



張圭陽文章道:香港已沒有言論自由了,只容許發表反對政府的言論,要是有一點持平的心態,便會被對抗者臭罵,要求向抗爭者道歉; 一份沒有法定地位的教材指引,可以引致全面否決國民教育,這種荒謬的邏輯,常見於六十年代文革之中,五十年後,竟重現在香港 。

陳文鴻文章道:我不贊同國民教育作為獨立學科,要進行國民教育,加強常識和歷史的教育,加強老師、家長的身教,作用和意義更大。我也同意浸大撰寫的中國模式參考資料論點偏頗,不適宜作中小學教學的參考資料。但是我亦不反對以不考試的方式,在學校開展國民教育的教學。 支持或不支持的兩個極端之間還有許多人有許多選擇,支持或不支持也帶有不同的條件。把立場簡單化、極端化,並且加以道德的標籤,或對反對者妖魔化等,本身便可作為國民教育的負面案例。 可是,當反國民教育走上反洗腦便把運動的意義和作用歪曲。國民教育怎可將之等同於洗腦 — 誰洗誰的腦?那有這樣容易洗腦?持此論者忘記了校本位的政策開放重點,忘記了三年開展期的準備。


劉澄文章道:作為結論,筆者仍然支持推行國民教育 (也可以獨立成科),但條件是:一、必須扔掉《中國模式國情專題教學手冊》,二、教育界能以中立的內容推行「國民教育」。如果我們堅持上述的基礎,便不應盲目地否定「國民教育」本身的意義。



用品質管理的PDCA循環(Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle)來不斷改善,才是國民教育的應有方向。之前的(Plan)已過,現在所設的委員會在這三年試行期(Do)的工能是(Check),之後是(Act)來改善。

劉炳章 - [國民教育欠缺理性討論],太陽報,香港營,2012年08月17日,http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/news/20120817/00418_014.html 
 張圭陽 - [文革式討論],明報,2012年8月25日,http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_712c35fd01017rwt.html
 劉澄 - [洗腦?],晴報 「劉」意時事,2012年08月28日,http://blog.yahoo.com/_PFQOBGYZ4PBZELNVZCZSKYTUCM/articles/659476/index 
 陳文鴻 - [政治化、泛道德化],am730 滾滾鴻流,2012年08月28日,http://www.am730.com.hk/article.php?article=118871&d=1830 
 陳文鴻 - [反國民教育走歪路],東方日報 坦言集,2012年8月29日, http://www.orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20120829/00184_001.html 
 張潤衡 - [你在反甚麼?],am730 吹脹80後,2012年08月29日,http://www.am730.com.hk/article.php?article=119055&d=1831
吳志強 - [洗腦的謊言],am730 730視角,2012年08月31日,http://www.am730.com.hk/article.php?article=119592&d=1833

曾榮光 - [《德育及國民教育科課程指引》的批判],明報專訊,2012年08月31日,http://commentshk.blogspot.hk/2012/08/blog-post_6997.html

收件人︰ "info@parentsconcern.hk" <info@parentsconcern.hk>
傳送日期︰ 2012年09月7日 (週五) 4:19 PM
主題︰ 對反國民教育及絕食行為的意見



二)開展德育及國民教育科委員會了解社會各界對於三年「開展期」內籌備或實施德育及國民教育科的意見。 胡紅玉表示,委員會將檢視日後的教材,希望能有多元化的教材。





ASQ InfVoices - The Quality Culture in Hong Kong

Paul Borawski (CEO, ASQ) raised the August Topic of ASQ Influential Voice named "Feelings and Quality Culture". Moreover, Paul asked two questions "What do you look for in the people you hire into the organization?" and "When you're in a culture of quality, how does it feel?". In this topic, I would like to separate into two parts. The first part discussed how leadership style affects quality culture and the second part considered the local situation.

(Photo: Quarterly Mass Communication Meeting in HKSTP)

Quality Culture is an attitude and set of values employed by a company/corporation to improve the quality levels included the quality of relationships with customers and communication between employees . The best way to establish a quality culture is through top management commitment. Therefore, Leadership style is absolutely related. Recently, I attended a seminar entitled "The 6 Leadership Styles to Win at Different Challenging Times" on 17 August 2012 in Hong Kong Science Park. I learnt that six leadership styles named 1. Coercive Style (強制型), 2. Authoritative Style (引領型), 3. Affiliative Style (親和型), 4. Democratic Style (共識型), 5. Pacesetting Style (師父型), and 6. Coaching Style (導師型) would affect the Working-Climate. According to Prof. David McClelland (Harvard University), Working-Climate would impact the performance and financial results such as sales, revenue growth, efficiency and profitability. His study indicated that Coercive Style (強制型) and Pacesetting Style (師父型) could destroy the Working-Climate. Leadership gives directions and values. However, quality system is also important to be designed for peer participation. It could let new employees know the Quality Culture of the organization, which cannot be simply come from corporation orientation program. Quality Culture growth depends on nourishment with vision, supporting with structure and flourishing with actions.

In Hong Kong, most large companies have their quality policy and culture. Three famous companies in Hong Kong could be referred. They are MTR, Towngas and CLP which had sponsored the ANQ Congress 2012 Hong Kong (http://www.anq2012.org/sponsors.html). In the past, manufacturing companies are found to have stronger quality culture than service companies in Hong Kong. In addition, large companies are higher awareness of quality culture than smaller companies. It may because large companies had a quality department.

Nevertheless, a obvious trend was observed that Hong Kong leaders seldom mention about Quality or Quality Culture, but most of them emphasize on Sustainability, Environment and Energy Saving.

In here, I would like to share my company's Vision, Mission and Values below.
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC)
Vision: Transforming innovation and technological advancement into value creation that benefits Hong Kong, Mainland – and the world.
Mission: In propelling Hong Kong towards a world-class hub for selected technologies, we provide facilities, services and a dynamic environment that enable companies to nurture ideas, innovate and develop.
Values: Integrity, Excellence, Safety, Sustainability and Commitment

The 6 Leadership Styles to Win at Different Challenging Times - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2012/08/the-6-leadership-styles-to-win-at.html 


What Samson's work I observed (譚偉豪的工作之我見)

I would like to share my experience for participating Samson's activities in past 4 years.
As a professional, I have a habit to record all my activities in my blog as evidence of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

(Photo showed Dr. Samson Tam's promotion materials and my IT books collection.)

Before 2008, I don't know Dr. Samson Tam. After his action fighting for renamed Technology Bureau under The Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology, I was aware a person who worked in the same field. The first cooperation with Dr. Samson Tam was on 2nd August 2008. HKSQ, HKQAA and HKSTP co-organized a seminar to introduce ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standards, we invited Dr. Samson Tam as our modulator through Dr. Aaron Tong (HKSQ ex-chairman).
*Dr. Samson Tam as modulator chaired the open discussion session.

Then I was invited by SW Cheung (ex-boss) to join HKIE-ITD. Since I was HKIE-MIE member, I needed to add one more division based on my qualification and experience (I had a computer degree with 3 year ISMS experience.).
20080921: Samson Tam meeting with his Five Hundred Supporters
*The first time I joined Samson's support team.

After that I had attended several activities organized or supported by Dr. Samson Tam and summarized below.

20090508: HKIE Electronices Division 30th Anniversary Dinner
*Legislative Councilors Forum entitled “Technology and Engineering Develop in Hong Kong in the next 30 years” was moderated by Ir. Jolly Wong and Ir. Peter Yeung. The guests of forum were Ir. Dr. Raymond Ho, Mrs. Regina Ip and Ir. Dr. Samson Tam.

20100317: HKSQA Conference 2010 – Software Assessment and Certification
*Dr. Samson Tam was invited to give an opening address.
In that time, Samson had asked my opinion on software & personal certification. I had shared ASQ Certified Software Quality Engineer (CSQE) examination to him but it was not popular in Hong Kong.

Samson formed ToloMix which is a group of technology entrepreneurs and professionals working in the Hong Kong Science Park, who would like to share and exchange views of technologies, to uplift the image of the Science Park and to enhance the social network.
20110318: ToloMix Gathering - iPad2
*Dr. Samson Tam is a moderator of the event.
* Samson arranged the visit to ASTRI laboratories.

20110625: Hong Kong Competitiveness Seminar
*The group discussion was performed and panelist included Dr. Samson Tam Wai Ho (譚偉豪), Mrs. Fanny Law (羅范椒芬), Mr. LAU Kong Wah (劉江華), Ms. Emily Lau Wai-hing (劉慧卿), Prof. Chan Chi-fai, Andrew (陳志輝) and Dr. Ni (倪鵬飛).
All guests supported to establish Innovation and Technology Bureau in Hong Kong.

20111209: 深港「雲計算及數據中心」合作集思會 暨 交流計劃啓動式 (Cloud Computing & Data Centre Seminar)
*Dr. Samson Tam is officiating guest and gave a speech.

20120822: HKIE Forum for 2012 Legco IT Functional Constituency (FC) Election Candidates
*Dr. Samson Tam presented his proposal if he elected and answer IT industry questions.

Ir. Dr. TAM Wai Ho Samson - http://www.samsontam2012.hk/ 
The Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology - http://www.hkaast.org.hk/


HKIE Forum for 2012 Legco IT Functional Constituency (FC) Election Candidates

For the 2012 Legislative Council (Legco) Election to be held on 9 September 2012, HKIE - Information Technology Division organized Forum to facilitate HKIE - IT Division members to meet the candidates on 22 August 2012. I was attended the forum and recorded as follows.

In the beginning, both FC Election Candidates took a photo with Ir. Prof. CHOY Kin Kuen (President of HKIE). Prof. Choy was the chairman of that forum and briefed the rule that each candidate had 10 minutes to present and then questioned from audience. Each person allowed to question not more then one minute.

The first IT FC election candidate speaker was Dr. Samson Tam and he explained his work in the Legco in the past four years, as well as, his future proposal if elected. He identified his role as bridge between industry and government.

The second IT FC election candidate speaker was Mr. Charles Mok and he said Dr. Tam's work was under expectation and explained his proposal if elected.

During the Q&A session, many professionals asked different questions and summarized as follows.
1. How to establish and practice the Technology and Communications Bureau?
2. How to build Data Centre hub in Hong Kong?
3. It needed to focus the information security and cloud computing.
4. How to strength IT SME business? CEPA?
5. How to improve the IT education included teachers and students standard?
6. It needed to attract more MNC in IT field establishing R&D centre in Hong Kong.

At the end, both candidates gave conclusive remarks.

It was a gentle forum for discussion IT future policy. No serious criticism / argument happened in this professional forum.

1. Ir. Dr. TAM Wai Ho Samson - http://www.samsontam2012.hk/
2. Mr. MOK Charles - http://www.charlesmok2012.hk/


The 23rd HKSQ Annual General Meeting

The 23rd Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 17 August 2011 in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I would like to summarize our activities below.

All HKSQ activities in 2011/12 were summarized as follows:
Membership drive: 6
Networking: 12
Workshop/Training: 5
Seminar: 22 (7 organized by HKSQ; 15 supported by HKSQ)
Visit: 2
Student Project Competition: 1

It is the first time for the Society to take a leading role in organising the 10th ANQ Congress 2012 in Hong Kong, in collaboration with Asian Network for Quality (ANQ), China Quality Association (CAQ) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), from 31 July to 3 August 2012. The Congress, with the theme "Striving for Excellence through Products and Services Quality" (優化品質, 邁向卓越), attracted some 400 quality professionals over the world to participate. The Society also co-organized the Post-ANQ Networking workshop on 4 August 2012.

HKSQ Internet Communication Group:
HKSQ LinkedIn Group (Established since 2009) - No. of group member: 99 (2011) to 163 (2012)
HKSQ Facebook Group (Established since 2010) - No. of group member: 32 (2011) to 69 (2012)
HKSQ Twitter Group (Established since 2010) - No. of Follower: 9 (2011) to 15 (2012)

Then Mr. CP Chow (Hon. Treasurer and Former Chairman, HKSQ) presented the balance of ANQ Congress 2012 and HKSQ accounts.

After that Dr. Albert Tsang (Chairman, Organizing Committee of ANQ Congress 2012) reported the summary of ANQ Congress 2012. There were 380 delegates from ANQ member organizations and 14 delegates from other regions.

At the end, we invited our new Chairman (2012/13) Mr. Karson Chui gave a speech for coming vision & mission of HKSQ.

HKSQ members had a AGM dinner together.

HKSQ - www.hksq.org


The 6 Leadership Styles to Win at Different Challenging Times

I attended the seminar entitled “The 6 Leadership Styles to Win at Different Challenging Times” on 17 August 2012, which was organized by the The Centre for Logistics Technologies and Supply Chain Optimisation, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corp. (HKSTPC).

The trainer was Dr. Mark Lee and his talk content included “What Do Effective Leaders Do?”, “Consideration of Impacts on Working-Climate”, “The 6 Styles”, “Leaders Need Many Styles”, “More Science, Less Art” and “Group Discussion”.

In the beginning, Dr. Lee said "Change is in CEO Top Agenda" and quoted Prof. John P. Kotter statement that "Management is about coping with complexity. Leadership, by contrast, is about coping with change.". Then he also quoted Daniel Goleman (Author of Emotion Intelligence) four fundamental components of emotional intelligence (EI) that "Self-awareness", "Self-management", "Social awareness" and "Social skill". After that he compared EI to Lao tzu (Chinese Philosopher) as follows.
If you understand yourself, you are illuminated. ("Self-awareness" and "Self-management")
If you understand others, you are smart. ("Social awareness" and "Social skill")

Then Dr. Lee introduced the six leadership styles: 1. Coercive Style (強制型), 2. Authoritative Style (引領型), 3. Affiliative Style (親和型), 4. Democratic Style (共識型), 5. Pacesetting Style (師父型), and 6. Coaching Style (導師型).
He quoted Daniel Goleman again that Leaders with the best results do not rely on only one leadership style; they use most of them in a given week - seamlessly and in different measure - depending on the business situation.

Dr. Lee mentioned how important of Working-Climate impact performance. Per Prof. David McClelland (Harvard University), Working-Climate impacted on financial results such as sales, revenue growth, efficiency and profitability. There were six drivers to a good Working-Climate included Flexibility, Responsibility, Standards, Rewards, Clarity and Commitment. The following table indicated that Coercive Style and Pacesetting Style would affect Working-Climate.

Coercive Style (強制型) was discussed. It damaged Working-Climate because of "Flexibility is the Hardest Hit", "Sense of Responsibility Evaporates" and "A Damaging Effect on the Rewards System". However, Jack Welch statement was quoted "Strong managers who make tough decisions to cut jobs provide the only true job security in today's world." (不要攬著一齊死) and Dr. Lee added it should be changed the style at appropriate time. (見好識收)

Authoritative Style (引領型) was most effective and driving up every aspect of Working-Climate (See diagram below). Authoritative leader state a vision, set standards, and let people know how their work is furthering the group's goal. However, it should beware of experienced team members. It may be fail when a leader was working with a team of experts or peers.

Affiliative Style (親和型) was people come first. Enhancing communication and relationship, some measures should be implemented. Dr. Lee quoted two examples. The first one was in university in London that all staffs stopped working at 5:00pm on Friday and gathering at lobby for drinking together and talking each other. The other example was a local Chinese restaurant which established a position named "Employee Relationship Manager" and they arranged birthday party every month.
However, Dr. Lee send it should not be used alone. Affiliative Style had better used together with Authoritative Style (引領型).

Democratic Style (共識型) could learn what to do to keep morale high. Dr. Lee quoted Mark Zuckerberg (Founder of Facebook) statement about empowerment. But the democratic style sometimes gave people feeling confused and leaderless. It works best when it needs ideas and guidance from able employees; and it generates fresh ideas for executing with vision.

Pacesetting Style (師父型) demands for Excellence. They set extremely high performance standards and exemplifies them himself. It did easily destroy Working-Climate because of evaporation of flexibility and responsibility, as well as, unclear reward and commitment. It could be worked well if all employees were self-motivated and high competent.

Coaching Style (導師型) acted like a Counselor. Coaching focused primarily on personal development, not on immediate work-related tasks. However, coaching needed time!

Dr. Lee said leaders need many styles especially the Authoritative Style (引領型), Democratic Style (共識型), Affiliative Style (親和型) and Coaching Style (導師型); so that the best climate and business performance would be achieved. Most effective leaders switched flexibly among the leadership styles as needed.

In Group Discussion, it suggested participants to pick 2 of the most frequently used styles of your bosses and pick 2 of the rarely used styles of your bosses. Dr. Lee said you can test your former boss if your existing boss seat with you.

The Centre for Logistics Technologies and Supply Chain Optimization, CUHK: http://www.logitsco.cuhk.edu.hk/

Conference on 3D-IC: Market, Technology & Applications

The Conference entitled "3D-IC: Market, Technology & Application" was co-organized by Hong Kong Science & Technology Park Corporation (HKSTPC) and Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) on 17 Aug 2012. The seminar aimed to familiarise the industry with the latest status of 3D-IC mark, technology and application and to provide a valuable platform for both speakers and attendees to exchange their experiences and views about the challenges, solutions and business opportunities of the 3D-IC technologies and products.

Mr. Anthony TAN (CEO, HKSTPC) gave a welcoming remarks before the conference start. Mr. Tan introduced the trend of IC included down size, enhancement of functionality and reliability. Moreover, he told us the new 3D-IC laboratories will be established in April 2013 which collaboration with ASTRI.

Mr. Terence CHAN (Assistant Commissioner (Infrastructure and Quality Services) of Innovation & Technology, Innovation and Technology Commission, The Government of HKSAR) gave a welcoming remarks. He explained HKSAR government supports on HKSTPC and ASTRI.

Prof. Ricky S.W. LEE (President, IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society (CPMT)) was guest of honour and gave an opening remark. Prof. Lee explained the 3D-IC was one of future directions. He said "Knowledge grows only by being shared!".

The first keynote speaker was Dr. Ho-Ming TONG (General Manager & Chief R&D Officer, ASE Group, Taiwan) and his presentation entitled "Embracing the Era of SiP".

Dr. Tong briefed the Industry and Package trends and predicted the Web 4.0 for SiP. He said "SiP is Ideal Platform for Heterogeneous Integration such as IC (CMOS, GaAs & SiGe) and Package (LF, BGA, FC, WLP) and it provides more business opportunities for SoC. Standardization is Key to Proliferating Future SiPs (e.g. 2.5D and 3D ICs)."

The second keynote speaker was Mr. Vincent TONG (Senior Vice President of Xilinx, Inc., USA) and his presentation topic was "The Evolution of 3D ICs: Leaping Ahead of Moore's Law to Deliver a 6.8B Transistor Device".

Mr. Tong mentioned that Driver No.1 was Insatiable Intelligent Bandwidth and Driver No.2 was Limitations of Current IC Technologies. 3D ICs sold the concept on Connectivity, Capacity and Crossovers (3Cs). The following diagram showed the 3D structure of 28nm Transistor.

The comparison between Monolithic and Multi-Die FPGA on Capacity, Bandwidth and Power were discussed.
There were no equivalent below:
Capacity - 2M LC vs 1.9M LE
Bandwidth - 1.5TMACs vs 1.2TMACs
Power - 19 Watts vs 112 Watts

The third speaker was Dr. Yutaka TSUKADA (Chair of i-PACKS Consulting and Guest Professor of Ritsumeikan University and Osaka University, Japan) and his presentation named "Flip Chip Technologies, 2D through 3D".

Deformation and underfill effect, as well as, thermal stress around joint on 3D chip were discussed. Moreover, Dr. Tsukada concluded the three packaging in the future included 2D density increase, 3D Chip Stack package and Optical/Electrical Package.

The four speaker was Mr. M. Juergen WOLF (Branch Management of Faunhofer Institute Microintegration (IZM) - Centre "All Silicon System Integration Dresden - ASSID", Germany) and his topic was "3D Wafer Level Integration - Status and Perspective". Key elements for 3D integration were identified into Application, Design and Technology.

3D Technology using TSV/IP is a Key Technology for Packaging and Heterogenous System Integration. Process Readiness for 3D integration using Tapered Silicon Vias (TSV) was also discussed. Finally, Mr. Wolf identified main challenges included Technology, supply chain, design, test, standardization, thermal mamangement, reliability and cost.

Dr. Wei-Chung LO (Director of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan) was the fifth speaker and his topic entitled "Key Features and Challenges of 3D Integration".

ITRI's 3D IC Scope and Business Model were mentioned. High-end products such as multiple chips (homo/hetero) on Si/Glass platform as application and established the infrastructure of 3D integration. The following diagram introduced 3D IC using interposer.

Dr. Gary Peter WIDDOWSON (Technical Director of ASM Pacific Technology Ltd., Hong Kong) was the sixth speaker and he presented the topic was "Challenges and Enabling Technologies for 3D-IC Assembly Processes".

New interconnect technologies such as Thermo-compression bonding (TCB) and Through Silicon Via (TSV) were being evaluated and implemented. Dr. Widdowson shared the machine design concept and some core modules design such as bond head, optic & stage.

The seventh speaker was Dr. Daniel SHI (Director, ASTRI) and his presentation named "Product Oriented TSV Technology for CIS Applications".

Dr. Shi briefed evolution of electronics packaging and identified four key technical challenges on 3D-IC included "Design Method & Tools", "Manufacturing Materials & Equipment", "Tooling & Inspection" and "Testing & Qualification".

The last speaker was Mr. Pascal VIAUD (CTO, Yole Development, France) and his title was "3D-IC Market Trends: Evolution of the Semiconductors 'Middle-End' ".

Panel Discussion was chaired by Prof. Ricky S.W. Lee.

HKSTP Laboratories - http://lab.hkstp.org/default2.asp 


HKSTP Visit and HKSQ Lunch with Principal & Professors from The University of The West Indies

It is my honor Professor Clement K. Sankat (St. Augustine Campus Principal, The University Of The West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies) and Dr. Rohanie Maharaj (Asso. Professor, Food Science and Technology, The University of Trindad and Tobago) would like to visit HKSTP laboratories on 13 Aug 2012.

(Right: Prof. Clement K. Sankat and I took a photo in the science park.)

In the beginning, we visit IC Development Centre in which had three laboratories as Probe and Test Development Centre (PTDC), Reliability Laboratory (RL) and Wireless Communications Test Laboratory (WCTL).

 (Left: Dr. Rohanie Maharaj and Prof. Clement K. Sankat)

Then we visited Photonics Centre in which had IC Failure Analysis Laboratory (ICFAL) and Material Analysis Laboratory (MAL). After that we went to the Photovoltaics Test Laboratory (PVTL) for solar panel testing.

Then we visited Photonics Centre in which had IC Failure Analysis Laboratory (ICFAL) and Material Analysis Laboratory (MAL). After that we went to the Photovoltaics Test Laboratory (PVTL) for solar panel testing.

The Biotech Centre was also visited and the shared laboratory facilities was demonstrated. Moreover, I introduced one of our incubatee "Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited" and their technology was transferred from City University of Hong Kong.

HKSQ exco members had a lunch with Dr. Rohanie Maharaj and Prof. Clement K. Sankat at Science Park's chinese restaurant. We exchanged ideas on higher education and technology development.

(Group Photo (Left first row): Dr. Albert Tsang (HKSQ), Prof. Clement K. Sankat and Dr. Rohanie Maharaj; (Left second row): Ms. Rebecca, Ms. Minda Chiang, Prof. Frankey Pun and I)

The University Of The West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies - http://sta.uwi.edu/
The University of Trindad and Tobago - http://www.utt.edu.tt/
HKSQ - http://www.hksq.org/
HKSTP - http://www.hkstp.org/