expert in accreditation and has been very active in international and regional accreditation for over 30 years. Moreover, he is also the President/CEO of the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA).

We took the photo in front of my office.

I would like to introduce ILAC and A2LA below.

International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) is a global level NGO formed by accreditation bodies for laboratories from different economies. It is an influential body governing the global practice of laboratory accreditation. ILAC first started as a conference in 1977 with the aim of facilitating trade by promoting cross-border acceptance of test and calibration results issued by accredited laboratories. ILAC administers a global mutual recognition arrangement (MRA) between laboratory accreditation bodies with the cooperation of regional cooperation of accreditation bodies, e.g., the Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. The ILAC MRA is accepted by many government and non-government organizations as an indicator of reliable accreditation and credible test and calibration results. Currently, ILAC has 74 full members from 62 economies, 20 associate members, 18 affiliate members and 27 stakeholder members. Hong Kong Accreditation Service of the Innovation and Technology Commission of HKSARG is its full member as well as a signatory to its MRAs for both testing and calibration.

American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) is a nonprofit organization in the United States. A2LA is a sizeable and comprehensive accreditation body offering accreditation service for testing laboratories, calibration laboratories, inspection bodies, proficiency testing providers, medical testing laboratories, reference material producers and product certification bodies. It has granted over 2,300 accreditations.

After showed HKSTPC corporate video and introduction of the laboratories, we went to visit three of key laboratories. They were IC Failure Analysis Laboratory (ICFAL) and Material Analysis Laboratory (MAL), as well as, Photovoltaic Testing Laboratory (PVTL). The following photos were taken in PVTL.

Solar panel physical test

Solar simulation room

We took a photo in front of large temperature and humidity chambers.

After the laboratory visit, we went to the Green 18 building which was employed different environmental design. When we passed the Charles K. Kao Auditorium (also called Golden Egg), we took a photo for memory.

In the roof of Green 18, it was a garden. We could overview the science park.
(Photo: Mr. KW Chen and Mr. Mr. Peter S. Unger)

We also saw the progress of our Phase 3 development.

ILAC - https://www.ilac.org/
A2LA - http://www.a2la.org/
HKAS - http://www.itc.gov.hk/en/quality/hkas/about.htm
HKSTP Lab - http://lab.hkstp.org/default2.asp


2012 Local Healthy Agricultural Food Dinner 本地健康農產品養生宴

HKSQ ex-co members and students, who won HKSQ Student Project Competition, were invited by Mr. Kwok Ming Cheung (Managing Director, Vital-Health Livestock Development Limited) to have local healthy agricultural produce dinner on 14 Sep 2012. The dinner was organized by Hong Kong Food Science and Technology Association Limited (HKFSTA) and Healthy Choices Association. Vital-Health Livestock Development Limited was the sponsor organization.

In the beginning, Mr. Kwok Ming Cheung gave an introduction of this dinner and explained health environment and food.

Dr. Ko Wing Man (高永文) (Secretary for Food and Health) was invited to present certificate to the winners of the secondary school drawing competition. Some Legislative Council Members were also joined this dinner.

Some awards of cooking competition were presented.

A game about nutrient of food was performed.

After that Mr. Karson Chui (HKSQ Chairman) introduced Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) and briefed HKSQ Company based Student Project Competition (HKSQ CBSPC).

Mr. Kwok's company was the sponsor of the competition 2012 and he agreed the aim of the competition to give a real industry case for student practice.

The group photo of HKSQ CBSPC.

PolyU team

CityU team

Group photo of HKSQ

We met Prof. Hui's family.

The following photos showed local healthy agricultural produce foods including chicken, pork and vegetable (In Chinese Name). The food source used kamei chicken (嘉美雞).

2011 Local Healthy Agricultural Food Dinner (本地健康農產品養生宴) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2011/08/2011-local-healthy-agricultural-produce.html
Hong Kong Food Science and Technology Association Limited (HKFSTA) - http://www.hkfsta.com.hk/
Healthy Choices Association - http://www.healthychoicehk.com/
Vital-Health Livestock Development Limited - http://www.kameihonbochicken.com.hk/

Seminar on Chinese Medicines

The Seminar on Chinese Medicines was organized by the Committee on Research and Development of Chinese Medicines (CRDCM) and co-organized by the Deprtment of Health (DoH), Hospital Authority (HA) and Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC), as well as, supported by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP) on 14 September 2012. The Committee on Research and Development of Chinese Medicines (CRDCM) formed under the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) held its first meeting on 21st December 2011. The Committee has replaced the Hong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Chinese Medicine Limited as the platform for the Government to solicit views on how best to support research and development, testing and promotion of Chinese medicine development in Hong Kong. It is the first seminar organized by CRDCM. I would like to summarize the seminar below for sharing.

In the beginning, Ms. Janet WONG (Chairperson, CRDCM and Commissioner for Innovation and Technology) gave a welcoming remarks. She said that the cooperation among Government, Industries, Universities and Research Institutes were important. Moreover, Innovation & Technology Fund (ITF) was increased the ceiling upto HK$30M.

Then, Dr. Constance Chan (Director of Health, Department of Health) gave a welcoming speech.

Dr. LO Su-vui (Director (Strategy & Planning), Hospital Authority gave a welcoming speech too. Dr. Lo said East and West treatment method could be cooperated.

Souvenir Presentation and group photo with supporters

Souvenir Presentation and group photo with speakers

The first speaker was Dr. Ronald LAM (Assistant Director (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Department of Health) and his topic entitled "Development of regulatory regime for Chinese medicines in Hong Kong - the latest update".

Dr. Lam briefed the usage of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong that 28.3% in Public Sector and 71.7% in Private Sector. Then he introduced the history of Chinese Medicine Ordinance which established on 13 Sep 1999. After that the regulation of Chinese Medicines were mentioned including Import/Export Control, Licensing of CM traders, GMP requirement, registration of proprietary CM and package, as well as post market surveillance. Promotion of CM development involved "Strengthen control on CM quality and safety", "Enhance international competitiveness of CM industry", "Modernize CM" and "Integrate CM into health care system".

The second speaker was Prof. Joseph SUNG (Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and his presentation was "Integrative medicine". He questioned “Is there a need to combine Western and Chinese Medicine? and Is there a scientific basis to combine Western and Chinese Medicine?” in the beginning of his talk.

Then Prof. Sung described different researches in the world included "Acupuncture & Osteoarthritis", "Gingko for Dementia", "Tai Chi and Fall", "Cancer and Chinese medicine", "TCM and Chronic Hepatitis B".
The advantages of combining Western and Chinese Medicine Practice were shown as follows.
- fewer side effects
- high acceptance for Chinese medicine
- Good clinical evdence for the efficacy in some areas (e.g. pain relief, dementia & fall).
The he introduced the Integrative Medical Clinic: Model of care.

Prof. So Kwok-fai (Jessie Ho Professorship in Neuroscience, and Chair Professor, Department of Anatomy, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong) was the third speaker and his presentation title named "Bringing modernised Chinese medicines from bench side to bed side, using Gouqizi as an example".

Prof. So briefed the CM research and development. He focused on Gouqizi functions and chemical composition (e.g. β-carotene, Betaine, Zeaxanthin, etc.) Recently, they had studying the topic "Randomized control trial on the neuroprotective effects of oral Lycium Barbarum polysaccharides supplement in the treatment of normal tension glaucoma".

Prof. LU Aiping (Dean, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University) was the fourth speaker and his topic entitled "Chinese medicine in China".

Prof. Lu introduced the 12th Five-year Plan in which mentioned new layout for Chinese Medicine included in WHO ICD-11 and ISO. Then he briefed the basic statistics on Education and Clinical Trials. The following diagram showed the funding variation between the 11th and 12th Five-year plan.

The fifth speaker was Prof. TANG Xudong (Director, Xi Yuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences) and he presented the topic "The challenge of developing Phase I Clinical Trial Center for Chinese medicines". Good Clinical Research Practice (GCP) platform was mentioned.

The sixth speaker was Prof. LIU Liang (Vice Rector, Macau University of Science and Technology) and his topic named "Synthesizing multiple cutting-age technologies for quality research of Chinese medicines and innovative drug screening".

The seventh speaker was Dr. Eric ZIEA (Chief (Chinese Medicine and Integrative Medicine), Hospital Authority) and his topic entitled "The work of the Hospital Authority relating to Chinese medicine".

Dr. Ziea said that objectives of CM Service are to promote the development of "evidence-based" CM practice through clinical research and to systematize the knowledge base of CM. The future 3-year plan was mentioned.

The eighth speaker was Dr. GUO Ruoling (Associate Director, TCM Lead, Asia Pacific R&D,Sanofi) and his presentation was "The benefits of industry-academia collaboration in R&D of innovative TCM products". Dr. Guo concluded that collaboration was the efficient way to move forward in innovation of TCM and which was not limited to Industrial-academia and regional areas collaboration.

Mr. Dominic LAM (Member, Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification) was the ninth speaker and his presentation title named "Testing and certification of Chinese medicines in Hong Kong".

Mr. Lam mentioned the important of quality control in chinese medicines and briefed different testing methodologies such as TLC and HPLC. Finally, he summarized different requirements from herbal medicine (GAP) to Production (PIC/S GMP) to Product (Quality specification).

Theme: Chinese Herbal Medicine

Prof. Albert LEUNG (Director, School of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) was the session chair.

Dr. XU Min (Assistant Professor (Teaching Division), School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University) was the tenth speaker and his topic entitled "Systematic review of traditional herbal formulae for the treatment of common chronic diseases".

Dr. Xu explained the project objective that they performed systematic reviews and meta-analyses on Traditional herbal Formula (TF) in the treatment of ten chronic diseases including hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, liver cancer, liver fibrosis, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, depression and eczema.

The eleventh speaker was Prof. BIAN Zhao-xiang (Associate Dean and Director of Clinical Division, Shool of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University) and he presented the topic "Evidence based management HBV and its liver complications using Chinese herbal medicine: Challenges ahead". He said the current fashion in medical research was RCTism. An ideal approach was RCT-SR-Practice which was from Meta-analysis to Systematic Review to Randomized Controlled Trial and the last was Good Clinical Practice.

The twelfth speaker was Dr. FENG Yi-bin (Assistant Director (Education), School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong) and his topic named "Effectiveness of Chinese hearbal medicine in treating liver fibrosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials".

Many experimental and clinical studies investigating the potential efficacy of Chinese medicine on liver fibrosis had been published and reported the positive effect in using Chinese medicines.

Theme: Acupuncture

Prof. LU Aiping (Dean, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University) was the session chair.

Dr. CHUNG Ka-fai (Clinical Associate Professor, Department for Psychiatry, The University of Hong Kong) was the thirteenth speaker and his topic entitled "Prevention and treatment for insomnia using acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal medicine". Dr. Chung concluded that electroacupuncture and minimal acupuncture were more effective than placebo acupuncture in treating insomnia and adverse events related to acupuncture were mild in severity.

The fourteenth speaker was Dr. SUI Yi (Research Associate, Asia Diabetes Foundation) and he presented the topic "A systematic review on use of Chinese medicine and acupuncture for treatment of obesity". TCM of Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) and acupuncture were widely used to control body weight and the research aimed to examine the efficacy, safety, rationale and incidence of relapse of weight gain using TCM to treat obesity.

The Fifteenth speaker was Dr. ZHANG Zhang-jin (Assistant Director (Clinical Affairs), School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong) and his topic named "Dense cranial electroacupuncture stimulation for neuropsychiatric disorders: rationale and clinical application".

A collection of the activated neural and neuroactive components distributed in the skin, muscle, and connective tissues surrounding the inserted needle were defined as a neural acupuncture unit (NAU). Dr. Zhang concluded that dense cranial electroacupuncture stimulation (DCEAS) was effective in reducing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression and insomnia symptoms.

Theme: Herb-Drug interaction, Qi-Gong and Taichi, Clinical Trial

Prof. TONG Yao (Director, School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong) was the session chair.

Prof. Joan ZUO (School of Pharmacy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) was the sixteenth speaker and his topic entitled "Studies of herb-drug interaction involving Oseltamivir and Chinese medicine formulae". Her research found that Chinese medicine formulae (CMF1) demonstrated potential antiviral activity.

The Seventeenth speaker was Prof. Cecilia CHAN (Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong) and he presented the topic "Use of Chinese Qi-Gong in prevention and rehabilitation ". The research aimed to assess the efficacy of the Qigong exercise on physiological, psychological well-being, and quality of life for the adult chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients in Hong Kong. It was found that the optimal dosage was more than 3 times per week and at least 30 minutes per time.

The last speaker was Dr. Vincent CHUNG (Assistant Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and his topic named "Evaluating effectiveness of Chinese medicine treatment from patients’ perspective". Patient reported outcomes (PROs) use was particularly common for products developed to treat chronic, disabling conditions where the intention was not necessarily to cure but to ameliorate symptoms, facilitate functioning, or improve quality of life.

At the end, Ms. Janet WONG gave a closing remark.

The terms of Reference on the Committee on Research and Development of Chinese Medicines (CRDCM) - http://gia.info.gov.hk/general/201112/21/P201112210381_0381_88310.pdf
HKCTC - http://www.hkctc.gov.hk/en/about.html
Department of Health - http://www.dh.gov.hk/eindex.html
Hospital Authority - http://www.ha.org.hk/visitor/ha_index.asp?Lang=CHIB5
HKSTP - http://www.hkstp.org/HKSTPC/en_html/en_index.jsp