
CityU Eminence Society AGM and Annual Dinner 2012

CityU Eminence Society has established on 31 Dec 2010 which is an independent registered organisation formed by enthusiastic and supportive alumni who are committed to contributing their expertise and resources for the betterment of City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and the community. It is the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Annual Dinner, held in Happy Valley Clubhouse of Hong Kong Jockey Club, on 30 March 2012.

During the AGM, Mr. Peter Ho (Chairman of CityU Eminence Society) reported the key activities from Dec 2010 to Dec 2011. Those activities included Fundraising campaign, Support for establishment of School of Veterinary Medicine, Alumni Forum, Career dinner for graduating students, City-Youth Empowerment Project, Shanghai exchange tour, Roundtable & Celebration dinner, etc.

Before annual dinner, all EngD classmates and professors took a photo with Professor Way Kuo (President and University Distinguished Scholar, CityU).

The theme of annual dinner was "A Beautiful Life". Prof. Way Kuo gave us a speech.

CityU Eminence Society initiated its first fundraising campaign from which HK$3 million pledge/donation have been received and presented to Prof. Way Kuo.

CityU Eminence Society Executive Committee members gave a toast to all participants in the annual dinner.

Mr. Huen Wong (Former President of the Law Society of Hong Kong) was invited to share with the audience his life philosophy and fulfilling experience through a lively and interactive discussion.

Then we played a game to see how participants familiar CityU activities.

During the break, a group photo of Engineering Doctorate classmates was taken.

President was a first singer and started a singing concert.

Mr. David Sun Tak-kei (Chairman of the Council of the CityU) sang a song "My Way".

Then dancing performance show was performed.

At the end, I had a chance to take a photo with Prof. Way Kuo.

CityU Eminence Society - www.cityues.org
CityU Eminence Society Launching Ceremony (城賢匯成立典禮) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2010/12/cityu-eminence-society-launching.html
CityU Eminence Society support ANQ Congress 2012 - http://www.anq2012.org/supporters_cityu.html



以品質管理原則看特首候選人能力的調查(問卷設計) (http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2012/01/hksar-ce-candidates-capability-survey.html
以品質管理原則看特首候選人能力的調查(數據分析) (http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2012/01/hksar-ce-candidates-capability-data.html
以品質管理原則看特首候選人能力的調查(總體概要) (http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2012/01/hksar-ce-candidates-capability-overall.html



2012年02月17日 西九門
雖然誤導而不失真話,比白色謊言好。但符合事實的誤導之辭出至民政事務局,就是有行政失當的行為。(如:The Lewinsky scandal was a political sex scandal emerging in 1998 from a sexual relationship between United States President Bill Clinton)
Always tell the TRUE
But NOT All the TRUE
Nothing but the TRUE

2012年03月17日 西九門
[大佬,出動到一位執行董事,兩位董事出嚟做,梁振英會唔知,仲要呢條友唔係一般料KK ChiuDTZ集團介紹DTZ大中國區估價阿頭呀。你會唔會搵個咁級數嘅人,去做free service求其俾個估價呀?]
[我對DTZ公司不認識。如果它是一間國際公司,"出動到一位執行董事,兩位董事出嚟做,梁振英會唔知"不一定成立。如Ove Arup,有份建設北京奧運項目,全球有三百個董事,每年開一次大會。因為不同的公司有不同的架構及文化。如果我是公司的VP,我只會報告有把握的項目給CEO,這是對上司的期望管理。我只是指出沒有足夠的資料作出結論。]

2012年03月18日 商台續牌及反23條立法的指控


2012年03月26日 地下黨員的指控
(中共規定 - 看來是不成文規定)
A) 梁振英是中共地上黨員
B) 黨組織管治香港而核心價值會消失
(參考: 貝剛毅(2011)思方導航-批判思考導論,第三十三頁)

· 不一致的謬誤:邏輯 / 自相矛盾、自我推翻、雙重標準
· 不相干的謬誤:人身攻擊、牽強類比、偷換論題〈即離題謬誤〉
· 不充分的謬誤:以偏概全、假值傳遞、居後為果
· 不當預設的謬誤:循環論證、混合問題
如要深入研究,請閱讀李天命的「思考藝術」 (終定本)。

李天命的思考藝術 (終定本) (第五十八版) 明報出版社 二零零八年一月
貝剛毅(修訂第二版)思方導航-批判思考導論 匯智出版 二零一一年十二月

HKSQ Student Project Competition 2012 - Presentation

The HKSQ student project competition offers an opportunity for students to work on an actual industrial case and propose resolution. This allows them to gain experience of resolving an industrial problem. The competition included three sessions. The first sessions was problems selection which problems were designed and explained by sponsor company (e.g. Vital-Health Livestock Development Limited in 2012). The second session was farm visit and the last session was presentation of suggested solutions.

After the presentation rule mentioned by Mr. Karson Chui (HKSQ ex-chairman), the HKSQ Student Project Competition 2012 presentation started on 24 March 2012.
There were two topics below.
Topic 1: How do we reduce the electricity consumption and maintain health environment?
Topic 2: How do we maintain freshness period of packed chicken and pork?

The first presentation team (Team 4) come from HKUST and they selected Topic 1.

The second presentation team (Team 9) come from HKU and they selected Topic 2.

The third presentation team (Team 5) come from PolyU and they selected Topic 1.

After the tea break, the presentation was continued.
The fourth presentation team (Team 7) come from CityU and Topic 2 was selected.

The fifth presentation team (Team 8) come from HKU and Topic 1 was selected.

The sixth presentation team (Team 6) come from PolyU and Topic 2 was selected.

The seventh presentation team (Team 1) come from CityU and Topic 1 was selected.

The eighth presentation team (Team 2) come from CityU and Topic 1 was selected.

The last presentation team (Team 3) come from HKUST and they selected Topic 2.

Before result announcement, Mr. Kwok Ming Cheung (Managing Director, Vital-Health Livestock Development Limited) shared his experience to students. Then Mr. Kwok was invited to present the prize to each winner.

The 2nd Runner Up was City University of Hong Kong (Team 1).

The 1st Runner Up was The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Team 6).

The Champion was The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Team 5).

Then I represented HKSQ to present souvenir to Mr. Kwok Ming Cheung.

Group photo with all students

Photo taken for Dr. KS with all CityU students

The following presentations were selected to demonstrate students' creative ideas.

HKSQ Company Based Student Project Competition - http://www.hksq.org/company_based_competition.htm
HKSQ Student Project Competition 2012 - Briefing Session - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.com/2012/02/hksq-student-project-competition-2012.html

Technical Seminar on Product Testing and Certification 2012

The Technical Seminar on Product Testing and Certification was held on 24 March 2012. The seminar was jointly organized by Department of System Engineering and Engineering Management of City University of Hong Kong (SEEM, CityUHK), Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Section (MIES), The IET Hong Kong, and MILES Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) was one of supporting organizations.

The seminar aims to introduce the development of product testing and certification in Hong Kong to the participants; the theme of this seminar was focused on Food Management System and Testing. The summary was shown below.

In the beginning, Ir. Lam Man-Kwan (MILESSA representative) gave a welcoming speech. He expressed that Hong Kong could be the Centre of Testing and Certification.

Then Dr. K.S. Chin (Asso. Professor, SEEM of CityU) presented an opening remark. He briefed the important of Testing and Certification to enhance product quality and brand. Moreover, he introduced the recently bachelor course entitled "BEng Total Quality Engineering (BETQE)". The concept of BETQE was formed in 2007 and proposed to CityU in 2008. The course was started on 2009 that was before the establishment of Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC).

After that IET and MILESAA presented souvenir to supporting organizations.

I represented HKSQ to receive the souvenir.

Group photo of all speakers and representatives of supporting organizations

The first speaker was Ms. Janice Chan (Independent Consultant and Lead Auditor) and her topic entitled "ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System".

Ms. Janice Chan briefed the key points of ISO 22000 included "Interactive Communication", "System Management", "Pre-requisite Programmes" and "HACCP Principles".

The following chart demonstrated the Interactive Communication in the whole supply chain.

Then Janice explained how to establish HACCP system.

At the end, Janice mentioned that Pre-requisite Programmes were involved good working instruction and infrastructure (e.g. GMP) to avoid cross-contamination. The most important was traceability system.

The second speaker was Dr. Leung Ka-Sing (Visiting Asso. Professor, ABCT Dept of PolyU) and his presentation named "Food Testing for Radioactive Contamination".

Dr. Leung explained the key radioactive contamination was come from nuclear accident. The common contaminated food after accident were milk, meat and others.

The Codex Guideline Levels for radionuclides contaminated food were showed as follows.

Dr. Leung said Gamma radiation should be measured first after the accident because of it high penetration power. There were two types of detector in which one was Scintillation Detector (e.g. Sodium iodide (NaI) detector) and the other was Semi-conductor Detector (e.g. High purity germanium (HPGe) detector). Detectors photo were showed below.

Sodium iodide (NaI) detector

High purity germanium (HPGe) detector

The following diagram showed Semi-conductor Detector was higher resolution that Scintillation Detector.

Then Dr. Leung briefed the calibration radionuclides (which should be long half-life).

For food sample measurement, it needed to take background counting and applied appropriate correction. Moreover, the food sample measurement should be the same conditions as calibration. After that it needed to calculate the activity concentration and unit expressed as Bq/kg or Bq/l.

Before break, Ir. Leung brief the membership of MILESAA and IET.

The last speaker was Mr. Jacky Lo (Senior Manager, Dept. of Food and Microbiology, Castco Testing Centre Ltd.) and his presentation topic was "Food Testing for 7+1 Nutrition Label of Hong Kong".

Mr. Jacky Lo said Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations (cap 132W) was in force and effective on 1 July 2010. Presence of a Nutrition Label with 7+1 information were: 1 (energy) + 7 (protein, carbohydrate, total fat, sat. fatty acids, trans fatty acids, Na and sugars). The following showed that there were 10 tests to be done for the nutrition label.

Then Mr. Jacky Lo explained the testing one by one. The following diagram showed the test for analysis of fatty acids (included saturated and trans fatty acids).

I was invited to be a facilitator for the Q&A session.

After the souvenir presentation, Ir. Dr. Benny Cheung (Chairman IET-MIES) gave a closing remark.

Group photos were taken.